Thursday, April 30, 2015

Al Sharpton, Social Pimp!

     I've just about had my fill of race baiting opportunists like Al Sharpton! Am I the only one who sees this guy for what he is? He would have to stand on his mother's shoulders to kiss Dr. King's butt! He is an ignorant, racist, tax evading hypocrite! And he portrays himself as as being a man of the cloth! He is the only man I know that Mother Theresa would kick in the groin. 

     Ok, the cops are out of control. We ALL know that! We get busted up down here innTexas for carrying a BANANA in a holster! Al Sharpton is so "concerned" about black lives, yet I haven't seen him carry ONE sign in front of an abortion clinic. The organized genocide of millions of black people and he totally MISSED that! Heck no! He's too busy flying here and there stirring up a bunch of kids, and getting THEM killed so he can continue to pass the "love" offering. And he IS a racist! Quanum X defends ALL people oppressed by the system. Al Sharpton only shows up where he can stir up a riot up and pick up some cash on his way out of town. 

     You take people's jobs away, put them on the dole, feed them Hip Hop lies, send in an incendiary like Al Sharpton, and then stand back in snake amazement when the whole thing blows up! This is my surprised face. He makes a lot of money! A lot! Do you really think this social pimp does anything for nothing? He is the epitome of the jokes Richard Pryor used to make about Black Preachers. 

     What's the cure for Al Sharpton? Common sense! Education. I saw a black student actually say that Dr. King freed the slaves. THESE are the people who put Obama in office people! There will not be a huge public backlash against you rioters. Society has moved BEYOND you. You are still living in Al Sharpton's 1950 version of America. He's not creative enough to write his own ideology so he plagiarized old, rusty routines from the distant past. The only cotton he ever picked was that freshly pressed Arrow shirt he took out of his closet this morning in his million dollar house NOT in Harlem. Dr. John David Manning DID get up in Harlem this morning and went right to work addressing black on black crime, gay marriage, and abortion because HE is a man of God! Am I the only one who sees this?   

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

No Tickee No Laundry

     About three days ago I did an article of great social and political importance. All fired up about civil disobedience, and how the police were getting what was coming to them, and the times, they were a changing! Well, I ran out of whiskey, and took a step back. Ok, homeboys, your time in the barrel!

     Let's look at the three biggest Al Sharpton hits of the last five years. Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and the late, great Freddie Gray! Now just what do these guys all have in common? A) If Obama had a son he would look like them. B) They were on the way to the store to pick up some cigars, Skittles, or maybe a little CRACK, or C) All three were SCUMBAGS! I think the answer is C, but I'm just a simple old boy from Austin, so what do I know?

     Black people! If you're going to find a martyr, a little background check would be NICE! And this last cat, OMG! I grew up with a guy named "Jr" who was a HIT man and he  didn't have a rap sheet that long! How  did this guy stay out of jail for five minutes?  And one other thing they all have in common: Death By STUPID." Martin punches a Mexican in the nose who is packing. I know, I know, he wasn't a Mexican, but I'm from Texas so just deal with it, ok? Brown charges a cop AFTER he robs a store, AND slaps said cop in the mouth, and Gray is selling crack on main street DOZENS Of times and gets PINCHED! Yeah, yeah, yeah, they broke his neck. Maybe shoulda stayed in the crack house. You think? 

     All three times black folk lost their collective minds, spilled out into the street, and lit up the neighborhood. Not all black folk, just the ones who had a lot of time on their hands. Little Alex Hill got killed by the CPS down here in Texas, and didn't even get a nose thumb from Obama orJack in the Sharp, but then she was only two years old and she was white, and I suppose that means something. 

     They pour into the streets in righteous indignation and loot! I saw one looter sprinting away with a four pack of paper towels. There's your next martyr! Y'all swat them bees now, you hear? Back in my day our looters stole TV sets!  And looters out in LA can get DOWN! When they strike a match the fuzz don't even show up for work! Ah, the good old days. But, I digress. I don't know anything about Baltimore. I think it's up in Maryland somewhere, but I KNOW Missouri! Missouri SUCKS! When I seen the fires light up in Ferguson I thought, "Good job!" But then, that's just me. I humped equipment down in Branson one summer for Rodney Dilliard, and I hate every square INCH of Missouri!

     Couple days ago I said I couldn't find a solution for these riots. Well, I  lied! I had a solution, but I was wimping out. Here it is. CONSTITUTIONAL
 CARRY! WHOMP, Dey it is! You give a pistola to every mother's son and just stand back and sell tickets! "Oh Wilbur! You'd just have the wild west." DUDES! You GOT the wild west! I'm just trying to bring a new sheriff to town, that's all. What do you suppose would happen if a bunch of rioters were on their way to burn down a laundry, and Fong Yong, his three daughters, two sons, and assorted cousins were all waiting down there armed to the gills? No tickee, no laundry! And don't even trip over and jump on the Quickie Mart staffed with Omar and the boys. Seventy-two virgins any one? 

     Cops are real good at beating up a coed for jay walking, especially since are six of them and one of her, but they ain't worth a FLIP when it comes to facing a crowd of drunk thugs. If the math's not right the cops will opt for the donuts every time. (You cops can swat them bees, too!) It takes PEOPLE to inflict good crowd control. And guns. Lots of guns. I'll bet I've got Mothers For Gun Sense In America puking in their little girl's back right about now, but that's ok. I'll say one thing for sure. Cure for scumbags. Martin . . .CURED! Brown . . . CURED!  Gray? Absolutely cured. But, Jesus loved 'em all. The rest of thinking Americans just think  they were thugs! Is there anything I missed?

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Where's Justice?

     I'm going for a different take on Baltimore. It's going to surprise you. While not all policemen are bad cops, the media has been deluged with the images of brutality on almost a daily basis. Down here in Texas we have a problem getting people to show up for a rally. When patriots are arrested for sitting on the Capitol lawn we raise our mighty cell phones. Well, the people of Baltimore did a bit more. 

     Yeah, they're thugs. Yeah, they're looters, but that's what it comes to sometimes. Twelve year old boy with a toy gun gets shot. Where's the justice? Man in New York gets choked to death. Where's the justice? Homeless man in Arizona, killed for turning his back, another in South Carolina SHOT in the back . . . WHERE'S THE JUSTICE? This day was coming when the police militarized. The moment they made the choice to serve and protect themselves this match was scheduled. 

     The rioters are a mob. Nothing productive can come of this, but how much can the people take? All the screaming, and brutality must stop. STOP RESISTING policemen! Else this will continue. There are ways to enforce the law withOUT shooting, tasing, or breaking backs! YOU ARE NOT THE LAW! There are more of US than there are of YOU, and it's time you realized that. 

     The fires will die. The streets will calm, until another rouge cop decides to take the law into his own hands and then they will start right back up again. It's time you understand the thin blue line is just that, thin! We, the public, are not the enemy. We are your employers. You serve and protect US! 

     That all having been said the politicians need to be on notice, too. There's a battle outside that is raging. We'll soon shake your windows, and rattle your walls. And behind the rioters are those of us who don't burn, don't steal, we change GOVERNMENT, and we'll show you where justice is. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

God Save the Queen!

