He's also very good with statistics. He breaks down crime with black on white, black on black, and a few Mexicans on the side, and he nails it down with irrefutable numbers! Being British he doesn't have a dog in this fight. He comes from a completely different culture so when the talks about liberal democrats he just laces that boot right up. He points out the absolute failure of the entitled culture the Democrats have constructed, and explains how it has completely destroyed the black family unit. I was actually surprised when he pointed out that seventy percent of blacks were born outside of traditional marriage. He states point blank that Rap Music is the pits, glorifying crime, and blaming white folks for everything from slavery to the price of eggs. Talk about swatting bees, I'll bet Al Sharpton HATES this guy!
The fact is the black contingent in this country is a train wreck, and the white liberal Democrats laid the track. Around the edges of this social omelette are profound black voices, the Apostle Claver Kamau-Imani, Kent Franks, and Antoine Wesley screaming from the sidelines while people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are race baiting, AND of course passing the plate for the love offering. And blacks follow these anarchists like the Pied Piper of Harlem, ripping up their own neighborhoods as a protest against the whites. Burn down the black owned grocery store. They showed US!
People aren't born lazy, they are MADE lazy! If you take a wild bear and start throwing him a crumb here and there you get an entirely different animal. He's still a bear, but he feels you OWE him breakfast, and he will HURT you if he doesn't get it. Transfer that to people. The Democrats have it down to a fine art. Bread and circuses. Worked for Caesar! Reducing or doing away with the welfare system will not profoundly affect the national debt, but the very act of earning their daily bread will greatly affect the black social consciousness. They have to be made to understand that it is a good thing to have a married couple in the home with jobs. That's a hard point to drive home when you have Oreo Cookies like Snoop Dog screaming, "Nigga, Nigga, Nigga" at the top of their lungs, and if that's all black youth hear, that will be their standard. THAT will be their world view! And if my use of your sacred mantra shocks you, just remember I'm white trash, and I grew up in PoDunk, Texas, so tell ME all about poverty!
We will not fix this the day after tomorrow, and we won't fix it through hate. Don't hate Michael Brown, hate the system that made him who he was. Hate the people who lied to him, and put him in the middle of that road that day. Blacks swarming around Barak Obama (another Oreo Cookie) completely lose sight of the fact that the Democratic party fought FOR slavery, gave us Jim Crow, and a very well organized Klu Klux Klan. It's harder to work than line up at the food stamp office. It's harder to finish school than to hang out in the HOOD, and listen to some Rapper blame Ronald Reagan for crack! It's HARDER to support your kids instead of referring to their mother as a "Ho," and shirking your responsibilities as a father until you son is lying in a pool of blood for bull rushing a police officer! Hard words Homies? You may swat them bees now!
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