Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Confessions of an Islamaphobe

America’s Last Stand Confessions Of An Islamophobe
I am an islamophobe. I confess to it. I was not always so, and, to be honest, I would much prefer that this not be so now. But fear, brothers and sisters, while it is not always rational, is sometimes the only response to a threat. My fear of Islam could easily be averted; simply remove the threat of Islam from America, the land which had been promised to me in my youth. Let it be restored to the lands from whence it came. Send the Islamic refugees back to their own nations to do what was done in our land by our revolutionary fathers. Soldiers of the old guard, keepers of the faith, and witnesses to the making of this great country will understand what I mean by my cry for the fulfillment of the pledge. After all we sacrificed, after all of the sacrifice we have demanded of others, this is our country. Understand me when I say It was not implied, it was not alluded to, it was promised by word and by deed that this was our land, and that it would be the land of our children for generations to come. So, for better or worse, I am an American! But now, there is among us a growing threat. Now, imbedded into our union lies the seed of its destruction, Islam. Not the concept of Islam, oh no. We have had constitutional freedom of religion in this country all along, and folks worshipping in mosques have long been among us, and welcome too. But they were American people. American either by birth, or by naturalization. For a time, and even now, some black Americans chose Islam for one reason or another, but it never really caught on. But now, now dear readers know this: lulled into a false sense of security by the covenant established by our constitution, and by the overwhelming tide of freely available goods and services which have dulled our senses like cheap liquor, we have allowed multinational corporations, once wholly American corporations until they decided to stop supporting the nation that helped to bring them into this world, to buy our government lock, stock, and barrel, and they have decided to move foreign islamists into our nation by the tens of thousands. In a moment, I will explain how this represents a threat to America so great that I am willing to risk calling it America’s Last Stand. But first I want to point out clearly that this was accomplished in a manner that demands our attention. This is a nation governed by a body sworn to uphold the constitution. A government of the people, by the people and for the people! But power mad dividers came among us like wolves among a flock of sheep, and turned us against one another so effectively that we are as the people of Babel. Without the Union, we have nothing. Massachusetts did not defeat England! Nor did any one state. It was our union, dearly bought, and barely preserved that made a civilized world even possible. And now, we're nothing but a mob. A truly pathetic rabble spitting epithets at one another, holding opposing rallies in close proximity,exclaiming that the inevitable violence resulting from such foolishness
is the fault of the other side. The other side? What other side? We are Americans dammit! And we had better start acting like Americans again and right soon too.
Now, back to the other great menace. The Pew research center, a site I cannot recommend highly enough, finds that Islam is growing at more than twice the rate of Christianity. This ain’t because folks like getting rug burn when they pray, or that they are convinced that killing infidels will get them laid after they die, this is because, like Catholicism, Islam is a cradle to grave religion in the counties where it was established long ago by the sword. There is no tolerance for any other religion inside Islamic communities. Islamic law inevitably replaces secular laws where it takes root. Our weak, corrupt, congress is allowing the true masters, the unelected rulers of our land, to establish Islamic communities that number in the thousands in all of the strategic cities we built! And, by singular coincidence, the rate of reproduction among them is greater than that of Americans. Yeah, yet another competing ethnic group that, by sheer coincidence makes babies faster than us. I don't know about you, but I already feel like a stranger in a strange land. What kind of place will our children inherit? And let us not forget that ISIS is right under our noses in Mexico, running most of the cartels. How long until the tunnels used to ferry drugs, guns, and money are used to bring armed insurgents onto our very soil?
The only way to end this is the way our forefathers did it. The time has come for a party. A Tea party. And, by God, an American Tea Party that must be open to populists of every stripe. Not just former republicans, or libertarians , but disenfranchised democrats too. That's what I am. Neither party is giving ordinary citizens anything they need. Every American needs to swallow their prejudices and join hands to take back our government community by community. It won't happen easily, any more that it was easy for our forefathers. We cannot do it part time. We will suffer every harm that the oil companies, and big pharma and the rest of those bloated parasites will be capable of bringing down on us. But should we fail to do our duty, should we abandon our watch, then we deserve the scorn reserved for the lowest among us, cowards.
So, if you are an Islamophobe like me, raise up your voice. Contact your local Tea Party representative. Get involved. Make friends with people unlike you in any way except that they too are Americans who wish to hold their ground. Stop, I say stop criticizing other Americans for their party affiliation. We do not have a political problem, we have a problem with the Union. It's sick, and likey to die if we do not act.
Some will say I am speaking out against freedom; and so I am. I am against the freedom that is being exercised by those who would bring a virulent ideology into our nation, without a kiss my foot, or by your leave, that's for sure. Is it ironic that in order to preserve America's freedom, we must suppress that of others? It has ever been so. And so it shall always be.

Copyright 2017 Clevenger & Witt

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