     The Clinton's absolutely amaze me. Their criminal record would make Al Capone blush with shame. They've laundered more money than poor Al could ever imagine. Hillary gave RUSSIA a quarter of our uranium, and Bill is a paid for, professional liar. He makes Al Gore look good . All Gore did was try to slow down the rotation of the planet!  of All that having been said, Liberal Democrats are falling over themselves to put this wench BACK in the White House! Like she didn't do enough damage when she ran the country the FIRST time.If you or I pulled just ONE of her stunts we'd hope for parole sometime after 2076! All Martha Stewart did was sold some stocks on a bedroom tip. 

     Americans have given rise to a new royalty. Now, just ask yourself, where does royalty come from? I mean way back then they weren't just born with a silver spoon in their mouth.  Someone had to put it there. And, if you understand they just breathe and eat just like the rest of us then what puts them on a level far and above the average person? Well, to make a long story short, Royalty comes from being descended from the biggest thug. If Michael Brown had lived, he would have been royalty. Come to think of it, he IS! 

     You see, back in the day, Phillip MymouthwithPharts was a pretty good thief. He, and his band of not so merry men scoured the countryside, galloping hither and yon on their stolen horses taking whatEVER they needed to support the lifestyle they'd like to become accustomed  to. Pretty soon you got a castle, and this biker gang that ran with Phillip are dubbed "knights." But, you gotta have a title. Can't go anywhere 'cept you gots a title! Voila! KING Phillip is born! 

     He's got  crown, a throne, LOTS of fried chicken and oh, those knights. He no longer has to steal, why heck no! He just TAXES the beJesus out of anything that eats, sleeps, or works now, with the added bonus that it becomes patriotic DUTY to pay the King, and if you pay on time he will protect you . . . from the KNIGHTS! He comes upon this thing called a queen! Now ten years ago she was just the skinny girl with TWO dresses, but as QUEEN she is the epitome of womanhood. She is blonde, and beautiful. Long hair is a must. She never has to use the bathroom, and her breath smells like Carnation milk! 

     By and by, King Phillip and Queen Ima Witch conceive a child, immaculately, of course, and Prince I'm Endowed comes screaming into the world. Fast forward a thousand years or so, and you can easily see how this bunch of hoodlums can acquire some cash.  The public has lost all memory of the origin of this cluster love in, and some even suspect the royal linage may trace back to Jesus Christ Himself! And they've been living, loving, and dipping anyone who disagrees with them in boiling oil. Can this all happen again in the modern age?

     Well, I give you, the CLINTON'S! Lying, stealing, pimping,  all of the above and the Liberal Democrats LOVE 'em! Hillary is so royal it's ACCEPTED that she will be the next president. Kinda cool being the president elect before the first primary, now isn't it? Why, I don't even know why anyone should run against her. Let's just not do that, and say we did. She galavants about the countryside making one asinine  statement after another, and the huddled masses are lapping it up like puppies on a saucer of milk! I cant wait for all the Hollywood endorsements to come rolling in. Every royal court needs a jester, and Hollyweird has a BUNCH! And, don't forget she's got a kid, too! Think baby Clinton is going away? Au Contraire! Barring getting stuffed on a rocket and catapulted to the MOON, her bed is waiting in the White House. What she'll probably do is champion some "cause."   Let's see, what would be a good cause for an aspiring queen? I have it. The homeless transvestites of   Albuquerque! That should be good for a hundred mil or so. 

     And, I know, I know, I can hear it now, "Oh Wilbur! America don't got no Royalty. We split off from the King of England. We be a DEMOCRACY!" Look, boys and girls, if it walks like a duck quacks like a duck, and has pizza in the oval office with comely young interns, then it must be . . .  a CLINTON! Normally at this point in the article I would put forth a solution, but this time is different. I can fix stupid, and the typical, red blooded, government cheese eating American voter is STUUUUUUUUPID! We'll be lucky if they don't make Hillary presidentess for LIFE! And they'll run out into the streets on coronation, I'm sorry, inaugural day, and roll in it like a dog in a dead armadillo! Cake for EVERYONE! God save the Queen! 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

God Rest America!

     America was a great experiment. A colony, founded by adventurous pioneers who braved an entire continent, formed a nation, and came to dominate the world with the idea of God given rights, small government, and a vision that inspired the world. Everything is born, grows old, and eventually dies. So it will be with America. In the beginning the opportunities were wide open. Immigrants crowded New York Harbor because being homeless in America beat all the other options anywhere else. Shucks, the cowboys were homeless. If a person had an idea, it could grow beyond their wildest dreams, be it a cotton gin, an automobile, or two guys in a garage in California who thought you should be able to carry a computer around in your pocket!

     And the world took notice. People around the world began to accept the idea that America could work anywhere. Now, the American experience was unique. Look at it for what it was. The history of America wasn't thousands of years old, and I don't care who "discovered" America, be it Columbus, Eric the Red, the MORMONS, it doesn't matter! When the Pilgrims set their mark on Plymouth Rock America was a clean slate. It all started THEN! Before long the conquistadors came from the south, the French, the Germans, the Chinese, all looking to contribute to the great experiment. 

     Other countries began to apply the American formula to their own situation. Karl Marx wrote his Das Kapital, but he was a man who never worked a day in his life and really knew nothing about the workers. His uncle was an industrialist and Marx never darkened the door of one of his factories to see one product hit the loading dock. He was like a fat man writing a book on proper diet. The Russians and Chinese don't like to admit it, but they had to apply American capitalism in order to make it work! 

     America will not fall, it will dissolve, and reform. You will see the states assert their individual rights and then lines will be redrawn according to cultures, and regions, more logical than the artificial state boundaries we have today. One of these regions will be Texas. This is not the first time Texas has tried to enforce the American constitution as it truly is. We did it in 1836, 1861, and now. Like the American Dream, the Texas reinforcement of that dream will grow "legs" and Texas again will raise its head among the nations, and some folks can beat that dead horse all they want, but he still ain't gonna eat no hay! 

     Don't mourn for America. It did its job, fulfilled it's purpose. An experiment has results. The theorem is either proven, or discarded. The result of the American experiment was simple. The government contributes nothing, the PEOPLE do! Government is but a voice of the people.  When the voice of the people is ignored, or perverted, you get the tail wagging the dog every time! 

     "Accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone, and you'd better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone, because times they ARE a changing!" You won't see a great collapse. You will see political extinction. You will just see the system realign, and begin to work again, just as it did before Lincoln "saved" the Union. The Confederates were right, they just went about it the wrong way. What would have happened if the south had NOT seceded, and not given Lincoln his war with over 600,000 dead, but instead just nullified his every move, turning his administration into a one hit wonder that made no difference at all? Slavery would have ended anyway. The Model T would still have been invented anyway, and Bill Gates would still be the richest man in the world. 

     Political landscapes change constantly. America is the people, not the government. America is an idea, a dream, not a huge bureaucracy bent on self perpetuation to the exclusion of all the citizens who pay its every growing bills, while it ignores them, and tries to impose its warped idea of "democracy" upon the world! An idea that would have gotten the plutocracy all tarred and feathered in 1776! THAT'S the America that was waiting for the immigrants on Ellis Island. THAT'S the dream that pushed the settlers to Texas, and Utah, and California, not this perversion of liberal bastardization that is presented to the world today. God REST America! 

Saturday, April 25, 2015

White Man CRAZY!

