When I woke up this morning
And Stared out the window
I could not believe what I had done
I’d wrote a hot check to Jesus
For ten thousand dollars
When my bank account only held thirty-one!
As you know, I don’t get into all this “end of the world” stuff.
That having been said, I sat up watching two documentaries last night. The last
one was a movie about Flight 93 and it had a profound effect on me. Also, I’d
been reading up on the nature of Islam, and 9/11 for about three days, and, of
course, I had to weed through all the conspiracy theories. I’m not going to say
conspiracy “nuts” because I caught a couple of tidbits that got my attention.
One was the analyzation of the second hit on the twin towers and the wing of
the plane distinctly goes behind a
building that was behind the Trade Center.
I understand digital rendering, but I believe there were real planes hitting
those buildings simply because there were too many people who were there and
saw it. George Bush didn’t fly, buy, or arrange those planes, Islam did, and when I say that I mean all of Islam. Those who weren’t on the
planes were standing on the rooftops cheering. That’s ‘cause they hate us
I want to give you what’s called a dichotomy.
a division or contrast between two things that are or are
represented as being opposed or entirely different.
"a rigid dichotomy between science and
Ask yourself, if El Chapo were to have his way, just what do
you suppose he’d do? Would he seek to totally destroy the very culture, and
economy that buys his “product?” Now Chapo is evil, ok. I mean, he leaves sacks
of heads in the police parking lot, but he doesn’t want to burn down America,
or every other country for that matter, and he doesn’t care if you pray to a
water melon! Then there is Islam. Islam is kinda like that pretty girl you run
across who seems to be everything you’ve ever wanted until you find out she’s
got the clap! It came from an ignorant man who could not read. For the record,
Jesus could read! The Prophet of Islam drifted along, and when he wasn’t
diddling little girls he was babbling some nonsense that he claimed came from
an other-worldly source.
I’m gonna get real with you, ok? I do believe in revelations
between the Creator and man, but no angel appeared in a cave. Well, maybe
appeared in Mohammed’s crazy mind. I mean, people can claim anything. The Prophet, Penn Jillette once told me, “If you
are mystified you just don’t understand the trick!” Someone gives you a “cock
and bull” story, and the dots just don’t seem to connect, so what to do? Well,
if you have the “faith” you ignore the dots and go trucking right on. A warm
fuzzy will take you a long way. I’ve read
the “Holy Qu’ran” folks, and it’s a “cock and bull “story. I’ve read the Book
of Mormon, too, and I don’t believe that either, but at least Joseph Smith knew
what a through line was. As a matter of fact, while I’m on that story, look at
the way the Book of Mormon is laid out, and then look at the Qu’ran, and you
will very easily see what is wrong with the Arab mind. Uh, they’re crazy! The
“revelations” track very closely to Mohammed’s life and situation at the time.
The whole book sounds like an old Flip Wilson routine. The devil made him do
it! Don’t believe me? Just check out the Satanic Verses. Old Mo’ want’s had a
wife or two that didn’t follow the party line, so he comes up with “goddesses.”
When the brethren questioned this he claimed he got his wires crosses and
picked up a call from the Devil. Inspiration? There was a scribe who traveled a
great distance to work with “the prophet.” During one session the scribe
suggested rewording a passage, and Mohammed said, “Yeah, that’s cool. Write
that.” I am a realist. I’ve become one over many years, and it has served me
well. When Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor,” Matthew didn’t say, “Hey, J. C.,
better make that ‘Blessed are the underprivileged,” and Christ said, “Yeah, put
that in.” And, I’ve been up here with the Mormons for most of a month, but I’m
not going to jellyfish. You tell me some kid found eighty-eight pounds of gold
and didn’t pawn in and I’m gonna laugh right in your friggin’ face!
Now that I’ve ticked off the guys who bought my meal in Salt
Lake City on Easter, the Mormons follow their book and look at what they do.
Knock on your door and ask you to read the book. The Muslims follow their book
and what do they do. Kill your fifteen-year-old daughter for wearing lip stick!
Radical Muslims want to kill your
daughter. Moderate Muslims want Radical Muslims to kill your daughter. Like the
homies in Killeen say, “Whomp! Dey it is!” Western thought is the end product
of the evolution of mankind. Now I said Western
thought. That includes all things western! The white man, the black white man,
and yes, even El Chapo. We see things a certain way, a way that the Oriental
mind can never come to grips with. When El Chapo delivers that sack of heads,
at least he knows he’s wrong. When
those fools boarded the planes of 9/11 they really thought they were going to
that big whorehouse in the sky. Swat them bees! Hey! Seventy-two virgins? Give
me a break. Know why Jesus wasn’t born in Mecca? ‘Cause they couldn’t find
three wise men and a virgin, that’s why!
The picture on this article was something I stumbled across
this morning over coffee. I got it from a video someone sent me. At first I
laughed it off, but the guy made a profound point. The Greek letters for “666”
spell “in the name of Allah” in Arabic. It’s black and white, folks. I’ve done
dozens of articles about Revelation, and written a book, Sharon,
about universality. I know how words can be twisted over centuries to make them
say just about anything you want, and I know the arguments about the
“historical” Jesus. The way I see it God gave me a brain for a reason, and it
wasn’t to parrot behind some camel driver, or some deranged preacher with a
Bible in one hand, and a collection plate in the other, it was to use that
brain to explain what God really meant, as far as I understand it, and when I
meet Jesus, if I ever do, and He tells me I got it all wrong, I would much
rather take a butt whipping from Jesus than a blessing from Mohommed!
Theology is man’s feeble attempt to explain the
unexplainable. Theology is the greatest “dot connector” of all time, but the
litmus test is if your theology hurts someone then God has nothing to do with
it. God gathers, Satan scatters. I can’t count the times some “force” got
between me and catastrophe. I’ve recently seen two little boys delivered from
the bottom of a swimming pool safe when they should have been dead! I believe
in that God. That’s not saying that
bad things don’t happen. If you stand up for Jesus he doesn’t have to give you
a butt whipping, the world will! It’s called picking up your cross. Hey, I read
that in the Bible. (And ya’ll thought I was an old “Reptile Bait” huh?)
I said in the beginning of this article that I don’t buy
into the “end of the world” stuff, but I do understand that the Arabs have been
assembling for over fourteen hundred years to destroy everything that isn’t
what they consider “holy.” We, as civilized men and women cannot tolerate that,
and be it, Revelation, Armageddon, or just good ol’ World War III, we have to
rid the earth of their shadow. We have to maintain whatever we define as faith,
be it Mormon or Methodist, or just the little church on the corner, and not
write a “Hot Check to Jesus.”
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