All Kangaroos Aren't In Australia
by Wilbur Witt
Like Will Rodgers I don't make jokes, I just watch the courts and report the facts. Right now, as I type, we have a jury in Belton, Texas trying to come to a ruling on a case involving a man, a gun, and a rather rotund officer of the law. Seems that a man, Mr. Grisham, was taking a ten mike hike in the country with his son. He brought along a rifle, pistol, and his license to carry. Someone saw fit to call the Temple PD and out came officer "I'm from Brookland in town two weeks to soive YOU," and subsequently arrested Mr. Grisham for "displaying his weapon 'rudely!"
Ok, fact one: You can carry a long gun in Texas! It's that simple. You can walk down the street carrying a long gun and it's not against the law. Now, as I've pointed out before there are appropriate places to carry a long gun, and places where it's a little out of the norm, but it's all legal, and walking down a country road with your son is one of those legal places!
Now, let's get one thing straight; Temple, Texas police are stupid, ok? Sorry I'm not politically correct, but they are. I've had encounters with them over the years and I'm unimpressed. They are the only entity I know of more corrupt than the CPS, I take that back, but they're pretty bad. This cop strolls up to Mr. Grisham, and takes his gun. Then he gets backup, then they look for a charge, then they arrest Mr. Grisham for whatEVER! The main charge was, "I'm a cop and you're NOT!"
Hey, I'm not done yet. This ends up in district court. Some college educated lawyer on state welfare call the DA read this case and decided to go forward. We pay these people, folks. We actually give lawyers money who have never read the constitution. Whenever I have to go to court I look at these girly-men and can't help but think what would happen if they ever woke up one day and had to go to work! They are ignorant, and Texas lawyers are the absolute worse. All they do is huddle in the judge's chambers, cut a deal, and their client's throat, and figure out where the cocktails are later that night.
Now for the judge! I think his name is Richardson. Ok, in my opinion he is an illiterate buffoon! Bell County dragged in a district judge from Houston (which is an immediate red flag) to process ute the case and these two girly-men got together to run the show . The judge, in chambers, even referred to Mr. Grisham as a "local yokel!" Talk about bias! Bear in mind at no time did these two idiots ever read the 2nd amendment.
So, they spent of untold thousands of dollars going to trial to prosecute a man who broke no law. Officer Doughnut testified. Cheech and Chong met in chambers, and the jury retired. We wait for the result. If the jury has any sense at all Mr. Grisham will walk, but we still probably are looking at the CPS which is normal for this bunch of looney tune legalists. Just not enough rope and trees, friends, just not enough rope and trees!