     Truth and public perception, never the two shall meet! After the show on Rage Against The Regime last night I was doing a little light reading. I do that. I'll fill up an ice chest with beer and read articles, news, watch a few videos, generally prime myself for the next day. Well, I came upon this WordPress blog titled, "The Most Lied About Man In History."It explained how this poor guy had been maligned and lied about so bad it was a beyond belief. He was the gentlest, kindest, most loved humanitarian who ever lived. Just one notch under Jesus Christ! Pictures of him petting little lambs, smiling with little girls, and BIG  girls, with people crowding him at every turn. Well, to make a long story short, it was about Hitler! Boys and girls, I had to have another beer!

     I Crappith thee NOT! The article renamed the Holocoaust the "Holohoax" and purported the Germans were resettling Jews in Palestine, only to be end run by the evil Winston Churchill, at the behest of radical Zionists, forcing them to crowd the Jews in protective camps, like Auschwitz, where the poor Germans protected them from Allied bombing raids, and the likes of Josef Mengele worked day and night to keep them healthy until this could be resolved.  After six beers and reading this article I began to like Hitler MYSELF! What you burn in your crazy mind!

     Truth and perception! Anyone can build a case for anything. It goes right back to what I call  "circles!" If you draw a complete mental circle there'll be a bunch of idiots out there nodding their heads up and down like one of them little toy dogs on the dash of a "Cinco Cinco Chevy!" And so we have . . . I give you . . . Hilliary Clinton! Over the last few days I've seen a barrage of public statements she's made covering everything from abortion to the weather, and it's all NUTS! I thought all these high octane politicians had handlers telling them when to shut UP! Or has the American public become so perverse that she is actually spot ON? No WONDER the Muslims hate us. Then I stand back, and look at the likes of Dianne Feinstein and groups like "Moms for Gun Sense in America," and I begin to think, 9,000,000 gay men can't be WRONG! 

     You want to know the scary part? She can WIN! Look what we have in the White House right NOW! If that's not the cart leading the horse then I'm not a white boy from Austin! And she's UGLY! Even Wendy Davis could pass for a woman after a few drinks. I know Hilliary is a woman because she's got a kid who is as ugly as she is. And if she wins we get BILL! Heck, why even have Obama move out of the White House, theres room enough. We'll just have one big pot party in the Oval Office. The huddled masses that put her there will be dancing in the streets. They will have lots of time to dance because there won't be any jobs! Somewhere there's a wise old Indian chief, smoking his pipe, and watching all this, uttering the timeless phrase handed down by his people for generations. "White man CRAZY!"

Friday, April 24, 2015

Freedom of speech and other Edsels

     So, what is free speech? Where does free speech end, or does it? While the first amendment assures the right to expound beliefs, does it give license to vulgarity, threats, or out right lies? The freedoms of speech, religion, press, and assembly are all tied together, and tied that way for a reason. People have a right to form a religion, and TALK about it. They have a right to write about it, and a right to get together as a group and talk, or to question the government. 

     All religions either actively or clandestine, seek to convert the world to THEIR understanding. The Romans were cool. They had hundreds of Gods, PICK ONE! I'm going right back to Wilbur's rule of religion number one. "My invisible guy can lick YOUR invisible guy." I've seen it all, written it all, and sold it all, but I have yet been able to define faith in the human condition. I've noticed that a lot of religious people take an event and try to fit their god into the mix. It's easy to sit on the sidelines and ridicule, but there is no denying the inner peace that comes when all the pieces come together. 

     You cannot convert another person. Conversion must come from within. You must convince yourSELF! To have different faiths to meet and try to find middle ground is an oxymoron. If you have faith it goes to follow that you simply must believe that your faith is THE faith, so when two opposing faiths meet at the table . . . see where this will go? One side will scream, "Satan," the other, "INFIDEL," and not a drop of whiskey in the room! 

     But, there is still the issue of freedom of speech. Freedom of speech sounds good so long as it's YOUR freedom of speech. Vernacular in the fifth ward of Houston is vastly different than the verbiage used at the Berry Creek Country Club. And freedom of speech does not automatically morph into freedom of actions. It's perfectly fine to rant against America at some campus meeting, that does NOT give one permission to desecrate the flag, or insinuate violence to achieve your ends.  A lot of Muslims lean heavily on our freedom of speech to forward their ideology, but don't try to draw even a flattering picture of Mohammed. Perception plays a big part, too. A row of Muslim women, all decked out in religious garb feel very holy . . . they just look like clowns to Texans. I never look at them. I always worry that if I make eye contact I may have to marry their sister or something, and I really don't want to see that tongue wagging thing down at HEB. I honestly can't remember the last time I saw a pretty Muslim girl, but all you see is their nose, and it is quite large. 

     Assembly is important, too. Where is the dividing line between assembly and riot? Muslims make a lot of hay from that, too, but shouldn't that apply to all people, like say, the Klan? "Oh Wilbur, the Klan is an extremist group of prejudiced people who want to impose their ideology on everyone else and even resort to violence to achieve their goal!" Extremist people doing extremist things. Hey, run over to Mecca, get a group together, and all meet over at the Kabba to recite the Lord's Prayer! Better have some treasure laid up in heaven because you're gonna NEED it! 

     And addressing the government. You can address the government all you want, but they are never going to get the letter. It this life, my friends, there are lead dogs, and the ones who follow, and when you're not the lead dog the view never changes. People in power tend to hold onto power. They even admit now that "legal" language is vastly different from "language" language, and should you beat them at their own game they'll just ignore it and go right on. 

     So where does freedom of speech stand? It DOESN'T! Freedom of speech is what the government allows you to say so long as you stay within certain guidelines drawn up by whomever is in power at the moment. Freedom of speech is only as powerful as the number of people who speak it. Our problem, as Americans is that we don't speak out. When some group expounds their belief, and you don't show up to rebuke, that means you agree, and yes, somebody's gonna have to go to jail. Go tell it to C J Grisham.  America is lost, but Texas can still be saved. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Sausage Stand

     If Mohammed's whacked out religion had contained itself on the Arabian peninsula the world would be a lot better off. If all we ever saw of that culture was Ali Baba and the forty thieves and movies like "The Road To Morocco" no one would pay it any mind and they would just be a quaint people who rode camels and prayed a lot. I remember, as a child, on game shows like The Sixty-Four Thousand Dollar Question, people would routinely win vacations to the fantastic tourist sites along the coast there, and the hotels were extraordinary.  Instead of old women in burquas being shot in the head, there were some of the most beautiful women in the world doing dances that could melt the wax off a Dixie Cup at one hundred yards. 

     The image I had of Islam up until 9/11 was if you lived by the precepts of the Qu'ran, and kept a clean life, you would naturally be successful and happy. I was kinda partial to the four wives thing, too, but I won't go there.  So what went wrong? What changed over booked hotels into rubble? Nothing! The hotels were an illusion. The smiling faces were masks, hiding the true nature of Islam from the Western world until they had pumped enough oil out of the desert to impose their real intent. 

     Now, this is not to say that every Muslim is a wild eyed terrorist with a bomb in a pressure cooker headed for a day care center. The guy working fourteen hours a day down at the Quickie Mart couldn't care less about what ISIS is up to as he hands you your cigarettes through the drive through window. One thing that is different, however, is the undercurrent of disrespect for America, and what it stands for. Time was, as Ahmed squandered in the slums of Beirut, he had dreams of someday landing in New York, and starting a little shop somewhere in Harlem. Just getting there was only part of the dream. To work toward actually becoming an American was the ultimate goal. To be able to raise his hand for the first time, and pledge to the flag was something that inspired him because America was the land of opportunity. It was a place where he could stand equal to sheiks, under the law, where his rights were assured, and no one could just come into his house and take what they wanted. And that flag was the symbol of all that hope. 

