Sunday, December 22, 2013

America Won!

                                                   America Won Today!
                                                              by Wilbur

     Once in a blue, blue moon someone comes along who makes a difference. Phil Robertson made that difference this weekend. But, it wasn't just him, it was every American who believed in God, decency, goodness, family and truth. For too long we have put up with the insane gyrations of every fringe group, no matter how crazy, no matter how indecent, no matter how far afield from the standards that founded this country, we just continued to work, keep our heads down and hoped for the best. It came down to one man speaking his mind, giving his opinion, basing these opinions from the Bible and these wackos leaped on him like a bunch of wild dogs. Only problem was they didn't look behind him. They didn't look at the millions of Americans who suddenly stood up and said, "ENOUGH!" If a sixty-seven year old man can't state that he believes what the Bible says we have come to a sad state of affairs. If a man who makes duck calls can't stand up for decency we have lost something in this country. Well, we didn't lose it. Even people in New York that wouldn't know a duck call if it walked up and honked at them stood up. 

     I have never watched Duck Dynasty, but I intend to now. I've never purchased a duck call but I'm going to now. Haven't read a Bible in a coon's age, but I'm going to give it another look. And I'm going to be eternally grateful to Phil for waking me up. I'll be grateful to him for drawing his line in the sand, which I was proud to step across and stand beside him. America will be a better place. We have seen what one old man with a duck call can do. Thank you Phil. Quack! Quack!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

It Is What It Is

                                                        It Is What It Is
                                                             by Wilbur

   One of the reasons that I pulled away from the religious community was I found that most Christians obeyed the ten commandments, or eight of their choice. If you differ from them they get that fire in their eyes, and shortly thereafter they try to shove said fire up your ass. And don't even get me started on the "religion of peace," Islam, because I do have an opinion, and I DON'T need a bomb in my car. But, I've found that when you mix religion and political correctness you get a shit stew. 

     Phil Robertson is a redneck from Louisiana. My parents are buried near where he lives, so I've heard that type of stuff before. He spouts off things I heard in the Baptist church down on Laurel Street when I was five years old in Shreveport, and all the politically correct crowd gasps in snake amazement.  What amazes me is two things. One, what does his religious beliefs have to do with a simplistic reality series about duck calls, and two, why didn't A&E just let this play out? I would have milked this thing for everything it was worth, but that's just me! 

     Personally I don't give a shit what people think. If I can draw a line to the bank, I'm IN!  I have beliefs, but they are my beliefs and I rarely share. I don't condemn anyone, but if I don't like it I just don't do it. I've had several gay friends and even wrote a series of articles for the Gay Rights folks up in New York explaining constitutionality. I also wrote articles for the FLDS concerning polygamy, which I happen to support, but when I'm out with a gay friend I pick up on girls, and he does whatever floats his boat. Has nothing to do with gun rights, recipes or Obamacare. 

     Do I find homosexual sex distasteful? Yes. I find all screwing distasteful unless I'm the one doing the screwing. I also don't like watching someone take a shit, too. I have one pet peeve about gays, however. Years ago a friend of mine was telling me about interviewing job applicants in a call center in Austin. He told me that one thing that amazed him was that a lot of the time, if the person being interviewed was gay, they would eventually point that out as if it was relevant to the interview. He said, "That's like a straight guy saying, 'Hey, I really think you should know, I fuck women." 

     And I know, know, someone is going to chime in here with some stuff about how much abuse gays, blacks, or whomEVER have been set upon, and how we somehow owe them a get out of jail free card, well friends and neighbors, I'm poor white trash. Where's MY check? This started out to simply be a comment, and as you can see it grew. No doubt some of my readers, one in particular who will remain nameless will pick it apart, but in the words of the Apostle, Robert Vogan, "It is what it is!"

Friday, December 20, 2013

Natalie and Me

                                                     Natalie and Me
                                                            by Wilbur

     Had a most lively debate last night with a friend of mine, Natalie  I met Natalie some years ago and we have maintained contact even while I was in California. Natalie is a dyed-in-wool liberal Texas democrat! And I'm not kidding, folks. If she could, she would get in a time machine so she could go back just to vote for LBJ! She is also a vet with not one but two tours of Iraq under her pretty little belt, a degree and fills in as a substitute teacher. She has two wonderful children, the oldest, who is going to be a lawyer, I'm sure, and a baby, who crawls around the floor and runs the house. Her husband is a gun enthusiast who will buy you all the beer you can hold just to visit and talk with you. 

     Natalie and I don't agree on anything! If Obama announced tomorrow that we all should eat crap for breakfast she would fire up the stove and break out the corn meal! Oh, I forgot to tell you that she is an excellent cook, and if she fried that crap I'd probably eat it. I, on the other hand, wouldn't believe Obama if he told me he was black. She is pro-choice, pro-welfare, and anything else on the democratic agenda. She is very passionate about what she believes in and if, like I do, you know how to push her buttons, you can elicit a very spicy discussion out of her at any given moment. 

     Back when I was in high school, just after the civil war, the term "liberal" had a completely different connotation than it does today. Simply put, as my civics teacher, Mr. Cole told us, a liberal is simply a person who is willing to try new things. Back then I don't know why we even HAD a republican party in Texas, save that I suppose SOMEONE had to appear on the other side of the ballot so as to make it all look fair. Mr. Cole said that the republicans represented big business and it was the job of democrats to keep them in check. And, besides that, republicans were all Yankees, and we knew what kind of people THEY were! We came out of Mr. Cole's class wearing our liberal democrat cowboy hats with pride. When I eventually voted I just stepped behind the curtain and voted a straight democratic ticket, and I didn't care WHO was on that ballot, I would have voted for Hitler if he'd have run for Land Commissioner! 

     And that system remained in place until  Bill Clements became governor.  After that it teeter-tottered between parties with short democratic rallies under Mark White and Ann Richards until Jr. Bush took office waiting for pop to vacate the White House, and the Republican party has pretty much held firm ever since. We currently have Rick Perry in there, but he's a RINO (republican in name only) so I don't know if he counts or not. He is an elephant that eats republican grass and craps donkey stools. But I digress. 

