Friday, May 22, 2015

Ain't No Fun When The Rabbit's Got The Gun

     Yesterday I did an article remembering the day President Kennedy died. Someone asked me why, after fifty plus years, that event was still important? Well, in this installment I'm going to tell you why, and I'm going to expose the conspiracy at work that day. 

     Why is the death of a man so important when most people alive today hadn't even been born the day those shots rang out in Dealy Plaza? Because they got away with it! That's why! A clandestine group of men decided to take matters into their own hands, and fueled by selfish greed, overruled the will of the people, took  the reins of power and changed history for the last fifty years. THAT'S why! And the abomination they put into place, the unholy alliance is still there! 

     In spite of his personal wealth, and social status, John Kennedy was the nemesis of the power brokers. He had slapped everyone from George Wallace to the so-called heads of the five families in New York, and a couple in New Orleans, and he wasn't done yet. One week before his death he signed an executive order dismantling the Federal Reserve. He had sent "advisors" to Vietnam, but he saw the South Vietnamese government for the pimp it really was, and as an old Navy man he was not going to take them to raise. 

     His vice president, Lyndon Johnson, was a lying, conniving old gangster, about to be indicted. Johnson was on the 1960 ticket as a political concession, and the next time, Kennedy was going to have none of that. To Kennedy, Johnson represented all that was repulsive about the Federal government. I'd like to point out to you that the barrel of snakes he detested is still there. It just went from rattlesnakes to water mosscasins, that's all. 

     The military industrial complex needed a war. They hadn't had a good one for about ten years. Now, they didn't need a real war, with fronts, and victory, and all that. They needed an "almost" war against a foe they could easily defeat, but wouldn't because the longer the guns roared the more fake money the Federal Reserve could print, and the more caviar could be eaten on Wall Street. Do the math. The army that had taken down Hitler fifteen years before couldn't  route a bunch of skinny kids in pajamas? Give me a break! And the only man who stood between this New "Order" and all that money was John F. Kennedy!

    Now, this bunch of carpetbaggers didn't know exactly what Johnson would do if he were in the White House, but they knew it would be very different from a Kennedy White House. Point of fact, when he DID get there he quickly struck down that executive order shutting down the Federal Reserve, and turned "advisors" into "adversaries" to the Viet Cong, and the show was ON! And it STAYED on until the war became SO transparent the NWO had to find act II to continue the purge of the American economy. Ask yourself; what is the difference between the IRS taking a part of your income, and Don Fanuchi shaking down a grocer on Mulberry Street? Forget about Democrats and Republicans, these jackasses are all on the same team. There ARE two political parties in the United States; them and US. They rule, and we drool! 

     And all they had to do to build this Tower of Babel was shoot ONE man before lunch on November 22, 1963. Forget all the complicated conspiracy theories you've ever heard, you'll never get to the bottom of it, just know that there WAS a conspiracy, and it worked. People are always looking for a smoking gun and in Dealy Plaza that day there WAS a smoking gun, a REAL one. I am going to show you that gun, and it's not complicated, but you gotta put your Texan hat on to see it. Let's talk about shooting people, shall we? 

     Ever hear of the Zapruder Film? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've heard all that stuff about how it's been altered, forget about that, just pay attention to the time span between the car coming out from behind the sign, and the final shot. I'm fixing to fire that magic bullet right up the Warren Commission's butt. Now, we've all seen the lines drawn tracing that bullet, as it travels hither and yon, pauses, has lunch, and ends up lying quietly on John Connelly's left thigh, none the worse for wear. The way the "experts" account for all them there holes is something they called "delay reaction." Ok, to the film. Look it up on YouTube, and run it in real time. Ignore whatever narration you hear, they're all crazy, just watch the film and listen to me. 

     As the presidential limousine comes out from behind the sign please note that President Kennedy's hands are already at his throat. This implies that a bullet has struck him at some point BEHIND the sign. It doesn't matter if it came from the Texas School Book Depository, the Grassy Knoll, or Sears and Roebuck, man just got shot! Matter of fact he's losing consciousness demonstrated by his SLOW sinking down, and to his left, as his wife slowly turns and looks into his face to see what's wrong. Count the seconds. Delayed reaction. 

     According to the Warren Commission, while this is all going on, Connelly is riding along with his guts blown out, smiling and holding his Stetson like he has good sense. Did y'all see Freddie Gray bite the dust? He dropped like a rock right THEN! That's what you do when you're shot in the back. About halfway between the limo coming into view, and the head shot Connelly suddenly deflates like a balloon. You can SEE the impact of the bullet right THERE! The events in the back seat, and the jump seat are entirely separate. One man is grabbing his throat, falling, and AFTER that the other man grimaces and goes down. 

     THAT proves at least two shooters. You don't have to have a PHD, or a book deal, or a TV show, all you have to have is a set of eyes! John F. Kennedy's death was the product of a confederation of at least two people, and brothers and sisters, I'll assure you there were many more. So, you ask, what difference does all that make now? These men are all most likely dead of old age. Yes they are, but their legacy lives on. You just saw it in WACO! The mind set of the manipulators that leads them to believe they can get away with anything they want because the American public is too STUPID or too LAZY to do anything about it, and THAT'S why Kennedy's assassination is so important. 

     What can we do about all this? Friends, it's coming down to a fork in the road. If we continue along the path plotted for us in 1963 America is truly lost. If we take the right fork we will have revolution. The straw boss don't like us to throw our cotton sacks down. On either path people are going to die. The tree of liberty is fertilized with the blood of patriots. Hey, they don't mind killing us! They have proved that time and time again. It's so much fun to ridicule Alex Jones, and Doc Greene, and then mow down old men having a political meeting on a Sunday afternoon, but brothers and sisters . . . ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun!

#waco #kennedy

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