Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Turned Corners and Dead Ends

                                    Turning Corners and Dead Ends

     Big news today! Fewer buildings were burned in Ferguson last night than the night before. I'm optimistic! In addition to that Eric Holder is flying in to straighten out that mess. Maybe he'll do a little gun running while he's in town. I hear ISIS is up there so he'll be among friends. I want you to note that Holder hasn't eaten one taco on the Texas border. Also, CPS prostituting little girls doesn't bother him at all. Benghazi? Forget about it. Old news. But one guy gets shot in a local incident involving a street cop and fire that jet up! Alert the media. Oh, by all means alert the media, because that's really what this is really all about. 

     Meanwhile the incident is going before the grand jury, which is what is supposed to happen. Any time someone is cop-shot it should be reviewed. Heck, they even reviewed the gunfight at the OK Corral. What Holder is there for is to circumvent the grand jury should the result come out contrary to what the mob thinks it should be. Still stinging from the Zimmerman verdict, Holder and his handler, Barak, want to make sure justice is done, and if it's not done to their satisfaction they will redo it until they get it right. 

     Like I said yesterday this case is unfolding. Each day brings new facts out. If the cards fall the wrong way the good people of Ferguson will have to lock their doors, yet again, while mobs roam the streets. I won't tell you what it will take to stop this nonsense but it has something to do with that nasty old second amendment, and nothing to do with gun-running lying bureaucrats.  


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