Saturday, September 9, 2017

The Kids Are Alright

The kids are alright. Education is the key. Right Yesterday I saw a video of two UT coeds trying to argue with the Infowars reporter yesterday. They were all about "black this" and "brown that," and he asked, "What about the man who said that we should not be judged by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character? Do you remember who said that?" They looked confused and said, "No!"

COLLEGE girls from the University of Texas! Right behind that was a little girl around ten or so who articulately put the reporter in his place. HER'S is the generation who will change the world, not the two airheads from UT!

I would not know how to own a person. I couldn't imagine relating to another human being on that level. I just can't do it! Of course I see black, just like I see my granddaughter, Puck is a Jew. David Duke says she, and her people are what's wrong with the world and should be eradicated. David is batshyt crazy!
When I was growing up I often stayed with my uncle in Shreveport who was quite wealthy. He had a housekeeper named Kathleen. I was embarrassed by her constantly serving my meals, cleaning my clothes and room so as much as I  could I took  care of myself. My uncle explained to me that there was us and then there was them! I could never take that in! I continued to do what I always did and I was 16. Kathleen even brought her daughter to meet me. This could never blossom in Louisiana because it was against the law!
Until my grandkids went to school they'd never heard the word "Nigger!"
Since Killeen is majority black the began to hear nigga all over the school yard. The little kids would run up, give my kids a big hug and call them "my nigga!" Now, my ex was all disturbed by this. People of our generation know what the word implies, but the kids DON'T! They have spun an entirely different meaning and WE are going to die off.
The two college girls were poorly informed. The answer is EDUCATION, and part of that education is those statues, but like the Alamo, in their proper place with complete transparency of what they remind us of.
Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, and the KKK don't change anything but headlines for the Main Stream Media. The Kids Are Alright, and the Kids ages seven to twelve will change things. We will take our experiences, hates, and prejudices to the grave, and the kids will cover it all up and go on. The Kids Are Alright!


On April 12th 1861, The bankers, the money people, got their way, and Johnny Reb marched north amid hurrahs toward a war that would ultimately ultimately kill 240,000 southern soldiers and support personnel. A quarter million husbands, brothers, fathers, uncles and cousins, to say nothing of best friends and community leaders; all dead. It is safe to say that more than the flower of southern youth died in that pitiless war. The glue that bound southern society together was undone. The financial foundation of the south died on those bloody battlefields too, as did any vision of a future that that held southern towns, counties, states, and regional authorities on a rational course, for the past had been stolen by destruction too utter to comprehend, and without a past, the future has no father to guide it.

Southern hospitals were decimated, as were the schools. Hell came to the south, and, on May 9th, 1865, when Johnny finally came marching home, home turned out to be a word without meaning. Setting aside those few families who were lucky enough to see the return of a loved one, there were no hurrahs: only the weeping of the inconsolable. The devastation of the south was complete. Agriculture, gone. Livestock, gone. Property, destroyed. Roads, torn and unusable. Railroads, useless due to sabotage. It beggars the imagination doesn't it? But that is the way of war, and that is what the surviving remnants of the southern army came home to.

And more desolation was on it’s way thanks to the final performance of James Wilkes Booth on that cursed day of April 14th 1865, for that act ensured that the fate of the south would lie in the hands of Andrew Johnson, Lincoln’s Vice President, a petty, vengeful martinet who would make 150 years of third world status a certainty for the south. But more of that in the next article in this series, ”A Laudable Intent”.

Now, thanks to westward expansion, and the opportunities that existed everywhere, but the south, Johnny’s descendants live among us, in every state in the union; but the descendants of his widows still dwell in the south, as do the progeny of his orphans, and the truth is, the south is still a separate state. Southern customs, culture, and identity abound, and they differ widely from the rest of the country. No matter how many Walmarts, or McDonalds, or malls the money people put in the south, it will always see outsiders when people from other parts of the union come to their land, trying to assimilate them into the growing wasteland of corporate commercialism that has taken root in America. So, the next time you see a confederate monument pulled down, you think this: that’s not a statue of Saddam that got pulled down, that’s a piece of American history. And, pulling down Saddams statue didn't weaken Iraqi resolve in the least, why should we believe it will birth anything but resentment and a stronger resolve to remain separate in southern folk? Shouldn't the present allow the future a glimpse of the past? Shouldn't American children be allowed to know that Johnny went off to war, and what it was When Johnny Came Marching Home Again?

