ISIS makes a lot of hay promoting itself as some kind of “new odor.” The recent video, sans beheadings, expounding on the intent of the organization, its foundation, resolve, and, of course out and out hate for anyone not subscribing to their particular party line, was a decided step in propaganda, in an attempt to terrify the west with their purported “God,” the European Union scrambles, Putin sends in bombs, and Obama checks the weather.
OK, I’m going to go right to the point. The Middle East is screwed up. Did I say that right? Practically every crazy, whacked out idea to plague the modern world has come right straight off the Temple Mount. We are about to go to global war over events two to four thousand years ago that no one can even agree on the historical verification. We deserve to be extinct! DOGS could run things better than us.
Once upon a time the Jews in Jerusalem got one too many glasses of wine, and took it upon themselves to go to war against the Roman Empire. It was one of those, “Seemed like a good idea at the time,” that looked a tad bit different when the legions came over the hill led by one Vespasian and son Titus. These esteemed gentlemen inflicted a hangover upon the Jews that took them almost two thousand years to get over.
Originally, there was a group within Jerusalem who planned to antagonize the Romans until such time as a series of agreements could be reached, allowing the war to end, and the return of the region to the Empire with stipulations, which amounted to an accurate accounting of the money. Hey, they were Jews. However, as luck would have it, a small band of hot heads seized control and formed their own little power mad group of which Josephus related, “The barbarity of the tyrants toward the people of their own nation. . . “ sound familiar?
While Titus delayed, due to his concern for the innocents within the walls, eventually he took the city, crucified every man, woman, dog and cat within, lit up the Temple, and had a bar b que. He tore down the temple, all but that wall they still cry on, and when he was done I took the Jews one thousand, eight hundred, and seventy seven years to come back, because they weren’t quite sure them bad S.O.B.s were gone!
The one wrench in our modern predicament is that ISIS is so rag tag, so diverse, that even if we hit them with nuclear bombs, one might get away, and we’ll have the same problem again and again. Now, the next part is pure conjecture on my part. Enter Flavius Josephus. If you’ll note he has the same family name as Titus, and Vespasian. That’s ‘cause they adopted him as their pet Jew. He also spoke, and wrote Hebrew, Greek, and God knows what else. How do you beat religious nuts? You subvert their religion from within. You take a little known itinerant Rabbi, a view oral traditions, mix in some Torah, and voila, there you have it! While making sure you record statements like, “Sell your coat and buy a sword,” you also make sure that “Render unto Caesar,” is there too. Persecutions aside, this group flourished, and was too busy breaking bread to ever go against the Empire again. Add about a three hundred year love/hate relationship between Rome and them, on May 20, 325, all parties met at Nicaea and formed Pax Romana. . . my bad, the Catholic Church.
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