Beyonce. Frankly, I knew nothing about this woman until today, and never heard a thing she ever did. So, I watched the famous half-time show. That was. . . special! I decided to do some research, and went to Wikipedia. Looked up Black Pride, and got “Black pride is a movement encouraging people to take pride in being black to various degrees. Related movements include black nationalism, Black Panthers. . .” Then, silly me, I looked up White pride, and this popped up. “White pride is a slogan primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations to signal their racist or racialist viewpoints.”

I’ve checked, and I don’t remember owning any slaves. Don’t think any in my family ever did either, nor did we ever employ anyone who did, and we were Masons, both lodge and literal. I am not going to apologize to Beyonce for Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and I really don’t think I’ll ever buy one of her records. Back in the day, I’d get mad and spout a whole lot of racial slurs, but hate don’t work. Too many good people like Dr. Ben Carson, John Manning and the Apostle Claver Kamau-Imani to run around burning crosses. Beyonce is a political novice, as is Whoopi, Michael Moore and most rappers. Well, not Tupac. I like his stuff. He was clever, not clever enough to duck in Vegas, but clever.
What you have here is the Obamanation. Everybody is in separate camps, all hating each other, each blaming the other side for everything from Global Warming to the price of Pepsi. Come to think of it, I believe Obama did blame us Crackers for Global Warming, and Pepsi, don’t get me started, Pepsi picked up the tab for Beyonce’s half-time booty bump. You can reach them at 1-800-433-2652, and let them know that things really do go better with Coke.
What was in the promoters’ minds putting that garbage up there? I can tell you what was in their minds. Middle America will stand for it because they are too scared to object for fear of being called a “racist.” Well, I’m as racially fair as Beyonce. This woman’s career will fade, they all do. One moment in the sun, and then, before you know it, you’ll see her on some tabloid, all pickled up, explaining herself to the public, and maybe to God, and very few will be able to remember one line of one of her songs. John Fogarty she’s not! She is a half-breed racist. . . oops, promised Crystal not to cuss. Just say, when she goes home tonight, I hope her mother runs out from under the porch and bites her.
Right before I wrote this article I went to the store to get a pack of cigarettes. As you may know, I have a limp. I got out of my car and eased toward the door. This little girl, and I do mean little, about two foot tall, held the door for me, and I said, “Thank you, little lady.” She beamed a smile across her little black face and said, “Thank you, sir.” And God said, “Hey there!”
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