Monday, September 4, 2017

Fake News

 Fake News. You’ve all heard it. There are even Fake News filters you can download, and tutorials on YouTube to help discern between the real, and the not so real. But, what is Fake News? Where did it come from? How long have the news services been compromised? Can we believe anything delivered to us through the Main Stream Media, or any other source for that matter, and what is the agenda behind the news services who follow this script?

Wikipedia defines Fake News as:   Fake news is a type of journalism or propaganda that consists of deliberate misinformation or hoaxes spread via traditional print and broadcast news media or online social media.[1] Fake news is written and published with the intent to mislead in order to gain financially or politically, often with sensationalist, exaggerated, or patently false headlines that grab attention.

There has always been Fake News. The newspaper giants of the mid to late 1800’s worked overnight to out lie one another in order to provide the “Newsies” in the morning with the fodder to sell more papers. Often wittingly or unwittingly these publications provided public support for government where situations required a fired up, and poorly informed public. From the bombing of the Maine, and all the way to the Tonkin Gulf, news stories fanned flames where only a whiff of smoke existed.

About 1917 a small group of industrialists, that’s right, industrialists, got together and understood the power of the press, but more than that understood the power of controlling the press. They figured that if the information systems could be made to sing from the same sheet of music that it would lend legitimacy to the news coming out, and greatly benefit their plans for a more unified world especially if that music were THEIR music!

With a small amount of reasoning it came down to controlling just twenty-five national publications which while giving the illusion of competition, were actually under the command of the same eighteen editors who reported to J. P. Morgan, Rockefeller, and associates. The former literary dog fight became the renowned, and trusted Main Stream Media which eventually bled over to radio, TV, and even movie plots, all dancing together like the Radio City Rockettes. The image was one of integrity and gave the public the comfort of knowing the freedom of the press would KEEP America great, and Walter Cronkite most certainly edited the Ten Commandments for Moses. Gotta be true! We saw Moses at the movies.

This system flourished in full force from WWI all the way to around 1967 when the kids in the street began to point out we had no business in Vietnam no matter WHAT Cronkite said, and the ricochets all over Dealy Plaza were blowing bigger holes in the Warren Report than the one in Kennedy’s head! Fake News can be tricky. There are many variations. Remember the early days of the National Enquirer? We all knew it was a rag, but when there was a picture of a dead monkey with a cigarette in his mouth under a banner headline reading, GOVERNMENT ADMITS DEAD ALIEN FOUND AT ROCKWELL! you’d buy the paper! I know I did. The human trait of reading the absurd makes you want to read stuff you know to be false the same way you’d pay for a ticket to see Clint Eastwood shoot a thug in San Francisco. I know I did that, too!

Now take the Watergate story. Be honest, was Nixon any more crooked than Clinton or Obama? What did he really do. Tried to get some dirt on a Democrat. In the Clinton White House there was dirt. It was on Monica’s knees. The Washington Post, one of those twenty-five newspapers, assigned two reporters to track the story down, expand it, and spoon feed it to the other MSM outlets from sea to shining sea and Nixon got a free ride home! While the story was based in reality the amplification made Nixon’s sin the crime of the century.

Slowly the lines blurred between sources such as the Enquirer and the New York Times that they became indistinguishable. The paradox was that the alternative media began to see the MSM for what it was. They couldn’t compete with the budget of the Times, The Post, or the TV networks so they devised a new plan. The TRUTH!   By the turn of the century the MSM had gone so far afield that telling the truth became a novelty, and people like Alex Jones, Crystal Lee Laramore, and Doc Greene saw an opportunity. One other factor began to filter in that changed the playing field. The advent of the internet. Once the satellites were up and spinning any thirteen year old girl could challenge Barbara Walters. For a while the MSM held sway, but after a while it began to take to the net, spinning the same old yarns. It is losing the war!

We as Americans take some things for granted. Politicians work for the bosses, prices will always rise and the Main Stream Media is one hundred percent, certified Fake News! So why do we keep watching it? We do that for the same reason we bought the paper with the monkey on the front page. MSM eroded slowly. At first I, like many others, scanned the headlines believing that even though I knew it was slanted at least the core would be a few facts, and if I took in ABC, CBS, CNN, and the New York Times,  that by forming a weighted average I could arrive at the real story. That’s like having seven layers of icing on a crap cake. Bon Appetit! My final exit was after it became common knowledge that President Trump held some responsibility for Hurricane Harvey.

