When Obama entered the White House Liberal America went into an orgasmic frenzy that hasn't abated to this day. Hey, I'll admit it, I thought it was pretty cool, too. I wasn't concerned with any one man dominating the government, what with three branches, a constitution, and over two hundred years of history to back it all up. Then slowly the insinuations began to come. Oh, he had his moments. Remember that incident between those two guys and Obama invited them to the White House for a beer? I can't even remember the names, but I do remember the president drank a Bud Light. But I also remember another day. "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon." Let's take that statement apart, because it's important.
What Obama was saying was, "I'm different." He didn't say, "If I had a son he'd look like Justin Bieber." He was saying, "I identify with Trayvon Martin solely because he's black!" He was saying, "This is a BLACK thing!" (Them bees are swarming, there are more to come.) At that moment in time, President Barack Obama was publicly announcing there are "them," and there are "us." The country was too busy moving into two armed camps to even notice that in addition to that, a Latino, with black roots was designated an honorary white man. You see, the entire Trayvon Martin incident wouldn't have cooked unless there was a white man involved so it was George's time in the barrel. Now, I'm not going through that whole case, suffice to say, Zimmerman was a flake, Martin was a flake, and Obama took it, and gave us a bowl of corn flakes!
So now the race was ON! EVERYTHING boiled down to race. The Liberals grabbed that ball and ran for a touchdown with the crackers on the sideline, in a cast. The mainstream media picked up on it, and when facts or good sound journalism wouldn't work, just play that trusty old race card, and Hollywood would rub itself suggestively. Race filtered into every single thing hitting the news no matter how frivolous the story. You couldn't discuss a Yellow Bellied Sap Sucker without being called a racist. Two little girls couldn't sell lemonade. And there were rules! If you admitted that someone was black . . . you were a racist. The rules became so refined that the very mention of color in a major crime became forbidden, unless, of course, the criminal was white, then it was Katy bar the door. And if you pointed out that this was not fair, then, you were a racist!
Then there was Ferguson. A hoodlum charged a police officer, got killed, and an entire town burned while Eric Holder danced the Watusi WITH Al Sharpton making sure the fires of separation did not die out. At this point the Liberals were foaming at the mouth. If a white person ordered black coffee at a diner then he was a racist. The nation had gone mad! Then, naturally, a white chick in Washington State turned black, and the transformation was complete.
When Donald Trump announced his candidacy he spoke for just over eight minutes. About a minute, to a minute and a half was directed at the problem of the border. To summarize his statement it is simple. If you cross an international border without the proper documentation you are breaking the law, i.e. you are, in effect, a criminal. You cannot refute this. If you break into someone's home, you are a criminal. If you apply to enter ANY nation, and you have a felony record you will encounter obstacles. Ask Edward Snowden how long he lived in that airport before Putin finally let him in, and even then jt was with stipulations. One standard of international law is "keep your bad boys to yourself!" Mr. Trump pointed out that doctors and lawyers were NOT swimming the Rio Grande, REJECTS were! The Liberal left could not counter this, so they just screamed, "RACIST!" No matter how many facts substantiated his words, no matter how many women died on the pier in San Francisco, by golly Donald Trump was a white guy so therefore he simply MUST be a racist!
Then, they stood back in snake amazement as he zoomed to number two, and then number one in the polls, even trying to say there was something fundamentally wrong with the Republican Party, indeed AMERICA because of the surge of popularity of such a depraved man. No, America is just tired of the lie! America is tired of white is black, men are women, there are no borders, and sideways is straight ahead. The Liberal left has constructed a glass house so fragile that one statement from one man brought it all down. Think about that. Everything Obama has done in the last six years is now on the table because of a few choice words from New York Real Estate broker. That's profound. That's BIBLICAL! Donald Trump overturned the tables of the money changers.
So, what is racism? Racism is when you base your opinion about strangers you never met on unsubstantiated facts that have absolutely nothing to do with that person at all! And racists come in all colors. Take what Mr. Trump said. What if Obama had said it? Oh, well, it wouldn't be racist then, because, well, you must understand, the president is black, so he gets a pass. In fact, if the president had said we need to secure our border for the good of all Americans, flags would have waved, wine would have flowed, and there would have been a tear in every liberal eye, but Trump said it, and he's white, therefore defending American sovereignty is forever a racist stance. Mexicans are now Gringos. Shucks, worked on George Zimmerman, didn't it? I'm just a simple old boy from Austin, but I'm having a real problem getting my mind around THAT one!
What is NOT racism? Admitting that America IS a great melting pot, that we ARE from different backgrounds, all striving toward a common goal, is NOT racism! I have a little racism in me. I like Donald Trump. I like his ideas, yet I have some reservations because he is a Yankee. You gotta watch them Yankees because they talk fast and steal all your money. See how stupid that is? About as stupid as opening the bridge at Laredo because some bunch of liberals wave a Rainbow Flag around.
The Liberal model of society has failed miserably. It has killed millions of babies, perverted our children and endangered the security of the nation itself. Middle America has been too busy working to pay for this dog and pony show to stand up, but Donald Trump put his cards on the table. You can defeat a man, but you cannot defeat an idea. It matters little if he wins. What matters is now the people have found a voice. The people are looking around and thinking, "There are others just like me!" As the political pendulum swings back to the right it will be terrible. People are going to die. As America rises in righteous anger many who have bought into the deceptive model put forth by the race baiters will pay the price, but when it's all over the nation will be strong again. Then that Confederate flag WILL come down, because that era will have truly passed and the government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth. You may swat them bees now.
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