     Even though I was appalled at our first republican governor, when the state didn't fold the first year I relaxed some. I actually began to READ the ballot, and it took me more than thirty seconds to vote after that. As I ventured into business I began to listen to what the candidates said, and slowly but surely I began to swing over to the red side of the booth more and more until I was a one hundred percent republican. I received training under my son, Master Chief Wilbur William Witt III, USN who fine tuned me on the political ideals of the party, but long before that,  Natalie was growing up in southeast Texas becoming a chrome plated liberal democrat exactly as I once was. Nat and I crossed paths in 2010 and a fiery relationship was born. 

     The way America is supposed to work is simple. You have two opposing factions sitting on each side of the isle. They don't totally agree on anything. The democrats want to give freebies away to their huge voting block and the republicans see themselves as the old guard protecting the conservative interests of what they perceive as the foundation of capitalism. To the democrats republicans look like old grandfathers with huge handlebar mustaches and to the republicans the democrats look like a bunch of pot smoking hippies. And you have to get these guys and gals under one roof and at least TRY to run the country. Nothing ever comes out perfect, case in point the recent budget deal. The democrats would have Obamacare permanently funded until Christ comes back and the republicans would opt to shut down the entire country until we were all selling apples on some street corner. Somehow, they met in the middle and got a deal. This is called "compromise."  The democrats were fairly pleased as were most republicans, save a few folks like Ted Cruz, who slipped off in a corner licking their respective wounds vowing to fight another day. 

     But, this is what makes it work, folks. And we all have to put up with the spin coming out of both factions, but use a little common sense. Here's where Natalie and I disagree. She would have free abortions for every single woman who partied too much last night and woke up wearing someone else's shirt. I would prefer life in prison for anyone who even THOUGHT about doing such a thing and the middle of the road is not easy to find. But we must find it. Throw in the fact that I am a Texas Nationalist because while not having given up on the idea of America I firmly believe that idea has been transplanted to Austin. Natalie went to Iraq and fought for my right to think that way and she is a flag waving federalist. I'm always aware of that when I debate her, and I'm always aware of perceptions. Do you realize that in 1776 the liberals all rallied under George Washington and the conservatives rushed to the crown wondering what was in their three cornered minds? Perceptions! 

     Natalie and I will find common ground. And what will come out of our debates will be well worth reading. There's still a little Texan in this girl. I took a swipe at her last night that no one watching picked up on. I told her she should stop acting like a "Yankee" and I'm glad it was an online debate and she was not in the room with me. Talk about the "N" word, use the "Y" word on a Texas girl and see where that gets you! If you've ever read any of my books you know I'm infatuated with intelligent, strong women. I'm very infatuated with Natalie. The ghost of Daniel Webster is said to make its appearance now and again and asks, "How stands the country?" Natalie stands with her gay, lesbian, straight, black, white, drunk or sober friends, waves the flag that SHE paid for and replies, "Strong, sir! The nation is strong!" Did I forget to tell you she's a good shot too?

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Pink and Stink

Pink and Stink
By Wilbur
            Phil Robinson, of Duck Dynasty, can never be accused of being politically correct. In fact the entire concept of the show is a bunch of politically IN-correct people going about their Louisiana business living the American dream.  However, as we’ve all seen in recent years that dream has become a pipe dream.  People have become so indoctrinated in being “correct” that they have lost most, if not all of their common sense, and when someone speaks out using said common sense, those of us who have had our collective heads in the sand for so long just try to dig deeper, indeed, even siding with factions that we would NEVER have agreed with, say, ten years ago! 
            First, lets get the playing field clear.  Ok, freedom of speech is guaranteed in the constitution, but here’s where it gets a little sticky.  If you are working for someone and you freely say in the coffee shop, during break, that the owner of the company, your BOSS, is a dummy who couldn’t find his way to the Wal-Mart on a sunny day you may be free, but you may also be fired!  One must pick and choose their battles and weigh the cost of such battles.  That having been said, let’s chime in with a little good ol’ capitalism. If you worked for that company, and had been instrumental in inventing some items that was making that company a ton of money, and everyone knew you had more of that in you, then if the boss took offense and fired you (which is his right) and lost that ability, then perhaps you were right; he WAS too stupid to find a Wal-Mart on a sunny day!
            That’s where we stand with Phil Robinson.  The Robinsons have handed A&E a golden egg!  MANY golden eggs, or should I say duck eggs.  And they will continue to lay those eggs for the foreseeable future.  Their very NATURE sells the show.  They are the perfect paradox.  They look like rednecks, but they are Christian, and brothers and sisters, I mean REAL Christians.  They have all been through the fire and they KNOW what forgiveness is all about.  They love the Lord, Jesus Christ because He has intervened in their lives and they are living the good life now, knowing it’s NOT because of their efforts alone, but because they have turned that corner and obeyed the Lord’s command, and I don’t care what you believe. . . look at the stats! Now check out the boss who can’t find Wal-Mart.  A&E decided to kill the golden duck!  Dum de dum dum!
            A man like Phil Robinson does NOT get to where he is by having no convictions. He is not wishy-washy, he is not stupid, and he is not a liar (unlike some people who will remain nameless who live in a white house!) Phil’s comments were off the cuff, but they rang true.  I’d like to remind the gay-lesbian fraternity of a simple fact.  You are in theminority.  Now, that doesn’t mean that it’s ok to run around spouting hate speech about you, or hurt you, that just means that the tail does not way the dog!  MOST people are heterosexual. MOST little boys, growing up, get a crush on Suzie Sweetcheeks somewhere around the 4th grade, and they don’t even KNOW what the attraction is, they just know it feels GOOD! I don’t know if sexual orientation is ordained at birth, and I don’t care, it doesn’t MATTER!  If it is, or if it isn’t, there are more of US than there are of THEM!   I agree with Phil.  Women feel better than men to me.  I’m not going to get down and dirty here, but I’d like to point something out to the people who subscribe to evolution. Now, you have two distinct creatures.  Down around the waist they are totally different.  Still, the difference is compatible, amazingly compatible.  These two creatures are totally separate, yet when they come together they are one, and I mean ONE! The union is incredible, and the feelings involved are so strong that the woman will endure childbirth and the man will work himself to death feeding her and that child. What comes out of a homosexual union? First off it IS unnatural.  C’mon, get real! There is no way you’ll ever convince me that such an act is natural.  A man’s anus is for one thing; a woman’s vagina is for another.  Pink and stink. It’s that simple! And the mental angle needs to be considered. A man should be aggressive; a woman should be submissive in the personal relationship. Now I’m not saying that women can’t be smart, aggressive, and profound, but in private moments, most women I’ve know like to be held.  Most women like to believe their man is in control. The reasoning is simple.  When the baby comes along the man protects and the woman nurtures.
            Now let’s talk about sin.  Oh, here it comes, I hear it already.  A lot of people stopped reading this article right THERE!  What is sin?  Sin is basically disobedience to God. And what is disobedience to God? Behaving in a way that God did not intend, and if you don’t believe in God, then behaving in a way that is not natural.  If you continue to do that and you are a believer you will fall into sin and your life will go down hill, if you are not a believer then you’re life will still go downhill but you just won’t know why.  We are only here for a little while and if you don’t keep your ducks in a row they will all swim in different directions. 
            So, what’s going to happen with Phil Robinson.  Well, he’s gonna win, folks.  He spoke the truth.  If he really loses his show he will just go back to making duck calls because that’s who he is and let me tell you, not everyone in Hollywood is an idiot.  There are people out there RIGHT NOW with a contract in hand with Phil’s name on it! Don’t believe me, anyone ever hear of Dog the Bounty Hunter? Hmmmmmm? The Gay-Lesbian spin machine has it’s motor running full tilt, but the rising public opinion is beginning to chime in.  Remember what I said, MOST people are heterosexual, and I now ask those people, do you WANT your children and grandchildren to be gay?  Forget about coming out, or accepting, or how much you love them. . . do you really WANT that?  I have gay friends, I’m not going to lie, and I work with them and accept them, but do I WANT my granddaughter, Puck, being that way?  I’m just like most of you.  If she is I will not cast her out. I will love Puck forever.  Will I preach to her, no, but do I WANT that? NO!
            What I want is for every red-blooded American to tune OUT A&E.  Let them know that YOU control more purchasing power than any fringe group no matter how loud they may yell, or how many lies they tell.  DON’T watch A&E, and don’t support ANY sponsors they have.  Stand up for Phil. . . he stood up for YOU!
Wilbur Witt
Austin Texas

