Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Dramatic New Footage From Oregon

There is dramatic new footage from Lavoy Finicum’s SUV coming out of the Bundy Ranch site today. It’s not on YouTube, but you can catch it here on FaceBook. Watch it quick because as soon as FaceBook realizes it is patriotic they’ll pull it. I mentioned it also here. You should review my original Tribune article on this in “No Gun In The Snow.” That will catch you up with my ideas when this story first broke. All that’s happened now is this new footage shows that, yet again, I’m right. Just me and Rush Limbaugh, and it’s lonely up here. Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, the cell phone video coming from the occupants of the SUV proves out every single point I made previous to this. So, let’s recount some facts, shall we?
LaVoy was stopped by the cops on a lonely Oregon road. Some say it was the FBI, others the Oregon State Police, could have been the dog catcher, I don’t know, but he was stopped. They waited around about four minutes while the fuzz pulled their heads out of their collective butts, and then the vehicle takes off. Now, on the surface, from the drone, this looks like he disobeyed a lawful order, but when the audio from the new footage is synced you very quickly see that Mr. Finicum simply ran out of patience with the Keystone Cops, and drove away. He verbally announced that he was headed about fifty miles down the road to talk with a sheriff. As we all know, he did a dodge of a road block, and ended up in a snow bank. If you look at the drone footage you see Lavoy exit the truck, raise his hands, retract his hands, and then goes down. FBI official story. Now, remember, there’s the truth, the spin, and the “Fishy” story. The fishy on this is Mr. Finicum was pulling a gun and the men in black were in fear for their lives, sitting there waiting in ambush in a location where no cell towers existed.
From the air it looks like he is laying there dead while the boys in blue stumble around in the snow like a flock of fools, but when tied with the new audio you clearly hear the real deal. First, you hear Mr. Finicum angrily telling the cops to “Just shoot me!” After he hits the ground you hear the bullets hitting the car from the perspective of the occupants inside. For the longest time there is a spaced assault on the vehicle, and you can actually hear the impact of the bullets. KaThunk, KaThunk, KaThunk! All the while the people inside are screaming, crying and praying. Finally, the cops pull the old, “Get out with your hands up,” and “Get up.  . . get down. . . get all around,” and by the grace of God no one else got killed.
Ok, back to basics. No gun! If Lavoy had a gun in his pocket it was of no danger to the officers. If he did draw it, and was hit by fire from one or more of the cops, it only stands to reason that the gun would have ended up very visible in the snow. Blue steel against white does that, you know. Every “HomeBoy” I ever saw shot by the cops while holding a gun slung it onto the parking lot, or wherever they happened to be at the time. This was a clear assassination, but here’s the skinny.
There are rouge cops today who kill whomever they wish, and their justification is, “Well, I had bullets in my gun!” They are in fear for their lives, our lives, the dog’s life, everyone’s life. I hate to drag in my time worn example of Wyatt Earp, but no matter what you might think, he was in a full-fledged gun fight, with bullets flying by his head when Ike Clanton charged him yelling that he was unarmed, and Wyatt did not shoot him. Neither did Doc Holiday either, and Doc was “wired,” but, they weren’t trained law enforcement, they were just gunslingers.
So, why was the fuzz so pent up about a bunch of people taking over a rest stop in a shutdown park in the winter? I won’t back away from my original article The Not So OK Corral. I didn’t think that we Texas Nationalists should get involved with a bunch of Yankees fighting over a bathroom. We’re forging a nation, not hugging trees down here. And, we’ve done this before! Before Texas was a state it was a republic. Oregon was just land. But, that having been said, Mr. LaVoy Finicum meant what he said, did what he did, and went down for his cause. I’m not going to be explicit here, but if you draw a circle from Salt Lake City, to Burns, Oregon, down to about Arizona, and back up through Denver, ending at Salt Lake City, you’ll roughly have a place called Deserette. Those who have ears, let them hear! What do LaVoy Finicum, Harry Reid, Mitt Romney, and Cliven Bundy have in common? They’re the boys that don’t drink no Folgers. Jus’ Sayin’. Maybe the FBI saw a little more in that SUV than one old man and some freaked out girls. Maybe they saw a little “even up,” just like the see when they look at Texas. Well, I have a little message for the Fed. If you add Deserette to the original borders of the Republic of Texas that leaves you BROOKLYN! Better start swimming or you’ll sink like a stone because times they are a changing! History lesson over, ring the bell.

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