The event in Virginia was the natural result of years of frustration at the degradation of a huge segment of the population. BLM and ANTIFA are not activists, and attacking cars is not freedom of speech. I've heard the idea that the driver of the Dodge was ANTIFA. Then why did ANTIFA attack one of their own?
See this for what it is. Mobs in the street disrupting other people's right to assemble with the assistance of jack booted SS working with the police to suppress true freedom of speech. You are going to see more of this as the PEOPLE come out of hiding to reinforce the will of the people implemented back in November. There are more of US than there are of THEM. The flag that flew above the Alamo read 1824. They were fighting to reinstate the constitution of Mexico struck down by Santa Anna. William Barrett Travis fired a cannon shot that started that war. The young man in the Dodge fired a shot.
I get sick and tired of people here and elsewhere jellyfishing about this and condemning white based groups for finally standing up. They're racist? Well what is BLM? What is ANTIFA? Black Lives Matter? Then stop breaking the law and acting like a bunch of Zulus attacking a British outpost in 1878!
This is not going to get better until it gets done. It's going to take force to counter force. You may not like it, but I ask you; do you like your country? Do you like your family? Do you like driving your car without being attacked by homosexual drug addicts? Then lead, follow, or get out of the way. God will sort them out later!
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