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Time Was

                                Time Was
                                by Wilbur

    Time was when you could write, or say anything so long as you didn't threaten someone or incite violence. The idea of free speech was foundational to the republic. If you were out in left field everyone would just think you were stupid and ignore you.      Time was when every little Texas town had a homosexual or two and nobody cared. They stayed off to themselves and the lady's garden society loved them. Time was when you could swat your kids on the butt in the grocery store and everyone approved you as a good parent. Time was, when stopped for a traffic stop, you would get out of the car and take out your driver's license as you walked back to the officer, who appreciated your courtesy and respect. Time was you could carry your guns in a rack in your pickup and nobody but the deer cared. Time was when the president said something you respected it even if you didn't agree because he was the president. Time was when a teacher sent a note home you sided with the teacher simply because she WAS the teacher. Time was if you missed church everybody knew it and one of the routine questions you asked a new friend was what faith did they follow because there simply wasn't anyone who didn't believe in God. Time was when you found that your favorite movie star was getting a divorce you were shocked because personally you only knew one person who ever got one and everyone treated them as if they had tuberculosis. Time was if you stood on the constitution in court or anywhere else it was a no brainer because everyone knew the constitution was the constitution and that was that. Time was when a woman stayed home and took care of the kids she was known as a good mother. Time was when the preacher would drop by if word got out that a family was having difficulties. Time was when a dollar was inscribed "Silver Certificate" and stood for an honest dollar which would buy enough gasoline for three days work. Time was if you didn't have a job you just went to jail until you figured it out. This is the world I lived in in 1957 in Shreveport, Louisiana. Time was...

From Hottrnhel, Texas

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Knockout Game

          The Knockout Game
                   by Wilbur

    The Knockout game has received a lot of attention lately and there are many problems with this. One, the lack of teams. Nothing can be a game unless there are two opposing sides, else how do you keep score. There must be a way to decide a winner. 

    I propose two teams. The knockout team and the defense team, sorta like football. The knockout team goes for the knockout using the victim like a football, baseball, puck or what have you and the defense team tries to counteract the points by maneuvers to neutralize the initial point gain. 

    Works like this: seven man knockout team with two cheerleaders chooses a goal. Object being to knock the ball out of the park with one swing. Ten points! That's when the defense team comes into play. We'll call them the ShootOut Team for want of a better word. Point system comes into play. 

    One shot, clean kill, one point. A wound is only five points and of course a miss nets zero. Second to forth shot one point each but a bonus two points for five kills, but if any of the original five are wounds you don't get the bonus. Must be five for five. All seven will net nine points plus one super bonus of two giving eleven and winning the round. 

    Now this is the kicker. If you reach hits on all seven players but have two wounds giving a score of only six you can get game plus points for cheerleaders who merit two points each. If at any time it takes two or more shots to retire a player then one quarter point will be penalized for each additional shot. 

    I think this will make the game more sporting. Only problem is you have to have a ready supply if Knockout teams because the nature of the game tends to lead them into early retirement. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Maybe They Won't Come For Me

    Maybe They Won't Come For Me
by Wilbur

    The main problem with the nation today is complacency. The attitude that if you just keep your head down perhaps the machine will pass you by. Those who oppress us count on this. They count on the masses hunkering down in the false safety of their home, not realizing that this bastion of America has disappeared a long time ago. 

    Your home is not your home. Your children are not your children. Your LIFE is not your life! These have been taken from you and if you have yet to be touched by the CPS, NSA, or IRS it is only because you are "inventory," not needed at this time. You my even know this but you think,  " Maybe they won't come for me...THIS time!"

    We stand by as children get kidnapped by CPS. We drive by, and look the other way as C J Grisham is arrested for no reason. We allow illegal searches of our property in the false hope that if we only conform perhaps they will leave us alone and take someone else. We have become like Jews in a gas chamber clamoring for the door in the hope of living thirty seconds longer.  

