It is impossible to agree all the time. Different opinions spice up the conversation. When I put up today’s article I knew it would invite controversy. You see, that’s what makes me a writer. I make people think, and talk, and I really don’t care if they always agree with me so long as they do talk. I invite all thoughts. I did an article not long ago addressing the real threat to world peace, which is radical Islam, and I stand by that. My friend, who composed the article I put up today touches on that, and tried to analyze what makes this faction tick. Naturally, she was sympathetic toward the Palestinian cause, but she did recognize that the people in the Gaza Strip and Israel have been there so long, with new generations being born, that to ask any of them to leave is not a reasonable request.
I am a little shy about attacking anyone’s religion. Now people, I have no problem with that. When some Muslim cleric goes after Angela Box I will get on him quick, and personally. I won’t let him fall back on the Qu’ran, or Sharia Law, or any of that nonsense. It’s just me, and him. I used to argue religion, and there is never a win there. “My invisible guy can beat up your invisible guy.” Christians argue with Christians, Muslims with Muslims, Open Carry with Open Carry. We have a little organization going on right now down at RER, and before long you will hear someone accusing someone else about not being “Doc” enough.
Radical Islam knows no bounds. It knows no master, no borders, heck, it barely knows it’s own Qu’ran. All it knows is it is easier to blow something up than hold a job. It searches out the disenchanted and capitalizes on their misery. And the Israelis have a knee jerk reaction to the Palestinians. The Gaza shoots a bottle rocket over and the Israelis fire off a missile. I’m not concerned about all that. Frankly, that’s THEIR problem! What concerns me is Texas.
Texas is a funny place. When some terrorist attacks a mall in Europe, the Europeans wring their hands and cry in their wine and pass another gun law. If that happens in Texas we say, “Now THAT’S what I’m talking about. . . Billy Joe Jim Bob, get a rope!” Texans tend to take a little more direct approach. We have radical Islam right here in Texas. There are Jihadist camps, training right here. That’s crazy! There’s even going to be a rally, with both sides in attendance, and the calls for calm, and civilized behavior are rising up, but that’s not going to help. If the Texans there suddenly go off and start popping rounds at the “Peaceful Muslims” all I can say is, what did they expect? Did they think this was New York or someplace? Did they honestly believe that we would sit by and just watch them conduct bomb classes?
The Jihadists count on complacency. They count on people not getting involved. Well, we’re involved! We’ve been involved since Travis tried to blow Santa Anna out of his saddle with a cannon blast. We’ve been involved since David Koresh asked the ATF, “What part of don’t step on my land do you NOT understand?” When I say I don’t like to get involved with anyone’s religion I mean their worship, not bomb classes. Not getting a school teacher fired for exercising her first amendment rights. Not trying to enforce a legal code alien to our constitution. I mean if they want to squat and pray five times a day that’s cool with me. If they want to squat and fire off a RPG, then, Billy Joe Jim Bob. . . get a rope!
These people are asking for this. We didn’t go in a Mosque and drag them off their prayer rugs. We don’t even say anything when their women show up at H. E. B. in a burlap sack. But, when some cleric jumps up in public and declares the constitution is beneath some code a guy dreamed up in the desert, then we have to talk. Islam, itself is a spiritual, military, and civil SYSTEM. It seeks to control the actions of its followers in every aspect of their lives. And it doesn’t gently push, it has sever consequences for the noncompliant.
If Islam gives you a warm fuzzy that’s fine, but we have our warm fuzzies too! And Muslims saying Texans don’t like Muslims, DUDE, we don’t like Americans either, where have you been? What part of secede do you NOT understand? We’re not a bunch of sheet clad KKK members burning crosses. We are lawyers, businessmen, and working class people who have watched the good ship Obama hit that iceberg again, and again, and again! But, our attitude is different. In the Republic of Texas there will BE no radical Islam. There will BE no safety in hiding behind Mosque walls. There will BE no complacency when the first bomb goes off. When you see what we do to terrorists there won’t BE a second bomb! Probably won’t be any Mosques either, and that’ll be sad. Good people will suffer.
Texas welcomes all people, all races, religions and sects. We do not welcome fools. The ideology of Christianity and Islam will never reconcile, but they can coexist. Muslims in Texas need to get their act together. When some radical cleric says something stupid, something you KNOW goes against the very foundations of Western civilization speak UP. Let it be known you don’t agree with that. You LIKE owning a Quickie Mart and going to the park with your kids on weekends.
If you will note I did not “down” Mohammed in this article, but I am going to let you in on some facts. I am an author. I work with words. I write books. The Bible was arrived at over many centuries. Without hurting too many feelings, and losing friends, I’m here to tell you the Qu’ran is a written work. The Book of Mormon is a written work. I know how these things happen. When books like that come about there are always people who claim the author was not skilled enough to construct it, so it simply has to be of divine origin. Joseph Smith was a simple country boy with little or no formal education. Well, so was Mark Twain! For that matter look at ME. I graduated from Killeen High School in 1969, and brothers and sisters that’s as close to illiterate as you can get and still get a driver’s license. I wasn’t near the top of my class either, in fact, my English teacher in my senior year told me I would NEVER be able to communicate in functional language!
That having been said, when one of these books comes about people will read it and live by it. There are some people who want to be told everything. They want the dots to already be connected. It makes them feel good to believe that all is right in their little world and so long as they don’t eat pork, or drink coffee, all is gonna work out just fine! So long as they don’t make bombs that’s ok by me. Texas stands at a crossroads. America stands at a crossroads, heck the WORLD stands at a crossroads. Radical Islam must be eradicated. These malcontents must be routed and put to rest. That won’t solve all the world’s problems, but it’s a darn good start! Even the Muslims will be happy when they DON’T have to explain a bombing, or downed plane, or beheading. When they can just go and worship and work and enjoy life. I can assure you if the Jihadists hit Texas them boys just peed on that electric fence!
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