by Wilbur
1 : the killing of an infant
2 [Late Latin infanticida, from Latin infant-, infans + -i- + -cida -cide] : one who kills an infant
Whenever you have mass murder there is always a perverse logic behind it. For those involved this logic relieves guilt and perpetuates the completion of the program where the genocide is employed to achieve whatever "goal" may be sought. For those observing from without there is no excuse or explanation that will white wash the ugly reality of the act(s). So it is with abortion.
The pro-choice segment uses all of the methods employed by the Nazis when pushing their own special brand of "No child left behind." First they identified a "problem." There are just too many unwanted babies born into this world. Let's look first at that mindset. Look at a picture of a baby, any baby. They smile, grab your finger, look you in the eyes, and they are totally helpless. How can they be unwanted? How can a human being struggling to learn the word, "Ma Ma" be so despised? Then you have a support mechanism that clicks in. It's not a baby, it's a choice, a fetus, a this, a that, a whatever. The Jews weren't human beings, they were a problem, a curse, something in need of a "final solution."
When you commit genocide you simply cannot do it out in public. There is no "Dancing With The Stars" for abortion. Like the Nazis you must keep the mechanics of this project out of the view of the public because if the people see what you are really doing your acts will be exposed for what they truly are. You must keep the doors closed. You must stifle the screams. You must make the machine sterile. You must make it relentless. You must remove all human emotion from the act because the people who must cooperate with you must never fully understand the consequences of their actions. In the death camps certain Jews were convinced to assist in the herding of the masses to the gas chambers on the promise of "special treatment." When their part of the project was completed they found that their "special treatment" was a "decent burial!"
These Jews led their neighbors into a gas chamber. A young mother leads her child into a butcher shop. And her "special treatment" is the forfeiture of her innocence, her motherhood, and her very soul! But, the pro-choice lobby has no problem with this. If an unborn child has no soul why should they believe the mother has one either? God has made human being very complex. Doctors and research scientists, both theist and atheist are constantly amazed at the complexity of the human condition, and I don't care if you ascribe it to God or evolution you must admit that we have learned a lot, but we still have a long way to go.
There is one difference in the Nazi's "final solution," and the pro-choice agenda. In Hitler's briefings with Himmler it was understood that if the project were carried out correctly eventually the goal would be achieved and there would be no more Jews; no more reason for the death camps. Then, all they had to do was bulldoze the buildings down and plant trees for the "Master Race" to enjoy, free of the problems the Jews had brought by their very existence. Pro-choice supporters have an ever increasing supply of "problems" and their final solution will never be attained.
To carry out a successful genocide you should mix in a bit of scientific legitimacy just in case the population should actually see what you are up to. The Nazis had Josef Mengele. The pro-choice people have stem cell research. They also mix in a "concern" for the life of the mother. Ask yourself, what was the mortality of mothers giving birth in the 1800's, and what was the mortality of infants in the first two years of life then? Now, stack that on top of the millions and millions of abortions we have now. I am not going to cite actual numbers because I know the pro-choice group will skew or discredit them but just ask yourself; has medical science not advanced enough in one hundred and fifty years to the point where a woman can safely birth a child? You KNOW the answer.
Now, ask yourself just why is pro-choice so hell bent (and I used that word deliberately) to push this agenda so vigorously? Just Google the ratio of the "termination" of poor black babies to rich white ones and you will very quickly see what to goal of pro-choice truly is. They can't just march black people into gas chambers so they roll the mothers into "clinics" to "terminate" pregnancies. To me this is a perversion of the highest magnitude.Growing up in Louisiana durning the 1950's black women did all the cooking in our schools, hired out as nannies, and kept homes clean and functional. This was because they were the best! To this very day I do not believe white women can cook. To see black mothers lining up to go into an abortion clinic is something I simply cannot get my mind around. It does not compute! Pro-choice is but one aspect of a much larger agenda. You take a people, take away their hope, put them on a system that takes away all incentive, all ambition, tell them society is their enemy, and them murder their children so hopefully this "problem" will be smaller for the next generation.
Now, as a result of this article I will get a LOT of input, I'll assure you. I will hear everything from "a woman has a right," to calling me a religious nut. I just don't like to kill children, whatever size or flavor they may be. When you take a knife and draw blood you kill! Now I don't mind some killing. I've got several CPS workers whose obituaries I would read with a great deal of satisfaction. But those are grown people who receive the consequences of their actions. What actions has a child who hasn't even opened his eyes yet done to deserve execution. Oh, silly me, I'm just a simple Ol boy from's not a baby, it's a CHOICE!