    I've often wondered why I was drawn into the fight against CPS. At first it appeared as a simple fight for my grandchildren, but I now know God had a broader plan for me. Like Job, I had to suffer. I had to feel the pain because then and only then would I understand that there was more at risk than my miserable life. Texas was at stake! 

    When I realized that my family was gone. When I left my home. When I scraped change to eat, I began to understand, and I felt alone. I felt so alone, and I hung my head and cried. And then God said, "Now you are ready!"

    What will it take for us to win this fight ? When you stare at empty chairs. When you get up to an empty house. When a homosexual tells you that you can never see your wife or grandchildren ever again. . . then you'll know what to do ! And when enough people have tasted the blood in their mouths and hear some woman begging as her child is taken away these people will storm out of their homes into the night with brooms and rakes and clubs and yes, guns and on that night they will do the right thing. And the perpetrators of inequity will cry HAVOC as they beg for their lives, and on that night the Republic of Texas will be reborn. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Ten Things That Will Make You Happy

                              Ten Things That Will Make You Happy
                                                          by Wilbur Witt

10.          Don't let anyone tell you to be unhappy. You can get up in the morning, take a shower, brush your teeth, pour a cup of coffee, and go out to your porch to greet a glorious sunrise and invariably some jackass (or jackass-ette) will show up and rain on your parade. Give them a free cup of coffee (in a styrofoam cup) and send them back out into the world that they created. All they're doing is polluting your mind with negative thoughts. They can't solve their own issues so they try to dilute their misery by spreading it around. Usually this involves their love life. They are clinging to some terrible situation and while asking advice that they really don't want because they have not summoned the strength to leave said situation and they are seeking justification, and when they don't get it they become Oprah and advise you on how to run (ruin) your life. They should purchase a book on masturbation and practice it frequently so as not to involve anyone else in their topsy-turvy life!

9.             Don't let anyone equate money with your success. All writers experience this. A writer reaches into their heart and draw out explanations for their life. No writer begins to write with the idea that someday they will become rich, indeed, most will not. Most writers will only be read by their friends and family, but that's ok. That doesn't make the writing any less important. Commercialism is the bane of inspiration. If you become a "professional" you concede to commercialism and you lose something. That's why the honey you purchase from a roadside vendor tastes better that that which you get from a supermarket. When someone says, "How much MONEY have you made with your writing?" just smile knowingly and reply, "More than you!"

8.           Never take a politician serious. All politicians are liars. That's why they're politicians. If they were in the truth business they'd be barbers, or bartenders. They are versed on negotiation, with is actually the art of trying to sell a gallon of gasoline and when you can't turn a profit you dilute it with moonshine, which by the way is actually being done. Look at their voting record, and it doesn't make any difference if they're Democrat, Republican, or an out and out communist, they all belly up to the same hog  trough! Best you're gonna get out of a politician is that they don't steal too much during their tenure on the public dole. 

7.             Never blindly accept anything a lawyer tells you. Ever wonder why a lot of politicians are lawyers? (See the above.) The entire BAR Is a sham. The very idea that someone has to be licensed to advise someone on the law is a money scam. How can we license Lawyers and not prostitutes? They make legal matters so complicated that it takes a lawyer to simply understand, or further complicate the issue so as to confuse the process enough to get a fee for doing it. This is why O. J. Simpson was was found guilty of violating his deceased ex-wife's rights when he "didn't" kill her! This is where terms like "felony murder" come about. As opposed to what? FRIENDLY murder? How many lawyers does it take to screw a light bulb? Three. One to screw the light bulb and two to file a brief. When a lawyer tells you something know from the start that the advice is a lie. Then decide how the lie will best serve you. If it fits then you're ahead because the judge is a liar, too.   

6.             Never remarry an ex. A divorce is the only proceeding where two people agree that they can't even get along in bed! When you go through all the paperwork, and yes, lawyers that it takes to untie the knot for God's sake don't tie it back! A friend of mine remarried the same girl four times. Ended up owned fifteen percent of himself. Oh, you can be friends, just don't let them lock you in any more. In fact, it seems that if the door is always open, and the path is free to go the relationship may even improve. When the relationship is between two independent people it makes one more attentive. And, if you wake up one morning and they're gone they're just freaking GONE! Cook two eggs that morning. 

5.             Don't worry about your health. I hear it already. How can you not take care of your health?  I didn't say not to take care of it I said don't worry about it. If you see your doctor and get a pill to control something just take the pill and go on about your business. Live each day as if it were your last and one day you'll be right. Had a relative who died at ninety-seven years old and his two older sisters were at the funeral telling everyone drinking and smoking finally killed him. We were never designed to last forever and it's better to be happy than spend the last ten years of your life studying the color of your stool. The day will come for most of us that the doctor says there's nothing more they can do. But before that day comes there is a lot you can do, and a lot of people you can do it to. 

4.             Keep a few good friends. We're all just passing through. Two thousand years from now some nerd will be picking at your teeth trying to figure out if you were capable of speech so remember that. You need to have a couple of people you can bounce ideas off of. Not burden them (see point number one) but just relate to. And they don't have to agree with you. That's not important. I have a friend, Ted, and he and I don't agree on a single idea but I get more ideas for articles from him than anyone else. Figure that out. Friends are people you enjoy being around, not people who agree with everything you say. Always remember, you need to keep at least two friends because that's how many handles there are on a garbage can. 

3.             Dodge relatives who have moved away from you. Wow! Think about that. I'm not talking about someone who is employed in a position that requires the absence from origins, I'm talking about people who conspired to stay away and actually work on becoming remote and different. Eventually these people will hurt your feelings. Count on it. You can love them, just know there's a REASON the live where they live. This especially applies to anyone who moves to California. If you will note there are fifty states and California is the only state that takes a hit from practically all the others. Practically everything weird had its origins in California. Now I like California, but I like fat girls too, so do the math. Your revenge on these people is that if they ever come home they won't fit in. 

2.          Sleep when you're sleepy. Time is man's invention. When you have to be at work that's one thing, but when you don't, and you feel sleepy just sleep. Sometimes it'll only be ten minutes but you'll be amazed. Take a Saturday and drink a glass of wine long about two in the afternoon and don't fight it! Wonderful! Especially if you have someone to sleep WITH! Better yet, take the bottle of wine and two glasses to the bedroom. You may not get up for the rest of the day. The world will turn perfectly fine without you!

