In case you didn’t notice I’m fairly laid back. Let me begin by saying I love all people. No, I really do. I am fascinated by the differences in people. If anything is done in joy, and good fun I’m there! I like Pat Boone, but, also, I like LMFAO, too. California did rub off on me a bit, I’ll admit. I drank the water out there. I was going through some changes when I got there, and was glad to get back to Texas, but at some point in time I realized you just can’t stay mad ALL the time! When I hear what the opposition says I listen closely for any grain of truth, not adversity. I home in on that, because that is a point of agreement. If the other side holds to hate, and nonsense I tell them, “The next time you have a thought, just let it go!”
Now all this having been said I have definite ideas. I just keep a lot of them to myself. I don’t like to alienate friends for holding to beliefs they love and think to be sound. Remember, you have to keep at least two friends because that’s how many handles there are on a garbage can! When I’m nailed down I will stand my ground as diplomatically as possible. For instance, while not being rude I will always maintain that Mohammed was a retired caravan master who dictated the Qu’ran from his many trips across the desert. No angel appeared to him and the Virgin Mary did not dictate my book, “Sharon” to me! If that hurts Muslim feelings there is a Quickie Mart right down the street and they sell Tums! I do believe Jesus rose from the dead simply because nay-sayers have been trying to prove for over 2,000 years that He did NOT. Mohammed uttered his Suras with minions lurking about scribbling ever word down on palm leaves. Jesus never wrote a grocery list! Did the Sermon on the Mount with NO sound equipment nor engineers and we STILL have it. Now Jesus had a method here, but it’s too complicated to get into now, suffice to know I know how He did it and it was a simple fix.
The origins of the Qu’ran, and the origins of the Gospels are vastly different. Muslims maintain that the Qu’ran is original, never been changed, and supplants the “errors” of the Bible. Gosh, I wish life were that simple. I hate to be the first one to tell you, but it’s not. You cannot possibly write a book, add 1,600 years, and tell ME it’s original. If you believe that have I got a bridge for YOU, and it’s on SALE! I have a Qu’ran, several actually. I have one from Afghanistan, all in Arabic, or actually some other language they maintain is more “holy” and it’s fairly thin. I didn’t think it was complete until I was told the language therein summed up thoughts with designer symbolism. I also have an “Ali” green Qu’ran, in English, and Arabic, and it is about three inches thick? Why? Well, twenty five percent is Qu’ran, and 75% is OPINIONS and FOOTNOTES explaining the Qu’ran! You think the King James Bible has footnotes, just try an Ali Green Qu’ran!
Still, Muslims say that what they have, THEY, not US, is the original, straight from the camel’s back! Verily, Verily, I say unto Thee. . . NOBODY ever sat down and just WROTE a holy book! Mohammed didn’t do it, and Joseph Smith didn’t do it! When you see that just remove the word, “Holy” and you’ve got it just about right! The Gospels were either witnesses accounts, or the stories relayed to people who later wrote them down. That’s why we have the “Gospel According to St. Mark,” and not “The Gospel BY St. Mark.” Oh, but they’re all different. Well, yeah. Shall we look at the grassy knoll? I recently spent a week watching videos and reading papers on the Kennedy assassination and I haven’t found an agreement YET! And, ask yourself. If the Qu’ran is so perfect, so original, please explain Shites and Sunnis to me. I thought they were supposed t be all on one sheet of music.
But, returning to my original premise, I’m laid back. When I hear someone sputtering something utterly stupid, so long as they’re not throwing a bomb at me I just let them talk. I really am a Simple Ol’ Boy From Austin. By being that I don’t take seriously any fancy, complicated theory about things. When you start telling me about some “New World Order” I listen, am polite, and move on. I KNOW the world will NEVER cooperate in ANYTHING. Now, a lot of my friends disagree with me, and I respect their opinions. I do see schemes here and there by organizations to direct power and mainly, make more money. Years ago I worked for a gangster. Yes, it’s true. Spelled with an “R,” not an “A.” A real one, not one of these black kids with his hat on backwards and his pants down to his knees, but a real, throw you in the lake with cement shoes GANGSTER! He had three rules: People are stupid, money buys everything, and if you nail two things together that have been nailed together, you’ll get rich! Now, I don’t believe people are stupid, but the other two things I kinda hold to. Money won’t buy everything, but it can RENT a lot! With things like Islam, follow the money. Bin Laden did NOT die in a trailer park!
Am I against radical Islam. Why heck yeah! Hang ‘em right in the street for all the people to see! Do I hate all Muslims. Absolutely NOT! You can’t hate an entire people.That’s crazy. Do you subscribe to their ideas. Nope! Do you back up from your personal beliefs. No, again. Once the bombs stop going off Islam will go the way of the Gnostics. They had some pretty goofy ideas too. Boy, this is a deep discussion for a Saturday. I need to go to Spec’s!
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