     Do you remember the opening scene of "The Godfather?" "I believe in America! I came to America to make-a my fortune . . ." That was the dream of every Italian immigrant who ever sold sausages from a push cart on Mulberry Street. It was hard to get here, hard to get started, and hard to stay here. You think your life is hard? Go tell it to the Pilgrims!  But, it was worth it. This was AMERICA! The immigrants held to their new country because the wanted above all to really belong! Slowly that pride began to erode. It evolved from a fond memory of the old country, and nodding respect to roots to a total rejection of American culture and an effort to impose the same failed plan that brought them here in the first place! 

     So what's the difference between an Italian down on Mulberry Street, and a Muslim stepping on the flag on some Ivy League campus? ISLAM! The Italian's religion is a few Hail Marys and a bottle of wine, and the Muslim submerges himself in Islam to the exclusion of everything else.  They have this idea that there are no international borders, and there is only Islam as a "state." If they can pervert our laws, use our own constitution against us, and terrorize us enough, they will be able to build the same septic tank here, that they had THERE, and the sheiks will be back! 

     We cannot allow this to happen. To stand idly by while some girl dressed in a tent, with a rag on her head spits on the flag must not be tolerated. Sure, a few of us are going to go to jail.  Right now the statue of liberty is in jail, and no one is throwing down on her bail. Sure, we have made war.  Sure we have imposed our interests, but if we are the great "Satan," if we are so perverse, why do they come here in the first place. They HAVE a huge selection of other countries to choose from where a pretty girl can't wear a swim suit. Go THERE! But WE have to stand up, people! From the banker in his plush office all the way down to DeAngelo selling his sausage, we have to let these usurpers know that this is STILL America and the ghosts of Ellis Island will not let us forget that. America is an idea. An idea build on the sweat and tears of generations of people striving for a better life. We are all immigrants. If you don't have a feather in your hair you ain't FROM here! 

     Islam is the only thing in the world that would make Al Capone look good. Even HE was glad to be here. And all this "black" thing? I noticed Al Sharpton has NOT made his reservations to return to the "old" country. He's too busy having breakfast on Long Island somewhere. Our judges are idiots. Our police are storm troopers, and our colleges are managed by pseudo intellectuals who should never be allowed to be around children! And Islam is a cancer that only the strongest medicine will work! Stop worrying about THEIR rights. They lost them the second they put  their first dirty foot on Old Glory. They have rejected America, and it's damn well time we, as a people, that's right, a PEOPLE, rejected THEM!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

You Wan Meet My Seester?

     Jade Helm is looming on the horizon. I want to examine this with a critical eye. There are two extreme positions. On the one hand the idea is out and out martial law, with closed Walmarts being used for detention centers and everyone from Tea Party activists to WWII vets are going to be rounded up. The loyal opposition, of course, claims that this is not true, and it's all a training exercise designed to teach soldiers about urban warfare so they can patrol Iraq.  The truth is somewhere in between. I have several questions. With Fort Hood, Fort Bliss and a whole freaking DESERT from El Paso to LA, why all this "hostile state" nonsense? But, we've NEVER seen the government throw good money after bad on some nonsensical project before, now HAVE we? I mean, we've got a president who never held a job in his LIFE! 

     Training is always a dangerous thing. I mean, look what we've got for police. It doesn't matter if the intended purpose is to learn to secure neighborhoods in Stupidstan, the training sticks. One size fits all. It doesn't matter when you learn to kick in a door if Billy Joe Jim Bob, or Ali Baba and his forty wives are on the other side, the song remains the same. We don't NEED to train in the streets. That's what we have places like Fort Hood for. I saw an exact replica of Mount Carmel at North Fort Hood after the Waco fiasco . . . Wait, those were civilians, but I digress. Now, where was I? Oh yes, Fort Hood. They don't need to be patrolling the streets of Killeen, what they need to do is keep Islamic nuts from blasting them to kingdom come in their own back yard. 

     The Walmart thing puzzles me, I'll be honest. I don't think the cartels are mixed up in all of this or they'd be closing Home Depots. Maybe they are. STOP! Now I'm getting nutty! Walmart has been talking loud and walking proud for years, shorting employees their hours, selling products specifically designed to fit THEIR business model, and "supposedly" the largest retail operation in the world. There is always a curve, always a turning point. What seems too good to be true, usually isn't. Anybody out there remember Gibsons?

      I know for a fact down here in Texas we have a grocery store called HEB. Now, they're just as bad as Walmart, what with having no problem using illegals and product from Mexico if need be. Haven't seen an American avocado there yet, all Mexican. (Don't eat those, folks. They'll make you go poo poo!) Fact remains an HEB can open up right across the street from a Walmart and rain death down upon it.  Large stores, good meat, and the employees actually know where the MILK is! Also they specialize you young, cute girls at the check out counter, which is always nice. On a smaller scale we have a convenience store here in Killeen called Mickey's, started by a school teacher after his wife died. In his depression he cranked up about thirty of them. And this is a PoDunk town people! Ran practically ALL the 7/11's out of town. And they did it with chicken livers and gizzards! Walmart has perpetuated this myth of invincibility, but could it be there's a leak in the dyke? All this is speculation, of course. 

     What I ask is if we're going to spend all this money putting this exercise together, and they really need to train in urban warfare might I suggest the border? They could use real bullets and have real terrorists, hiding in ice cream shops shooting back. And, hey, they're brown like Iraqis! Added bonus you can meet their seester, she virgin! You want to have a bunch of people smoking dope, cutting people's heads off? I give you the CARTELS! They'll never buy into that, though. Makes too much sense, and not near as much fun as practicing an assault on TCBY in the Killeen Mall!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The King and the Temple

     Now for a little bedtime story. Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there was a kingdom. The subjects prospered, and happiness abounded throughout the land. The king would make speeches which made no sense, but he loved golf and he was politically correct, so only the subjects who could read raised objections on occasion, but were ignored by the rest, who worshipped the king in temples known as Well Fare. They were thus called because those who worshipped there day and night would fare well at the expense of the other subjects who tilled the fields, giving a goodly portion of their crops to the temples in tribute. 

     But all was not well in the kingdom. Because of the joy, and plenty subjects of other kingdoms wished to come and worship in the temples also. At first it was not so bad, just a few filtering in here and there, but over time it became cumbersome, as many others from many kingdoms wished to partake of the goodst of the land. There was not room in the temples so as to contain the devout. Lo! One day the King called a council. He said, "There are so many worshippers from other kingdoms coming here the land cannot support them all. I shall tell them that they need to stay in their kingdoms and request proper entry, else famine will abound in the land, and the original worshippers shall fall into apostasy." 

     "But, your majesty," returned the advisors, "the border between our kingdom and theirs hath fallen into disrepair, and there is but a barbed wire fence betwixt, and it is down!"

     "CURSES!" cried the king. "If I cannot control my own border the subjects will soon realize that I, myself, am from another kingdom, and may depose me, indeed, exile me and I shall lose all my money, and sheep, and goats, but most of all the castle!" 

     The king retreated in deep meditation, and by and by he devised a plan. He deduced that if the subjects were to be bestowed with the right to be in his kingdom by decree then they would no longer be subjects of another kingdom at all, yea, but subjects of his kingdom, indeed, subjects of the highest caliber! He would baptize them exceedingly. Then, there would be not a need for a border at all, and he could even save the expense of replacing the barbed wire fence. 

