Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Has Your Tobacco Been Tasting Different Lately?

                         Is Your Tobacco Tasting Different Lately

     Butt stompings make strange bedfellows. Back in the day Iran was the enemy to end all enemies. Too hot, weird religion, old men in beards running the show, they had it all. All they had to do was say they had clocks with glow in the dark dials and the UN freaked out. A goat in every pot, and a hanging every Saturday. The west was appalled. Then came ISIS! The Bloods and the Crips just WISH they had that kind of organization. ISIS slithered up out of the war torn ghettos of Syria and started putting the wood to EVERYBODY! All the fanatics in the Middle East just THOUGHT they were Muslim. ISIS showed them all a brand new flavor. ISIS charged across the region headed straight for New York City, and Obama made a speech. How's THAT for undocumented illegals Prez? 

     NOBODY likes ISIS but ISIS, and that's not carved in stone. Day ain't over yet. The one thing this little bunch has done is shown the world what religious fanaticism really looks like. You know one thing I could never figure out about Muslims? Why are they so ticked off at women? I mean they're bad on just about everybody, but they tear them wenches UP! From nine years old girls in the Middle East know it's front and center and that bruqua better be pressed. Why are men who advocate four at a time so skiddish about lingerie? But, I digress. 

     A couple of things happened this week that are note worthy. We lost yet another reporter (Obama was appalled) and the Iranians spilled over the border into Iraq to show us how to take care or Middle Eastern biker gangs. Now this is not official, I had to dig it out of about a dozen news stories, but Iranian soldiers HAVE fired a shot in anger inside Iraq. Little side note, I just know somewhere in Iraq there is a picture of ol' Sadaam with the caption, "Do you miss me yet?" War was so simple back then. He'd rattle his chains, George would send in the troops and Sadaam would haul his butt back to Baghdad. We scoured the countryside for weapons of mass destruction and found goats. Don't laugh, you know it's true. 

     Well, we have new masters now. And, we have an opportunity. Right now the Saudis, the Iranians, the Pakistanis, AND the Russians all agree that we need to get back to the good old days where the only thing we had to worry about was a bunch of old men setting off a nuclear bomb with a fire cracker. If Obama's pencil wasn't so sharp he could forge an alliance very quickly that would wipe ISIS out, but he's too busy spewing double talk between rounds at the links. I hate to use this example, but if a German reporter were killed what do you think Hitler would have done? Well, it would have been simple. "In der future you vill behave differently or there vill be no future!"

     Get an alliance together. LISTEN to the people who LIVE there. Get a short piece of rope and a tall, tall tree, round up all of them bad boys, hang em RIGHT in the street...for all the people to see! And then just LEAVE! Let the Middle East handle the Middle East. Oh, and one final politically incorrect point. Tell certain people that they need to tear up their constitution, institute OURS and treat everybody there in their so called country equally or there won't be one more CENT in aid! Gosh! I should have been in politics. I'm a genius. I really think I am!


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