But, it doesn’t stop there. Let me ask you. Let’s have a show of hands. How many of you have ever SEEN
an ANTIFA member in person? How about some Black Lives Mattering down at your local police department? When was the last time a member of your local police department shot a twelve year old black kid for waving a stick? I don’t believe I’ll have to take my shoes off to count the hands. How can you tell Fake News? In a word, it’s ALL fake! The MSM filters all its news stories through the same cookie cutter mold that goes all the way from innuendo to outright lies! Then, they saturate the alternative media with preposterous claims in an effort to discredit that sector with the hope of luring the buying public back home. Well, it’s not going to work. People read. They think, and we have a president who calls them out on social media every day. We ASSUME they’re liars, and it doesn’t matter if George Soros is behind it or the Mickey Mouse Fan Club, the store brand is beating the national brand hands down!

Just look at this week alone. National Polls (Oh, that’s another MSM trick) says Trump’s approval rating is down to thirty percent. He fills up a venue in Phoenix. They grudgingly admit he rushed to Houston, but some bag lady posing as a journalist in New York said the First Lady was wearing the wrong shoes. Trump’s eleven year old son wore the wrong shirt a week before. Then they pitch in the story that Michelle Obama is a man, making it look like its source was Alex Jones in yet another effort to discredit him, and by that the entire alternative movement. Bottom line: Trump is the real president, we’re making real strides, and we’re reading REAL news. Where’s that monkey with the cigarette now?

Sunday, September 3, 2017

The Unmoved Mover

The origin of morality, the universe, the species, and just about everything else sparks debates that have no answers, and no end. The unmoved mover, which in its Ancient Greek origins reads κινούμενος κινεῖ, is a perfectly logical assumption that the universe, and all that we know simply had to be put into motion by some force not subject to the laws of said universe which simply must obey the laws of physics put upon it by the mover.  This evolved from reason, and indeed not a trivial amount of common sense.

Scientists and physicists call it the Big Bang, religious call it God, but you simply must agree that at some point the universe was not here, and now it is. That is the simple part. The difficult part is trying to imply that a bunch of naked apes, such as we are, can have the audacity to propose that we can understand this entity, write authoritative books on the subject, and then enforce our ideas on the other members of society because we, and only we have the “Truth!”

The same logic that applies to the understanding of what we can reason must have happened “In The Beginning” applies equally with what we know simply cannot occur if you take it logically. I know that the universe came to be simply because I’m sitting in it right now drinking a cup of coffee, and smoking a very politically incorrect cigarette. Likewise, my experience and common sense tells me that no teenage boy found approximately eighty-eight pounds of gold in the form of a book, took them and deciphered them from some ancient language by peering through a peep stone or crushing his face into a hat, which ever version you subscribe to, it matters very little. Such an event defies logic. I will be told that these things are beyond logic and we can never understand them, but I ask you, why would an omnipotent creative force go through all the trouble to create a universe, set up the physics by which it operates, wait eons, and then proceed to scrap those principles willy nilly like an out of control child who changes, or ignores the rules of a basketball game simply because the results of the game no longer please him?

 This Gnostic inclination that flows throughout the religious world enforces the same logic I cited above when it tells me that a merchant in the Middle East saw an angel when common sense requires nothing more in that cave except bats, yet there again the arrogance of the race comes into play and tells him he must remove parts of little girls’ anatomy lest she should indulge in exactly what those parts were designed for at some later date, excluding a rape perpetrated by some insightful religious leader who was told to partake of the goods of the body.

This understanding, or misunderstanding of the forces defining our existence run through all religion. The Mover created man, man created religion, and religion is man’s feeble attempt to explain the unexplainable. There will never be a consensus. It’s all bipartisan with absolutely nothing to do with observable facts. Only one factor enters into the fray that throws itself like a cosmic monkey wrench into the well oiled gears of the denominations plying for world domination, and that one thing is Jesus!

Jesus brought everything down to a level that while not explaining how it all fits together does tell us why. Treat others as you’d like to be treated. By judging others you judge yourself because the laws put into place by the unmoved mover apply to all equally no matter how many golden plates or bats you may find. When you give forgiveness it configures you to accept forgiveness, and no matter how hard you work at it you will never be able to do it all right because you are under the impulse of the original creation, good and bad! Jesus’ words were effective, simple, and direct. It was a good simple hamburger. Now we have MacDonalds with Whataburger right across the street.

Where there is organized religion there is money, and money buys power. The Imams buy oil futures, and Mormon prophets buy stock in Coke. They both get around to deep concerns about little girls’ attire. The unmoved mover is very concerned about that, in fact it’s job one. We all look up at the same sky, ask the same questions and end up in the same place, and the world soon forgets us for indeed, we forget ourselves.