     So the king issued a decree. Henceforth, and forever more, any subject entering his kingdom would by virtue of their audacity itself, would be his loyal subjects, and the subjects previously living in the land would be compelled to fall upon their knees and worship them, even as they had the king! 

     But, the Kings advisors told him, "The subjects who can read, especially the sect known as the sacred order of Republicus, shall say that Thou art as crazy as the vermin which scamper about the toilette facilities!" 

     "Nay, nay," saith the king, for I shall create a diversion, whereupon they shall cast their eyes in yet another direction. I shall undertake a huge crusade which, by the very size of it, shall so occupy their hearts, and minds, they shall not even take note of my plan, indeed, shall occupy themselves in meaningless pondering as my plan unfolds, even under their very noses!"

     So it was that the king sent knights throughout the land, hither and yon, and the king was right, the subjects rose in alarm facing not the invading forces streaming over the broken barbed wire fence but observing the knights instead. 

     "But," the advisors cautioned, "what if some of the subjects should come about, and observe, and sound the alarm?"

     "Nay, nay what do you say?" cried the king, " for they are too few, and the subjects I duped into worshipping me hath become complacent, and grown fat upon free bread, therefore the alarm will amount to naught!" Then, after a time, the king considered and said, "Yet even so, I shall create yet another diversion in a kingdom far away. I shall cause Repubicus to believe that a religious sect hath become yet so powerful that even lions tremble in their dens, and only our knights shall be able to abate them!" 

     "But," the advisors asked, "doest we have that many knights"

     "Thou fools," saith the king, "I shall not really dispatch the knights there. I shall need them to guard the palace  here. And, to placate the populace further, I shall tell them that I have a bridge I shalt sell them at a discounted rate!" 

     "But what about the holy order of the constitution, your highness. It distinctly says that all though doest is contrary to all that the kingdom is built upon?"

     The king smiled, and considered his one wood and saith, "You ponder empty things not worthy of your time. They cannot READ!"


Monday, April 20, 2015

Liberal Democrats

     I have a friend that I never talk to outside of a friendly "like" on her kids' pictures. Why? Because she's a liberal democrat. Her philosophy is simple. If it's liberal democrat, she's IN! Run dead babies up the flagpole two at a time; FINE! She's a liberal democrat. Let illegals enter the country and rape eight year olds; FINE! She's a liberal democrat. Put an illegal alien in the White House; FANTASTIC! She's a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT! 

     Liberal democrats never look at an issue any deeper than to see if it's crazy enough to be liberal democrat. They are so stupid it defies logic. Pass laws against Bar B Q smoke in Austin. Great idea! It interferes with all the  pot smoke drifting around. Why do we issue these idiots drivers licenses? And they spring to the defense of any liberal democratic idea no matter how far out in left field it is. Never have a conversation with a liberal democrat. You may as well be discussing the Karma Sutra with the pastor at the Westboro Baptist Church. 

     Gay marriage? Why heck yeah. LIBERAL DEMOCRATS! Give up all our guns and hope the cartels will find Jesus! Liberal Democrats! Vote for Hilliary Clinton? They voted for Obama, didn't they? Obamacare is a procto with a dry glove. LIBERAL DEMOCRATS! And it's all Bush's fault! 

     So, what do we do? Well, you can't just shoot 'em. There's laws. You can't reason with them. You may as well be arguing with a chimpanzee at the zoo about the price of bananas. What we need to do is convince them that the voting booths are at the food stamp office. Then, while they're down there holding their number, hopefully the polls will close. Since they love gay marriage so much maybe in a generation or two they'll become extinct. Unless they find a way to procreate like an amoeba because they're LIBERAL DEMOCRATS! 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Black on white, black on black, and a few Mexicans on the side

     Believe it or not, I actually study issues to come up with my assaults on the public consciousness. There's this guy, Stefan Molyneux, over in England, that I watch on YouTube extensively, who is a sort of social scientist, and I pick up a lot of insight from him. Brits are a weird lot. They come off like a liberal, but they MEAN it! And they're so polite. For instance, in his analyzation of Trayvon Martin, and Michael Brown he's oh so politically correct, apologizing for all the facts he's presenting while he very gently reminds you that they were a couple of thugs.  He be like, "There was marihuana in Michael Brown's toxicology results, and while I understand that forty percent of American youths have used it, do you suppose that may have affected his judgement?" Then he goes on to show the three absolutely stupid things Brown did that day that changed him from a "gentle giant" into a road kill. So absolutely British! I love it!

     He's also very good with statistics. He breaks down crime with black on white, black on black, and a few Mexicans on the side, and he nails it down with irrefutable numbers! Being British he doesn't have a dog in this fight. He comes from a completely different culture so when the talks about liberal democrats he just laces that boot right up. He points out the absolute failure of the entitled culture the Democrats have constructed, and explains how it has completely  destroyed the black family unit. I was actually surprised when he pointed out that seventy percent of blacks were born outside of traditional marriage. He states point blank that Rap Music is the pits, glorifying crime, and blaming white folks for everything from slavery to the price of eggs. Talk about swatting bees, I'll bet Al Sharpton HATES this guy! 

     The fact is the black contingent in this country is a train wreck, and the white liberal Democrats laid the track. Around the edges of this social omelette are profound black voices, the Apostle Claver Kamau-Imani, Kent Franks, and Antoine Wesley screaming from the sidelines while people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are race baiting, AND of course passing the plate for the love offering. And blacks follow these anarchists like the Pied Piper of Harlem, ripping up their own neighborhoods as a protest against the whites. Burn down the black owned grocery store. They showed US! 

     People aren't born lazy, they are MADE lazy! If you take a wild bear and start throwing him a crumb here and there you get an entirely different animal. He's still a bear, but he feels you OWE him breakfast, and he will HURT you if he doesn't get it. Transfer that to people. The Democrats have it down to a fine art. Bread and circuses. Worked for Caesar! Reducing or doing away with the welfare system will not profoundly affect the national debt, but the very act of earning their daily bread will greatly affect the black social consciousness. They have to be made to understand that it is a good thing to have a married couple in the home with jobs. That's a hard point to drive home when you have Oreo Cookies like Snoop Dog screaming, "Nigga, Nigga, Nigga" at the top of their lungs, and if that's all black youth hear, that will be their standard.  THAT will be their world view! And if my use of your sacred mantra shocks you, just remember I'm white trash, and I grew up in PoDunk, Texas, so tell ME all about poverty! 

     We will not  fix this the day after tomorrow, and we won't fix it through hate. Don't hate Michael Brown, hate the system that made him who he was. Hate the people who lied to him, and put him in the middle of that road that day. Blacks swarming around Barak Obama (another Oreo Cookie) completely lose sight of the fact that the Democratic party fought FOR slavery, gave us Jim Crow, and a very well organized Klu Klux Klan. It's harder to work than line up at the food stamp office. It's harder to finish school than to hang out in the HOOD, and listen to some Rapper blame Ronald Reagan for crack! It's HARDER to support your kids instead of referring to their mother as a "Ho," and shirking your responsibilities as a father until you son is lying in a pool of blood for bull rushing a police officer! Hard words Homies? You may swat them bees now!

