by Wilbur Witt
Call me an insensitive bastard but I don't give a damn about Syria. I don't care if the government falls, rises, or bakes a cake. I think the president of that nation is the typical Middle Eastern photo-op type of idiot who probably came to power in some coup d'état that was as far removed from democracy as Hitler from a Bar Mitzvah. I don't know what Syrian food tastes like, and NONE of my ex-wives are from there. I don't believe the fate of the world rests on this barren strip of desert, and I don't give a damn about whatever "history" it had before the Romans stormed over it on their way to beat the shit out of Israel. Is that politically incorrect enough for y'all. Well, butter my ass and call me a biscuit!
Our presidents have made a huge game out of fanning the flames of war, ignoring the constitution, and plunging us into one involvement after another. We had a reason to take on Afghanistan. We had less reason to invade Iraq. We have NO reason to attack Syria! And don't mistake me for a misty-eyed liberal who is so concerned for the people of Syria that I want to save them from the missiles that will surely come. You think that gas screwed them up? Just wait until that Navy fleet lets go with those 1.2 million dollar firecrackers and then count the collateral damage. When the smoke clears every insane Jihadist in the world will come screaming out of their Mosques throwing pressure cookers at anything that moves. And they don't have to throw them far, folks. Practically every state has a training facility for these people, and the Homeland Security is too busy looking under Granny Clampett's bustle at LAX to even notice!
Does that shock you? Did that make you drop you Duncan donut? Well, it's true! The 19 hijackers did not fly into the US from Canada, they were already here. The Boston bombers did not ride a camel across the Mexican desert, they were already here! The Fort Hood shooter did not parachute down from a private plane . . .HE WAS ALREADY HERE! They are all among us and what is the government doing? Planning another war on a country that most Americans don't even find on a map! And NOBODY with any sense wants it to happen. The leaders in Congress are screaming, "No, no, HELL no!" All the polls are saying the same thing.
Stability in the Middle East. If that's not an oxymoron I'm not a white boy from Austin. That region has been unstable since Cain slew Abel. They all claim to believe in one God, but they can't agree on one version of their religion. They won't eat a ham sandwich, but they will eat a bug. They claim to be the religion of peace and then want to spread their "law" far and wide where a teenage girl is stoned to death for looking good in shorts! And we're about to waste American money and lives to defend this shit?
Now, I don't buy into this impeachment stuff. I believe that the President has to make some hard calls, and has a right to do so without the threat of being fired every five minutes. Wait a minute . . .WE all live with that, but what the hell, anyway, he needs to be able to do his job, ok? But when practically EVERYBODY is screaming, "DON'T DO IT," isn't he supposed to, like, represent US? And what will happen if we stand by and just let things roll? Well, someone will win the civil war in Syria. Either the Muslim Brotherhood, who will hate us, heck, they already do, or the reigning government who is learning to hate us quite well right now. Then, the whole thing will just fade away. All the various factions will continue to fight about which hand to wipe their ass with.
We need to fix OUR country. We need to stop trying to fix people who have been broken since the first day their ancestors swung down out of the trees. You can't safely draw money from an ATM in Watts and we're supposed to worry about people who would set us on fire at the slightest chance. Have we lost our minds? No, the American people haven't lost theirs, but I can't say the same about the current administration. Mr President, I want you to get up, go to your window and open it. Smell that? That's coffee. Take a big sniff.
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