1.            Learn a new joke every day. Every day make it a point to seek out something funny. It can be a joke, a video, even a picture and share it. To expand this idea, pick at least one day of the week when you don't read the news. You'll be absolutely overwhelmed. Nothing will change. Learn two jokes that day. The more you laugh and smile the harder it is for the world to tear you down. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Meaning of Life

                                               What Life Really Means
                                                          by Wilbur Witt

     I see young people starting relationships all the time. It almost always begins the same way, with the physical. They latch onto each other and think they bond, and they think that bond is unbreakable. It isn't. That bond is like rubber cement. It seems good but it can stretch, and even break. When such relationships deteriorate in the first year or two, sometimes in a month or two, what's left is not heartbreak, it's usually rage. Rage brought on by betrayal. The idea that someone you trusted would betray you sets off thoughts of anger and revenge. 

     The relationship that survives time is the one that moves beyond the physical and becomes something else. And you never realize it until the day comes when that person is taken from you. It's at that terrible moment you realize that the world no longer has a place for you. You come to understand that half of you is already gone, and try as you may you will never fill the emptiness, never come back to that place in your life. Your life is over. 

     You are but a shell, and the only person who would, who could understand is no longer there. You are utterly alone. And all this talk about remember the good times is hogwash. That only brings more pain. It would be better if you had dementia and could remember nothing at all. 

     Life is cruel. We are designed to break down. And try as you will you will not make a single mark on the world save that one mark you made on that one heart and now that heart has stopped. Friends and family will tell you that you will survive. They will try to line you up with someone but they don't understand. If you find someone else it somehow cheapens what you lost. Like buying a new puppy when the old dog dies. You, and only you know that you will never recover that interpersonal relationship again, indeed, there are some things you should not survive. We weren't designed to survive those things. 

     You go on through life and everyone thinks you adapted. They think you reconciled and only you know that you're just counting time until the end, and one of two things will be waiting on the other side. Either the theists are right, and you will see each other again, or it will be blessed oblivion. No memories, no pain, and all that you dreamed together will be gone forever. 

     Then, you find yourself in a park one day, feeding the squirrels, because that's what old people do, and you see a young couple holding hands, and you think, "If they knew. If they only knew."

Friday, November 8, 2013

Where Does It End?

                                                   Where Does It End?
                                                          by Wilbur Witt

     Got into a heated debate tonight (which I won) that started out as a discussion about Texas being broke and women having to travel to other states to get abortions. First off I took exception to Texas being broke. Please review the following.

     Then the person said jobs were hard to find in Texas. Please review:

     Then I made a statement that black women were being targeted by Planned Parenthood. My liberal friend went off like a bazooka. Again please check out:

     Toward the end of the debate, before my noble adversary decided to take down the thread (that constituted a win folks) I asked her doesn't the fetus have any rights to which I got a resounding NO! 

     Now this is where I have an issue. When does a "fetus" become human? My noble adversary said we should stop worrying about a woman's uterus. It is her concern. My response was what about the person IN the uterus? To this i got that very clear NO! Where did we begin to legislate humanity? Where did we begin to define the human soul? The Nazis had definitions, coded into law.

     The gas chambers at Auswitch couldn't hold a candle to the abortion machine currently operating in America. And it's all based on the idea of the fetus not being quite human. Where does it end? Twenty weeks? Then twenty-five, then thirty, and finally the idea that if the head isn't visible? If you can kill a baby then you should have no problem at all with a terminal cancer patient, an elderly homeless person, a retarded person, an unemployed person, a drug addict, a person whom disagrees with you politically . . .see where this is going? 

     Killing is killing. Life is life and insanity is insanity. To rip a baby's head off in its mother's womb is insanity! And Planned Parenthood gets MAD when they don't get a proper quota of dead babies. And all this stuff about, "It's MY uterus!" Wear a condom bitch! If you're going to spread your legs in lust at least wear protection so a child doesn't have to DIE for your pleasure. And if you're too stupid (or lazy) to do that then HAVE the baby and give it to someone who can't have one but would be more than happy to bring a child up. 

     The fact that I even have to point this out to anyone is crazy. Babies are babies people! If you think different you are no different than the guy dumping Zyklon B down the shaft  at Auswitch! I'm sorry if this post hurts your liberal little feelings!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Not All Kangaroos Are In Austin

                              All Kangaroos Aren't In Australia
                                                  by Wilbur Witt

     Like Will Rodgers I don't make jokes, I just watch the courts and report the facts. Right now, as I type, we have a jury in Belton, Texas trying to come to a ruling on a case involving a man, a gun, and a rather rotund officer of the law. Seems that a man, Mr. Grisham, was taking a ten mike hike in the country with his son. He brought along a rifle, pistol, and his license to carry. Someone saw fit to call the Temple PD and out came officer "I'm from Brookland in town two weeks to soive YOU," and subsequently arrested Mr. Grisham for "displaying his weapon 'rudely!" 

     Ok, fact one: You can carry a long gun in Texas! It's that simple. You can walk down the street carrying a long gun and it's not against the law. Now, as I've pointed out before there are appropriate places to carry a long gun, and places where it's a little out of the norm, but it's all legal, and walking down a country road with your son is one of those legal places! 

     Now, let's get one thing straight; Temple, Texas police are stupid, ok? Sorry I'm not politically correct, but they are. I've had encounters with them over the years and I'm unimpressed. They are the only entity I know of more  corrupt than the CPS, I take that back, but they're pretty bad. This cop strolls up to Mr. Grisham, and takes his gun. Then he gets backup, then they look for a charge, then they arrest Mr. Grisham for whatEVER! The main charge was, "I'm a cop and you're NOT!"

     Hey, I'm not done yet. This ends up in district court. Some college educated lawyer on state welfare call the DA read this case and decided to go forward. We pay these people, folks. We actually give lawyers money who have never read the constitution. Whenever I have to go to court I look at these girly-men and can't help but think what would happen if they ever woke up one day and had to go to work! They are ignorant, and Texas lawyers are the absolute worse. All they do is huddle in the judge's chambers, cut a deal, and their client's throat, and figure out where the cocktails are later that night. 