Friday, April 17, 2015


   When John wrote the Revelation he could have handled things a tad differently. Plain English would have helped, but Greek was what he had to work with at the time. John was an old man confined to Patmos, counting the hours with nothing but a quill, some paper, and whole LOT of time. Now, before I venture off into this string of blasphamies please understand that I AM from Texas and my mother had a very, how do I put this, concise understanding of the Bible, which she imparted to me before I was five years old and I've been left of center all my life. 

   The imagery of Revelation is, well, crazy. From people with swords coming out of their mouths to seven headed dragons to women running off into the desert, the work abounds with imagery that would astound the Beatles. Want to know what astounds me? People who take that imagery LITERALLY! The book is written in a style known as Apocalyptic. Jews had the mindset that when things went terribly wrong God would eventually send someone to set things to right. That's all cool, we all need hope. There were many reasons for John to invoke this style. First off it was super cool. The old boy had Greek down. If you can read Greek you find very quickly that the prose in Revelation is elevated. It smacks of the same style that the Gospel of John was penned in and that's why Biblical scholars ascribe it to the same author. The three synoptic Gospels were like narratives describing what happened, and the Book of John delved into the "why." 

   The next reason for the verbiage was we must remember that John was in the joint! For some reason he was exiled and allowed to live and write. The Romans were a bi-polar people. They would show clemency to an old man, but if their patience ran short they'd nailed him up on a tree and let the dogs eat his feet off. That fact alone would tend to make one a bit ambiguous in what was written. The Romans read Greek quite well.  

   The book starts out simply enough. There are messages to be sent to seven churches. I'd like to point out that John wasn't writing one letter to the Pope, but addressing seven distinct churches, each with a different take on the faith. John said he was "in the spirit" and that's good because he saw someone holding stars in his hand, with his eyes on fire, his feet too, and a two edged sword proceeding from his mouth. That was . . . special. Nothing to see here folks, just move along. John falls down and is reassured by the man that's it's all cool because  he runs everything. The vision explains the meaning of the stars.

   He tells John to write and launches into a lecture addressed to the church in Ephesus. It seems that the church there started out well enough, but had attracted some TV evangelists and if they didn't sort it out he was going to come and revoke their franchise, or words to that effect. 

   Then he moves onto Smyrna. He was onto some people trying to act like Jews, but weren't, and this is most interesting because he is addressing JEWS here. He didn't seem to have a problem with real Jews, but JINOs (Jews In Name Only) tended to rub him the wrong way. He went easy on this church. 

 Next he addresses Pergamos. He acknowledges that this church lives in the pits, and is trying hard, but they are holding onto the old ways a bit much which is confusing the "children of Israel" and eating forbidden food. Then he tells them to get it right or he'll show them what that sword in his mouth is really for. Kinda like working for Steve Jobs. In short, stop eating that pork or he'll come down and eat THEIR lunch!

   Now we move right on up to Thyatira. Again he praises the good works of this church, but it seems they've got this "girl." She, too, has been serving up pork chops with an added twist; she dishes them out naked! She thinks she's some kind of preacher, completely forgetting that she's dealing with a bunch of Jews. He was cool with all that for a while, and gave her some time to come back to the fold, but she just partied on and his patience was wearing thin. He's a little more direct with this chick, saying he's going to throw her into a bed, mess up all her boyfriends' lives and kill all her kids to let them know he means business, and he's only playing by the rules they set! He admits that not all the people in this church messed up and just be cool until,he gets back.

   Then it's the church at Sardis' turn in the barrel. The message is simple. Heads up, you've been messing up from day one! He implores them to at least TRY to be a church because they'll never know when the boss will show up and find them on an extended coffee break. Again he is fair and won't throw the baby out with the bath water. 

   Church of Philadelphia, come on down! First, I like to say this is the one name that makes any sense. He lets them know that he understands they are trying hard, but they're weak. That's fine because he's got their back, and yet again he states he doesn't care much for JINOs. He's going to leave the door open to the big house and put all the "liars" working for them in the kitchen. 

   Last, but not least, we have the church at Laodicea! These guys are a bunch of RINOs (Republicans In Name Only.) He's going to spit them out if they don't fly right. Seems they've been walking proud and talking loud but  it's all a a big publicity stunt that aggravates him and amounts to nothing. What we have here, people, is the Westboro Baptist Church. He lets them know that there's a new Sheriff in town but he will pick them up, and  dust them off because he really likes these guys. Must have been because they didn't eat any pork. 

   Then John is snatched up and gets a peek at Heaven. All the buzzers and bells complete with people falling down, praying and praising. We find a four headed beast straight out of the book of Daniel. If you try to figure out what all the faces and wings and eyes mean you will come up against a thousand differing opinions. Suffice to say it's a great place to be and everybody appreciates the accommodations. 

   Then the throne produces a book sealed with, you guessed it, seven seals, and it seems nobody has a letter opener. Enter the "Lion of Judah" and "Root of David," and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who THAT is! In short order this "lamb" begins to break seals and everybody is amazed. Out of the book comes horses and scales and people. This is where interpretation comes in and I'm not going to even TRY to tell you what they mean because this is totally one of those areas where John was putting a very Jewish spin on things, and you can put them horses in almost any corral. 

    Then there was this seventh seal, and let me tell you, brothers and sisters, that one was a dandy! Seven angels get seven trumpets, we have incense, and even an earthquake. This is heaven, but we have an earthquake. Means something, I guess, let's move on. 

    This was all very fine but the Angels decided to PLAY the trumpets and all hell broke loose. We get hail, fire, blood, all the grass burned up. Wait! Earthquakes, grass fires . . . Could heaven be in California? Just a thought. Then a burning mountain gets thrown in the sea and kills most of the fish and it seems a shooting star messed up the rivers.  This star is called Wormwood and don't get me started, but it seems the water is fouled. Then, of course we had to hit the dimmer switch on the sun and moon and somebody yells out the door that it hadn't got bad yet. 

    Another falling star and a big pit. Some locusts, and, of course, scorpions. (Is this starting to sound a lot like Moses?) Theres an army that killed a third of all the men, but they were hard headed and just kept on messing up. Some people! 

    Then there was this angel dressed like Liberace. I don't know what he told John, but he told him to forget about it. Must have been something about pork. Then John had to eat a book which started out good, but gave him indigestion. Having eaten several of my books I can understand that. 

    Then there was these two guys, and they had it going on, but got overmatched and ended up getting killed. Hey, don't sweat it, they came back in the final reel.  Then it was announced that the Kingdoms of the earth were now God's Kingdoms, and you'd think it was all over. Au Contraire! Save your fork. 

    A woman makes her appearance and from all the moon and stars stuff if that ain't Mary I'm not a white boy from Austin! Enter the Dragon. One third of the stars of heaven get swayed over to his side. Can you imagine a stupid angel. I mean, these cats are supposed to be on the ball. Looking God right in the face and run off with some Biker who thinks he's got it going on. No wonder God's ticked off. Anyway, she has a kid, he gets pulled right up to heaven and she runs off to Palm Springs or someplace to get away from the dragon who still thinks he has something to say. He takes off after the woman like a wild dog, but it doesn't do him any good so he hires two beasts, one from the Earth, and one from the sea. This part ends with the 666 thing. 

    Of all the bells, whistles, dragons, lambs, trumpets, swords and flying horses, it amazes me how much people ponder this number. This number is one size fits all because you can adapt it to any given situation. From men to systems to credit cards, 666 will cast its shadow over almost anything. Clue here: it's PROBABLY something Jewish. You think? Maybe John was slipping in a hint about somebody he didn't like, and remember, he WAS doing time for going to church. 

