He gave the example of the Middle East that had some sort of "empire" for centuries, along came that nasty old twentieth century, and sadly the Arabs never did have much on the ball so the so-called "empire" just ceased to exist. So much for Muslim unity. Well, that's exactly what we have with the dis-United States! The simple fact is there was NEVER a "United" States. That was a figment of Lincoln's crazy mind. The original concept of "America" was thirteen individual nations with one common goal. We even wrote this thing called a Constitution to set rules on just what the common actions between these nations would be. When the Confederacy left they really didn't "leave" they just continued to exist. They just weren't going to let some lawyer from Illinois tell them what to do in Alabama. Now slavery was an issue, but do you really think that system would have survived? The industrial revolution would have buried it within forty years. Lincoln had to fight a war. England just passed a law. The Yankees would have continued buying cotton, and Henry Ford would have still made the Model "T."
The idea of a Federal Government cracking the whip on all the individual states never did work. That's why we have the bloated bureaucracy we find today. Every time the Fed's wrote another law to bind up the states, the former independent nations just found a way t wiggle out, and Uncle Sam had to go back and write yet another law! So what we have now is an old truck that has the muffler tied on with a coat hanger being pushed down the road by a bunch of wetbacks. God bless America!
Enter Texas! Texas is unique in that we never DID trust the Nortés, we just put up with them. Then the secessionist movement came along. Secede from what? Without Texas "America" would declare bankruptcy tomorrow at three o'clock. I say three because that's when their stock exchange closes. Now let's pull up my favorite word, "defacto." Texas IS a republic, always has been. When we use the word "secede" we give legitimacy to an non-existent system that hasn't worked for years. The real problem is we are hemorrhaging money propping up the American pipe dream that Obama loves so much.
Solution. Texas needs to stay on a steady course and continue to grow. The dollar will collapse. That's not a conspiracy theory, that's a fact! They are printing hot checks and calling it money. Like a blonde who thinks as long as she has checks she can continue to spend. And the big threat is that if we rock the boat they'll come down here and invade us. DUDES! They can't even secure the border! Everybody just calm down and let that pony run. The Republic of Texas is here and now. What I would like to see is all the other states to start acting like Texas. Stop paying protection money to Don Washington and just run their own show THEIR way. Wow! Just imagine that. Wisconsin worried about beer and cheese, California has its weed and wine, and Texas will make sure nobody runs out of steak and gasoline. What a wonderful world it would be!
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