Friday, September 18, 2015

Stupid is as Stupid Does

I’m real good at pointing out stupid, and I get into a lot of trouble when I do it.  I try to analyze stupid, and explain how it comes to be. There are different levels of stupid. There’s the teenage girl in that video recently who thought thirteen pounds was the weight of something. That’s a harmless stupid. Pretty girl, air head, well, you do the math. Then there’s the IRS agent that simply can’t fathom that if you buy a stock high, and sell low, you lose money. They’re a bit more bothersome. Then there is Police Chief Larry Boyd of Irving, Texas who takes stupid to a whole new level. Now, he had help. He didn’t do this all by himself. He had a bunch of Texas school ma’arms to assist, and brothers and sisters, that’s DANGEROUS stupid right there.
                Having had many encounters with schools here in the Lone Star State, I’m fully aware that I’m dealing with the intellectually challenged. I don’t have any real stats, but I suspect most teachers are liberal democrats. What gets funny is when their butts are on the line they act just like right wing republicans. I give you Ahmed Mohamed, terrorist extraordinaire, the bane of life, liberty, and mom’s apple pie. Kid brings a clock to school, and everybody’s poo poo goes to Ozarka Spring water.
Two factors created this. One, the main stream media, while touting liberal viewpoints they never miss a single head ISIS lobs off. We’ve seen so many beheadings that we’re beginning to critique style. Oh, and there’s always a “disclaimer,” letting us know what’s coming, but that just makes you watch. After watching a couple hundred executions along comes little Ahmed with his clock and everybody’s butt falls off.
                Then there is the second factor. Weak, mealy-mouthed, wannabe Muslims who never stand up and say that things like ISIS do not represent them, and their interpretation of the Qu’ran is not the way they understand it. Simple rule of law via Thomas More: If someone does something and you do nothing to stop it, or at least stand against it, then it can only be construed that you agree with said action. A pack of fools spill out into the streets of Paris, turn cars over and “moderate” Muslims just sit in their shops and say or do nothing then they become part of the problem. Never mind the guy who just sold you a pack of cigarettes down at the Quickie Mart, all you remember is someone’s head coming off in Syria.
                As for the police chief in Irving? Well first off ya’ll know this just had to happen in Texas. I mean we don’t look redneck enough, we have to handcuff school kids and march them out in full view of the Klan, right? The teacher took the device away from the boy. Ok, ok, maybe the teacher wasn’t trained in bombs, but the police are. I believe to blow something up you have to have some kind of explosive, right. I mean I’m just a simple ol’ boy from Austin, but don’t they have, like, DOGS for that? Maybe one of those little robots with a camera? And, oh yeah, his dad ran for president of the Sudan twice. I don’t believe we gave Sudan a bomb with a one hundred and fifty billion dollar tip, now did we?
                Just like Kim Davis made her statement, little Ahmed made his. This country has to move beyond knee jerk reactions. Not all Muslims are bomb wielding terrorists and not all Christians kiss snakes. I think all Californians are gay, but then, that’s just me. If there’s any justice little Ahmed will turn into another Steve Jobs. Oh, did I tell you he was Syrian. Jus sayin!
Simple Ol' Boy From Austin

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