    All during this God's getting madder by the millennium, and he ain't quite done with us yet! Remember those trumpets? Well now we have vials! New and improved hell and damnation for everybody and some people are still cussing at the top of their lungs. Dudes! Give it up! 

    In all good stories you need a whore, and by golly we got us one. She's decked to the nines and she is DRUNK! She's also riding this critter with seven heads and ten horns. I think I saw this girl at a rodeo in Lampasas once but she wasn't wearing a scarlet robe so I can't be sure. Then John gives us a clue. The seven horns are seven hills (see where this is going?) This has been stretched to mean the Catholic Church, but could it have just been Rome itself? Maybe John was just a little bit irritated at being under house arrest for the rest of his LIFE? Anyway, these idiots get together and declare war on God. And they can't see where this is going. They must have been Democrats.

    In short order the whore gets burned up and all the people who threw in with her have a hissy fit. Like they didn't see all,this coming, right? As soon as she's out of the way the Lamb has a supper, and that's good. Then another horse appears and it's very clear who's riding this horse. He has that same sword coming out of his mouth and remember those two "beasts" the dragon hired? Pitched into a lake of fire. That was pretty much the end of their careers. The Dragon gets tied up for a thousand years, and I never could figure this out, but Jesus cuts him loose? Did he think this guy changed his stripes? He gets everybody together for one last fight but fire comes down and puts an end to the whole sorry mess. Devil gets life without parole, and he's immortal so that sucks!

    The rest of the book is basically a real estate ad and everyone lives happily ever after. All but the Devil and his crew. They're still in the projects. You can fit Revelations into just about any scenario. I've seen theories from passable to out and out crazy. It ends on hope, but people insist on dwelling on all the fire and brimstone. Revelations is a puzzle, and people love puzzles. The human mind strives to complete circles and Revelations has enough open ended circles to occupy the Biblical enthusiast.    The meaning of all this? Quite simple really. God runs the show, have faith, keep your head low and it all works out in the end.  Frankly, I'm amazed that John pulled through it all. Now, this guy was doing life, living on bugs and berries, in his eighties, and he didn't HAVE no nitro, and he pulled through this, wrote it all down, and just went home. That's one tough old Jew! 

From a Simple Ol' Boy From Austin

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Cannon Ball and a Feather

    I was on the radio with KC Massey last night. He was detailing his arrest on the border. I'm not going to go into the whole thing, but it was two hours of one flub up after another by our United States Government. Then, like a bolt from the blue it hit me. The Lord appeared before me in glory and asked, "What did you expect?" The last thing the American government did right was . . . was . . . was, well, they've been in business for over two hundred sum odd years so I know there HAS to be SOMETHING there.

    Let's just look at the stuff that goes, "bump" in the night. Get drunk the night before and get the president's head blown off the next day by a warehouse clerk. Get run out of Vietnam by a bunch of kids in sandals and pajamas. Screw up a burglary a CRACKHEAD could have done better. Solicit oral sex from a school girl and too STUPID to pay her dry cleaning bill. Go into two wars looking for one old man on a walking stick who basks away sipping iced tea in a condo thirty five miles away, and last but not least, elect a president that makes PUTIN look good! And you pay money for this, people. Matter of fact, you paid money for this TODAY! 

    We need to change a few things. With our sterling record in the Middle East we need to retire the bald eagle and replace it with a yellow bellied sap sucker. Need to make Old Glory flame retardant, and we need to appoint Bill Gates secretary of the treasury. Now we have Jade Helm. While I was concerned at first, I'm at ease now. The American Government is doing it! Now, if it were being headed up by the Mexican cartels I'd already on my way to Canada. Don't think so? How's that Jimmy Hoffa case working out for you, huh? Proof POSITIVE the government did NOT have a thing to do with it. I think that the president had a secret meeting and asked his cabinet, "Who can we make war on and win?" John Kerry said, "Ourselves?"

    About the only thing they ever fined tuned was extortion, when they dreamed up the IRS, but heck, the Hell's Angels can do that. Embargoed Cuba pretty good. Yep, fixed THOSE cigars didn't they? I happen to be a cigar smoker and lifting the blockade of Cuba is about the only thing I agree with. 

    The DisUnited States of Illusion keeps limping along with its porous border, funny money, and politically correct president, and we'll keep paying for it hoping the Chinese don't foreclose the mortgage. Oh yeah, we did that too! In a thousand years some kid'll ask his teacher what happened to the ancient empire of America, and the teacher will say, "Oh, they started marrying goats, calling toilette paper wealth, and all got strung out on pot. Mexico finally annexed them." 

From a Simple Ol' Boy From Austin

Monday, April 13, 2015

Moms For Gun Sense In America

   Where do people get the idea that if we legislate gun rights away criminals will lay down with the lamb and peace will reign throughout the land? Groups like Moms For Gun Sense In America hit the streets like the prohibitionists of the early twentieth century with the misguided belief that laws can change human nature.  These women do not understand the criminal mind. They think that criminals are rational people just caught in a bad situation, and with a little loving kindness, or cooperation, all will be fine. Let me give you a heads up. They are animals. No, I take that back. Animals have a moral code. I recently saw a video where a leopard killed a monkey. As the big cat was dragging her kill into a tree she noticed a little monkey trailing behind. You guessed it.  The monkey was a mommy. The leopard stuffed the one she had killed onto a limb, and turned to face the smaller chimp. Now if you're like me you'd be thinking that you were about to see an appetizer. Au contraire! The leopard took the baby into her mouth, and positioned it on another limb. How do I know the cat was female? Because she NURSED the baby chimp! The leopard had to kill the mother because that's the law of the jungle. She had to eat to survive. Killing the baby made no sense. She didn't need to eat the baby. 

   This sense of right and wrong is totally lost to the criminal. The criminal has a mind set that views the world as an oyster, free for the taking. Combine this with a perverse sexuality that likes to inflict pain, and you have a volatile mix of sex and violence. On the other side of the street are all the socially conscious "mothers" trying to convince us that if we all just surrender our guns these people will all catch religion, and just go away. Leopard killed the wrong mother!

   Prisons are full of these people. They form gangs. Pump iron, have sex with other men and they ALL "find Jesus" long about parole time. Once they lose their fear of prison that removes the only controlling factor in their lives. They accept a prison sentence with the same attitude that a soldier has when deployed to a war zone. They don't like it, but it just goes with the territory. When men like this see a sign announcing a gun free zone they think it's their birthday. The one remaining thing that would stand between them and what they want has been removed, and the oysters are all lined up on a platter. 

   Anti gun people always cite incidents where a seven year old shoots a five year old. It's called gun safety, people. Don't leave your gun out where a kid can get it. The same goes for your car keys, too. And butcher knives, and medication, and Liquid Plumber! Kids are dumber now than they were back in my day. We KNEW you didn't touch grandpa's shotgun. We also knew not to sit on hit pot bellied stove, eat his heart pills, and never talk back! But, that aside a grown person can surely hide a gun from a toddler. And all the "statistics" about you being more likely to shoot a family member than a criminal doesn't wash. Let ME give you a statistic. If a two hundred pound man on meth kicks in your door and finds your fifteen year old daughter, who is the captain of the high school cheerleading squad, sitting on the floor in her jammies watching TV I can tell you what will happen one hundred percent of the time. Oh, your friends, the police, will eventually get there to use that little piece of chalk they carry to draw a  silhouette around your daughter's nude body, and you, should you survive the attack, will want to shoot every "mom" you ever see carrying a sign! Welcome aboard the good ship reality!