     Now for the judge!  I think his name is Richardson. Ok, in my opinion he is an illiterate buffoon! Bell County dragged in a district judge from Houston (which is an immediate red flag) to process ute  the case and these two girly-men got together to run the show . The judge, in chambers, even referred to Mr. Grisham as a "local yokel!" Talk about bias! Bear in mind at no time did these two idiots ever read the 2nd amendment. 

     So, they spent of untold thousands of dollars going to trial to prosecute a man who broke no law. Officer Doughnut testified. Cheech and Chong met in chambers, and the jury retired. We wait for the result. If the jury has any sense at all Mr. Grisham will walk, but we still probably are looking at the CPS which is normal for this bunch of looney tune legalists. Just not enough rope and trees, friends, just not enough rope and trees!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

When the CPS Attacks

                                                                       When The CPS Attacks
                                                                            by Wilbur Witt
 When the CPS comes calling it's hard to maintain a level flight while your children are being used as pawns in a very dangerous game, but that's exactly what you have to do.  A recent case came to my attention where this was the one thing that would save or lose the situation. A little boy had a mark on his neck.  The school called and asked about it and the parents didn't have any knowledge.  Later that evening, it's always the evening, the girl from CPS came calling. 

Rule number one!  Do NOT let her in!  Step outside, shut the door behind you and simply ask, "Can I help you?" She will announce herself with her title and very clearly tell you she works for the Child Protective Services.  This is frightening. This sends a gut wrenching quiver though you.  You mind races. You try to remember something, anything that may have come to their attention. She then asks if she can come in.  Just like the anti-drug people say, just say, "No!" Ask if she has any warrant, paperwork, anything giving her the right to step right over the constitution and come into your home. 

She will then most likely tell you that she has the "right" to come in based on this or that.  Always remember, CPS will lie! They lie all the time. They will say things that are so far out in left field that they make almost no sense at all.   At this point you must just pull up your pants and tell her that she has lied to you, please don't do it again, and no, you have no intention of having her come into your home.  You tell her that you will be happy to meet with her in her office with council the next week.

This particular case in point the case worker actually told the parents that her supervisor intended to pick up the children and basically she was just there to confirm this event.  Well, the parents were bluffed out and let her in.  She then proceeded to  question the children.  When the parents tried to speak that were told that if they continued to interrupt her investigation they would be asked to leave.  In their own home! Rule number two! Again, just say, "No!"  They didn't know a thing about the sexual orientation of this woman, her criminal record, or anything else about her. Certainly not are you going to have to leave your children in the private care of a potential pedophile!  In fact, you should tell her that not only are you going to remain with your children, if she acts like that again you're going to ask HER to leave!

Rule number three, she is not there to help, clear things up, or have coffee.  She gets rewarded for getting children to adoption.  If you have five children she just hit the jackpot and all she's interested in is being the big deal in her office at bonus time, and I'm not saying Christmas bonus because these people do NOT believe in Jesus Christ! Everything you say to her will be twisted in order for her to achieve this end.  Don't try to explain, don't try to apologize, and don't think that this vermin is anything but what she is, a child trafficker bent on the destruction of your family for fun and profit!

There are no "good" CPS workers.  There were no "good" Nazis.  Never lose sight of this. Never cooperate with them.  Your family is at stake. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Targeting America

                                                     Targeting America
                                                          by Wilbur Witt

     I haven't written a lot on the shutdown because I was watching to see how it rolled out. Now, I'm just a simple ol' boy from Austin so silly me, I thought shut down meant, well, that meant shut DOWN! Like everyone else I was a little perturbed when the open air Vietnam Wall was fenced off. The WWII memorial was a trip. Then Yellowstone, Big Bend, THE OCEAN!  And I began to see a pattern. It seemed like the people most affected by the shut down were the middle class, elderly, responsible citizens. Didn't look like any of Obama's food stamp constituency got touched very much at all!

     The administration has gone through great pains to make sure that middle America felt the shut down to the NTh degree, but that people who couldn't tell you what state the Grand Canyon was even in hardly felt it at all. This is a specific targeting of America. Obama is paying middle America back for its sins of affluence, hard work and responsibility. This struck me, and one other thing; If parks and oceans, and holes in the ground fall under this system, is that all they do? JFK said, "We choose to go to the moon," Obama can't even keep NASA open!

     And I know the liberal Obamists out there will scream it wasn't Obama's fault. To them I say one word . . .OBAMAcare! That's what started this ball rolling. Ignorant, insolvent, Detroit-style health care that almost NOone wanted, but it was Obama's "signature" effort and if it fails (and it IS failing) then that's the icing on the cake and this big, liberal experiment in nincompoopery is revealed as the three ring circus is always has been!

     This is why the Republic of Texas is so vitally important. The last bastion of common sense. The last place where people realize that keeping a park open is not all that hard. The last civilization that understands that keeping a granite wall accessible to old men who want to roll up in their wheel chairs and simply touch a name! The last group of people who clearly comprehend that in order to vote you simply MUST be able to prove who you are and prove you have a right to make decisions for the country you're living in! 

     For the life of me I will never know how Obama has dodged impeachment. What does he have to do before the Senate and the Congress wake up and bring him up on charges? And they're at fault, too. If they had one iota of civic responsibility in the lot of them they could end this and override any veto that slithered out of the White House. But they won't do that. They're too busy giving a standing ovation at the killing of a mother who drove her car too close to the White House. 


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Shut Up About Shut Down

                                          Shut Up About Shut Down
                                                      by Wilbur Witt

     Do you really think the government shut down last night? Because if you do then you're slower than a girl I knew back in Killeen High School who was tricked into looking for Snipes in her bra and panties. If the government really shut down then:

     Why is the IRS still open this morning?
     Why can't someone roll a joint on their back porch?
     Why aren't members of Congress filing for unemployment?
     Why didn't Obama get a three day notice to vacate?
     The list is endless, but see my point?  The government did NOT shut down, and if you don't believe that just try to get on a flight from Austin to San Diego with a bottle of wine!  What they did was pull a bunch of sugar cookies and made it sound bad!  Oh God! Everybody had to leave the Grand Canyon! How in the HELL do you lock down the freaking GRAND CANYON? 

