Tuesday, September 24, 2013


                                                        by Wilbur Witt

     Now we all have to learn the term Al Shabab. This group of idiots joins the growing ranks of Islamic radicals roaming the world exacting terror on good people. I'm going to get right to the point. How long are civilized people going to put up with a religion that spawns this kind of crap? I was frankly surprised at the culture surrounding the mall that was attacked. The prominent people counted among the dead could have been Hollywood. And to attack, and kill these people? Allah must be very proud. 

     The Texan in me would say just nuke Somolia. We were almost at war in Syria just last week. I don't give a damn about Syria. Nothing in my house is made in Syria. But somehow, the image of these people running out of a mall while deranged maggots shoot at them just, well, pisses me off. So nukes would work well. Give the "good" people in Somolia two or three days to leave and then turn the entire country into a nuclear wasteland. 

     And there are indications that there are Americans involved. Trained in the US! Why are we putting up with this? Are we crazy? Folks, there aren't that many of these idiots. I think all the civilized nations of the world should meet
at the UN and just jump in this. What did the attackers hope to gain? I know
one thing, I have a lot of respect now for Kenya and for its president, who lost family this weekend. 

     I've read the Qu'ran. I know Moslems, but fellas, we gotta figure this out! The day is fast approaching when the Jihadist bluff is going to be called, the rage of decent people is unleashed and the result will make Hitler look like Pope John XXIII! You can beat a friendly dog for only so long before you get bit. Why am I so mad? Those people laying dead on the floor when their only crime was being a Christian and going to the mall for a weekend Starbucks! This is outrageous. 

     I'm not up on all the details, but no doubt I'll get some mail about how wrong I am. I'll just quote Judge Roy Bean. "I killed these people because they were bad men and  the whores weren't ladies!" Somolia needs to be wiped from the face of the planet. 

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