    Gun sense in America? Yes, we need that. We need to have the sense to know that guns are a necessary tool we use to stem the tide of violence that waits in every dark alley, every park, and yes, every Starbucks. We need to let these lame brain crusaders know that we are no more going to give up our guns than we would our tooth brush. We need to push for education in gun safety. I don't support licensing a right, but I do support education. There SHOULD be a law stating that if you want to own a gun that's fine, but you HAVE to take a course on how to USE that gun. You do that for a car, don't you? 

    You will never get rid of all the criminals. You will never see an empty prison. Society must have a way to protect itself from those people who have chosen to set themselves apart from the rest of us, and those people need to know that there is a price for stepping over the line and that little girl has a RIGHT to eat her pop corn and watch her MTV without worrying about who's coming through the front door next!

From a Simple Ol' Boy From Austin

Sunday, April 12, 2015

There's SOMETHING About Mary

   For the RECORD! Although I am diplomatic when discussing religion I am a standard Christian with all the trimmings. Problem is I'm also a writer who knows all the bells and whistles. The Bible was constructed over 1000 years by many authors. The story line flows from Genesis to Rwvelation. The New Testament supporting the Old. The Pauline letters draw distinct lines of correlation between the announcement of Jesus to the advent. 

    The Council of Nicea pulled the canon together. It wasn't so much that they were censoring out certain book as they were separating the wheat from the shaft. In the three hundred sum odd years since the crucifixion, dozens to gospels were written. They expounded every idea from Jesus was a man who lived and died to He was never really here at all, but just an idea, or a spiritual presence. The Bishops had to wrestle with who was Jesus, WHAT Jesus was, and what did He mean to mankind as a whole. They settled upon certain criteria. First, and foremost, a gospel had to have been written by someone who had actually SEEN Jesus. Didn't have to be an Apostle. Mark and Luke were not Apostles, but Mark's mother arranged the upper room for the Last Supper, and was the young man who ran out of his clothes during Jesus' arrest. Luke was Paul's doctor. Since Paul was stoning Christians right after the death of Christ, and Luke was his Doctor, we can safely assume that when such a man as Jesus came to town Luke HAD to have been in the crowd. 

    Luke worked with Paul's eyes. After being blinded and cured Paul had a mark left by the experience and put it into some of his letters. He didn't personally write his epistles. He used a scribe. Most likely Mark. He mentions his eyesight in at least two. He would sign the letters, but jokingly mentioned how large he made his letters. That's because he had scars on his retinas. When Nero demanded Paul deny Christ it was kind of hard for the old man to say he hadn't seen the resurrected Christ when he still had spots before his eyes. 

    Luke was a doctor, as I've said. He examined the miracles, trying to find a medical explanation, and wrote about them in his book. Both men knew Mary. And it doesn't matter if you believe the Catholic Mary, or a more refined  Madonna, common sense tells you she talked about her boy! Mary DID share the cross in the fact that she, and Mary Madeline knelt at the cross. The younger Mary figures predominately in the early church, but we were dealing with Jews, and women took a submissive role. That Mary was the one who washed Jesus' feet and put the oil on his head. She kept that empty vessel and constantly refilled it with water, anointing the sick her entire life.  Catholics swear by holy water, but it would break their jaws to ascribe it to the Madeline. 

    Both women led secluded lives and we have found no graves or relics of either. When you study the genealogies in both Matthew and Luke you will not find Mary, only Joseph. Same thing here. Remember, we're dealing with a bunch of old Jews. In those days it was understood that villages were tribal. The gospels say that Joseph had to return to his tribal home to be taxed, with MARY! She was somehow connected to him at least with ONE strand of DNA so Joseph's linage had to be HER linage, but that is not in the Bible. You gotta DIG! The Bible states that if all the things about Jesus were written down the books would fill the whole world. Mary was a young, beautiful Israelite. She was also intelligent, but that wasn't fashionable in 4 AD. Joseph was a carpenter. He worked night and day supporting his family. Mary raised the kids. That's right KIDS! That's where I deviate from Catholic dogma. The Bible states directly that He had brothers and sisters among them. The Catholics insist that Jesus was an only child yet acknowledge His brother was an early leader of the church and tradition handed down tells us he was referred to as "Old Camel Knees" because of his endless hours of prayer. Jesus was a reader. This was unusual. If Joseph was minding the store, just who do you suppose taught Him to read? He had a highly developed respect for women. Unfortunately this did not pass down to the Apostles, and while Jesus most certainly included women in his inner circle, Mary Madeline's input was suppressed by the early church fathers, even referring to her as a whore. She was not a whore, but she was a successful woman, and that was repulsive to the orthodox Jewish mind. When Constantine legalized the church he brought in the Roman style of view of woman. That took Mary, Jesus' mother, from simple respect for her role, all the way up to almost deification. Mary's role has never changed. Lead, and point to Christ. Her words recorded in the Bible was at the wedding at Cana. "Do what He tells you!" She also began his public ministry. When she asked him to make some more wine, Jesus was very vocal, asking her basically, "Do we have to do this right NOW?" She knew Jesus could make that Pinot Noir, and she KNEW that that very act would generate some local press! She literally called the Son of God out! Pretty good day's work for a cute kid from Nazareth. As far as the "Arc" thing, the Arc of the Covenant held the Word of God. Mary, also held the Word of God. 

    With the advent of women in Jesus' life there have been modern theories about a possible marriage between Him and Mary Madeline.  Let's look at that. First off, Jesus was a Rabbi. A Rabbi was expected to marry. The logic is simple. How can you run a Synagogue if you can't run your own house. If Jesus had been married it would not have been a state secret. The Apostles would have waved that in the Pharisee's faces as a badge of honor. There is no mention of this anywhere in the Bible. In fact it is dodged. When told his mother, family were waiting outside for him there wasn't even a whisper about a wife, or children. Now, if Jesus were not married, and having an affair with some camp follower, don't you think the Sanhedrin would have sized upon that? They wouldn't have had to crucify Christ. They would have stoned Him! Jesus was a single man a full one hundred and eighty degrees from Rabbinical tradition! 

    Neither Mary did any miracles either during life or in any of the "visions" of the last two thousand years. Rule remains the same, lead and point to Christ. The history of the Catholic Church is one of contradiction. Jesus was an only child, yet tradition recognizes His brother, James. Mary was a mortal woman, yet assented bodily to heaven. A debate between Catholics and non Catholics invariably centers around Mary. Poor little Mary only said, "Do what He tells you," 

    Jesus recognized the authority of politicians. He also demonstrated the futility of politics. He stood in mute amusement as Pilate did everything he could to spit that Pharisitticral hook on Good Friday.    In modern English He finally told the Roman Governor, "Just give it up. We both know where this is going." We know that the trail of Jesus was a gross miscarriage of justice, but it was something more. It was a clear demonstration of the application of the law being inadequate and the spirit of the law was preferred, and that, brothers and sisters, was EXACTLY what Jesus came to town to say! 

    The understanding of the difference between Jesus of Nazareth and the risen Christ is one that wise men have struggled with for centuries. We will never resolve the debate. Man simply does not have the neurons in his brain to take it in. In the end Mary's voice comes to us one more time. "Do whatever He tells you!" 

From a Simple Ol' Boy From Austin