     This is an old Democratic trick. If you don't give me the deed to your ranch gonna tie you to the railroad track!  NO MO FOOD STAMPS? What are we gonna do? Well, folks, it's as simple as this. If you put as much effort into WORKING as you do in sitting on a welfare line we wouldn't need so many food stamps. I know a fat girl on SSI and food stamps because she can't work because she's a prostitute, bi-polar, and a crack head. Think about that. Is that crazy or what? I could solve that weight problem with one stroke and I don't give a damn about her bi-polar. Miss a few meals and that mind will get RIGHT! I'm retired. For real! After fifty years of scratching out a living the government grudgingly gave me my Social Security. Never mind I PAID for this, this fat girl gets a bigger check than I do and never worked a day in her life, but she has mental problems because she's a crack head! 

     If we cut nonsense like thus out, and just spent what we earned the budget would balance, the angels would sing and the sun would shine a little brighter. And quit talking about shut down. Those lazy, pork belly, idiots in Washington aren't shutting anything down, they just want you to THINK they are. One thing that is nice. With what they did stop we're spending a hell of a lot less this morning than we were yesterday morning, now aren't we? Now they're screaming that if this continues the economy will falter. Hey! I got a hot idea. Shut the IRS down, let people keep all the money they earn and they'll go out and SPEND it! See how that works out. All the income tax pays is the interest on loans from a private bank our government pays to print money that's literally not worth the paper it's printed on! 

     And just look at the wars. We are spending trillions to project "freedom" onto people that wouldn't know what democracy was if it ran up and bit them in the leg! Rotate THAT money back home and see how many IEDs the Muslims can make! I'll bet after a year of no American involvement a ham sandwich would taste mighty good. There are so many ways the money would work. So many ways incentive could return. But boys and girls we're going to have to clean up. There's going to have to be a few useless, hungry "have nots" in the streets. That's why they're called "have nots!" Jesus said we would always have poor. Now days it's just too easy NOT to work. If that fat girl came home tonight with nothing to eat, and then nothing for breakfast, or lunch, long about the third day she'd figure it out, or not, and that would be ok, too. It's called survival of the fittest. 

     Bottom line; nothing shut down last night except common sense. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

The Yellow Submarine

                                                The Yellow Submarine
                                                        by Wilbur Witt

     Saturday I had the most interesting talk with an old friend about guns and gun control. Now this friend is a big supporter of the second amendment. He helped get me through my required class and paperwork for my license to carry. He carries a pistol everywhere legally possible, and provides gifts of guns to all the women in his family, and more than one of these women has had occasion to be very grateful to him for that. That all having been said, he proposed a   scenario to me. I had just returned from a Sam's opening in Killeen. Crowds of people. Lots of children and women, old people, you name it. Everybody packed together, sampling free food, and taking advantage of the opening day sales. 

     He asked me to consider something. What if I were sitting there eating a free sausage, and in through the door walked a man with an AR15 slung over his shoulder? He asked me to tell the truth. Would I think this was a demonstration of second amendment rights, or would my survival instincts kick in and would I have visions of Sandy Hook, Fort Hood, Luby's? I had to admit, reluctantly, that I would at the very least apprehensive, at the most I would ease the safety off on my gun. He then said that was the reason for the right to bear arms. If we are restricted in being able to protect ourselves and others, then we wait for the insane man coming into a store. We will have no choice, and. An only wait to see what the man will do. If the man is crazy then people will die. If we have armed citizens then the man will die. This is the sobering truth and the Government cannot fix this.

     When we populated the Texas plains we brought Christianity and guns. There were people living here who thought nothing of killing an entire family for a few chickens. If they could not see the light of Christ then we showed them the flash of light at the end of a Winchester. My ancestor, Silas Witt, was one of those people. He was a soldier and Baptist Preacher, and he'd shoot you, bury you, and pray over you, but he would not endanger himself or his family for some wishy-washy ideal that would get everyone killed. 

     This is a bad world friends. I wish we all lived in a Yellow Submarine and ran half naked on the beach drinking wine but it is simply not so! When a young lady can't walk to the store from my house three blocks away you have a sick society. And the world has always judged its civilization by the safety of its citizens. The Apostle Paul walked from Jerusalem to Rome. Now, he got crossways with Nero when he got to Rome, but he GOT there! Friends, this country is NOT that civilized! And if you liberal Democrats out there think it is, and we don't need to defend ourselves, just let YOUR wife or daughter take a stroll through any city in thus country. Hey, have her wear jeans, and see how far she gets. I'm crazy you say! No, anyone who doesn't recognize these cold, hard facts is having a major problem with reality. 

     You will never see this situation change in your lifetime. It's going to take a long time to turn this run away train the Democrats and RINOs have out us on. There will be more mass shootings. There will be more calls for gun bans, but eventually, as citizens bring down shooters it will abate. And it will be violent. And it will be bloody. And liberals will wring crying towels, but just like we don't have any more wild Indians, we eventually won't have any more active shooters.  But this will not happen with psychiatrists. This will not happen with sociologists. This will not happen with more police. This will happen with an armed populace that simply will not stand for any more. When some old man is being beat down by a gang of street thugs, and they soak up a hail of gunfire from the crowd you can bet it will send an electrifying message through the local gangs. 

     People, I really wish this wasn't so. I really wish we could all live on that Yellow Submarine. I really wish rain were beer, and that we had universal peace and love, but I also realize that John Lennon is dead. And the Yellow Submarine died with him! 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


                                                        by Wilbur Witt

     Now we all have to learn the term Al Shabab. This group of idiots joins the growing ranks of Islamic radicals roaming the world exacting terror on good people. I'm going to get right to the point. How long are civilized people going to put up with a religion that spawns this kind of crap? I was frankly surprised at the culture surrounding the mall that was attacked. The prominent people counted among the dead could have been Hollywood. And to attack, and kill these people? Allah must be very proud. 

     The Texan in me would say just nuke Somolia. We were almost at war in Syria just last week. I don't give a damn about Syria. Nothing in my house is made in Syria. But somehow, the image of these people running out of a mall while deranged maggots shoot at them just, well, pisses me off. So nukes would work well. Give the "good" people in Somolia two or three days to leave and then turn the entire country into a nuclear wasteland. 

     And there are indications that there are Americans involved. Trained in the US! Why are we putting up with this? Are we crazy? Folks, there aren't that many of these idiots. I think all the civilized nations of the world should meet
at the UN and just jump in this. What did the attackers hope to gain? I know
one thing, I have a lot of respect now for Kenya and for its president, who lost family this weekend. 

     I've read the Qu'ran. I know Moslems, but fellas, we gotta figure this out! The day is fast approaching when the Jihadist bluff is going to be called, the rage of decent people is unleashed and the result will make Hitler look like Pope John XXIII! You can beat a friendly dog for only so long before you get bit. Why am I so mad? Those people laying dead on the floor when their only crime was being a Christian and going to the mall for a weekend Starbucks! This is outrageous. 

     I'm not up on all the details, but no doubt I'll get some mail about how wrong I am. I'll just quote Judge Roy Bean. "I killed these people because they were bad men and  the whores weren't ladies!" Somolia needs to be wiped from the face of the planet. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

What Gun Rights Are Really About

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

     How simple is that? I've been reading a huge mountain of court rulings citing this or that, trying to worm through this one simple passage. The word "militia" and "people" seems to mess with a lot of people. The English law was referred to numerous times. The issue is emotionally charged with yet another shooting of thirteen more people in Chicago just last night. That type of thing is exactly where I'm going here. As the American Republic falls apart, and people become disillusioned our streets will become less and less safe the ability of the common law abiding citizens to defend them selves becomes a central concern. 

     Now let's get real here. You are not going to team up with your neighbors and jump on the Army in an armed insurrection. But let's get more real. The Army isn't the problem.  It is no longer safe to go to your car before sun up and drive to Starbucks for a cup of coffee. America is overrun with junkies, have nots and out and out psychotics who will kill you for your shoes. There are gangs of two or three who will hit your front and back door at the same time while a driver waits to escape with your wallet AND your fourteen year old daughter. You can call 911 and eventually the police will show up with that chalk they carry. That's horrible isn't it? What to do? The solution is simple. As simple as that amendment I quoted at the beginning of this article. That same fourteen year old girl can stop a line backer if she has a gun and knows how to use it. 

     The possibility of a gun in a home is a serious consideration for any crackhead bent on kicking in a door. This is reality folks. All the liberals out there are probably gagging at my words but they have created this brave new world we're all enjoying now. Gun free zones, tolerance of drug users, people who should clearly be in jail, or a psychiatric facility walking around among us are all combined to create a dangerous climate no civilized person would want to live in! 

     Most people are good and well intentioned. The elements that make our society dangerous are very small, so to take away self defense from the majority because of the actions of a few makes absolutely no sense at all. With animals running the streets are we to wait in our homes like sheep? In the home I live in I have witnessed first hand the street culture that is growing in our country now. This house was a crack house. Now let me explain to the uninitiated exactly what that is. The wife died. The husband was sick. He had Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.  The daughter and granddaughter were addicted to drugs and used prostitution to acquire their supply. They moved as many people as they could find into the once beautiful house. These people smoked crack, fornicated, and roamed the neighborhood robbing, returning to smoke more crack. They physically destroyed the house, and I'm not kidding. Defecating in the floors, kicking in the walls, and writing vulgar graffiti all over everything.  As luck would have it my ex-wife married the sick man and immediately moved him into her house, saving his life. 

     I returned from California and they asked if I would occupy the garage apartment situated in the front of the house. When I first saw the house I was appalled. It was impossible to even step onto the spacious country porch in the back of the house because of the overturned furniture and human bodies passed out there. The drug pushers and clients formed a line at the front door and the business never slowed. All through the night they would dope up and howl like wild animals. I had stayed with my son when in California. We went to the desert a lot, and I hung with Navy and motorcycle enthusiasts. The residents if the crack house seriously mis judged me. My ex's new husband asked me if I could do anything to help this situation. 

     The first thing I did was to secure my area. Next, I went to my storage and got my shotgun and my SKS 7.62 assault rifle. I put strong locks on my door and slept with my guns by my side. At first I laid back, not challenging the others as I learned. Several things became apparent. Surprisingly they had no guns! If they came upon anything that valuable it would immediately be sold for more crack. The other thing I figured out was that these people were physically weak and they were cowards. That was important. The first time I brought out a gun to break up a fight fifty percent of the customers left, never to return. After that it was one altercation after another until they were all gone. The daughter and granddaughter were last, leaving and returning until it ended with me being attacked in the front yard for money believed to be in my pocket that the daughter had told would pay for her crack. I won that event, but I drew a red line for the girls and made it very clear what would happen should they remain. These women had no conscious. They were evil incarnate. They had drugged my ex's husband and put him in a room, patiently waiting on him to die. I calmly informed them that they were animals, and made it crystal clear what I I was prepared to do in order to get rid of them. They left and I moved in two renters who worked construction. There were subsequent attacks on all of us but the people were weak and it ended badly for them. The former occupants believed that there must be a "stash" somewhere in the house, and would continue to try to break in for several months. As they were hurt or sent to jail the attempts finally ended, we cleaned the house, renovated it and now where crackheads lived children now play. 

     Now, I have no illusions about these people. I also have no illusions about the police. If you think the police are going to protect you then you are going to die. How dangerous are our streets? Imagine getting some gas at a connivence store. Seems simple enough, doesn't it? You step out of your car and walk toward the door retrieving your wallet. You never see the man who comes at you from your left side, hits you in the head with a rock, and runs away with your wallet. If he gets five dollars he's ahead because that will get him one bump of meth. Oh, and yes, you can call the police and they'll bring their little chalk. 

     The right of the people to keep and bear arms is very important. The police do not have guns to protect you, they have guns to protect THEM! In a fully armed populace the people are the ones who are in control, and are much safer than relying on help that may be an hour away. In a fully armed populace the drug addicts are very aware that there are consequences for their actions. In a fully armed populace your fourteen year old daughter wakes up in her bed in the morning!

     I'm so sorry the nation is in this state of affairs. I wish it were not so. You're better off in Texas than you would be in say, New York, where the possession of a gun, or for that matter, a Big Gulp is against the law. As Texas pulls away from the madness hopefully we can avoid some of the pitfalls the Americans have stumbled into. One thing will be a revised Bill of Rights, the second amendment saying, "Y'all can have guns!"