No Gun In The Snow
I have been studying the Oregon events extensively all weekend. Even as I began this article the situation in Burns is still unfolding, and frankly, it’s starting to smell a lot like Waco. Let’s look at the beginning. The Constitution, through the Property Clause, specifically gives the government the power to own land. The Supreme Court has ruled that the government ownership is legal, indeed even expanding the control of said land. The government has taken this idea and ran with it, owning up to eighty-one percent of the land in Nevada. In a word, this is obnoxious, legal, or not. Combined with that, the Government is a terrible neighbor and landlord. They allow tenants to use the and for a century, and then change the rules in midstream. I’m going to shock you. No matter what the constitution says, by and by Brer Government gonna be where it wanna be! The issue is power.
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The Bundy’s got into a big urinating contest with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) over the rights of cattle vs turtles. Now, as a Texan, I can’t connect the dots, but out in Nevada I suppose that means something. Cliven Bundy got Elsie back, and that situation rocked along. Nothing was settled except we discovered that the BLM could count, and when the militia showed up, in a brilliant stroke, they decided to bring the cows home, and take off to the office for donuts. Then along came Burns, Oregon.
Now, I’m a Texan, and I’m writing as a Texan, so you outlanders just bear with me. I’ve never been to Burns, but I’ve been through Oregon, and I didn’t see anything worth stealing. Seems like the whole state is some kind of National Park full of tree huggers. I’ve never hugged a tree, but who am I, right? I understand that some birds make a pit stop in Burns, and that’s the reason for the refuge. In Texas we just Bar B Q the birds, but I digress. Anyway, a group of men decided to take command of some building that to me looked like one of those receptions centers you get on the side of the road, compete with coffee and phones. I suppose since it was in winter business was slow, so there wasn’t much resistance for the initial assault.
I’m going to be honest, when this happened I thought it was like the movie, “Viva Max,” where a disgruntled Mexican General took over the Alamo. Nobody was hurt, nothing was stolen, and the local sheriff refused to get involved. About the only thing that seemed to be around to watch the “Battle of Burns,” were a few bears, and they didn’t protest much. Now, just think about that. I’m gonna be blunt here. A few crazy men take over a rest stop and declare ownership. So what? In a sane, democratic country, people would just laugh, and wait until spring. Quite frankly, when the beer ran out, they’d run out. (Swat them bees.) Important note: an oppressive government cannot tolerate dissention. When people do that they begin to challenge the authority of the government, and that’s something that simply cannot be in any amount. That’s because when people do that it opens a Constitutional Pandora’s box, and that nasty ol’ Bill of Rights comes seeping out, and, well, you know. Next thing you know the whole country turns democratic and the politicians lose their jobs, along with the BLM, the FBI, the ATF, and all the other “F’rs” out there on the government teat.
Now what the militia did wrong was the cavalier nature of their occupation. Apparently, Mr. Finicum was returning from a speaking engagement when he was pulled over in a felony road block. That’s right, speaking engagement. The Feds were mad as a bunch of old wet hens, and the guys doing the occupation were tripping around giving lectures. This is an over simplification, I know, but that was the stage that was set.
Let me tell you about government employees. They’re lazy, stupid, and can’t find jobs in the private sector. Is there anything I missed? Oh, yeah, they like to shoot people. So, here we have the Tree Hugger Army, holed up in a rest stop, with the government swarming all over the place. Let’s examine the FBI, shall we. I’ve seen all the “Forensic Files,” crap, ok. Some gumshoe finds a pubic hair in a restroom in L. A. and the lab concludes that Shirley Temple killed John F. Kennedy. The FBI is a stupid, blundering bunch of chowder heads, ranking just ahead of the Secret Service. They got out of the police business years ago and got intomaking sure patriots are on the right list. The only problem is they have guns, and “police” training. So, we have the Green Flag Republic inside, and the Federal Bureau of Ineptness outside. What could possible go wrong! Oh, you wonder what the Green Flag Republic was. It was an effort in Texas in around 1813 to start a new republic. Got their tails shot off.
This next part isn’t funny. Mr. Finicum is on his way to talk to a sheriff in a neighboring county , when he gets stopped at a roadblock. Let’s get real. This man was part of a group that took over a federal building. Right, wrong, or sideways, the FBI did have a right to stop him, and take him down to the county jail, ok? If he didn’t see that coming he wasn’t very savvy. CJ Grisham used his arrest (s) to push his agenda for gun owners in Texas. Finicum slammed on the accelerator and took off down the road. Bad move! The FBI is jumpy, and they are two bubbles short of “plumb.” Finicum veers into a snowbank, narrowly missing an agent who remained on his knees for several moments.
Finicum exits the vehicle and raises his hands. This, in and of itself, was a bad move, too. Any “HomeBoy,” stopped by police knows to put his hands at “10 and 2” on the steering wheel and not move. I will address this later. Anyway, he gets out. Suddenly, he reaches down to his waistband. Why? Government’s conclusion is that it was a threatening move. As of yet, we do not have body or dash cam information to see if a shot was fired, but ask yourself, why would a man, exiting, walking away from his car, hands up, suddenly reach down. Clutching a wound, maybe? Then he raises another hand, which he quickly returns to his coat. I had thought he was pulling a gun myself, I’ll be honest, but the facts didn’t add up. What sense would that make. “Uh, here’s my gun, now I’m gonna put it back in case I need it later.” According to the FBI a 9mm pistol was found in his left coat pocket, however, Kate Beecham ran the serial number displayed in the photo the Feds released and turns out it’s not a serial number at all! I could just barely make out the hand raised, but it appeared to be pointed toward his truck. “I got this, stay in the truck!” We all know how it ended, with the FBI charging in and shooting him. (I told you they were stupid!) I’ve heard all the ideas about the truck not being shot. I’ve seen the enhanced video, and the bullets hitting. There was no return fire! Now, people, that’s a fact!
Now, let’s pull back and get a full view of the entire event. An old man, involved in an act of civil disobedience, gets taken down like he was El Chapo. I want you to consider something here. Remember the “10 and 2 thing?” Let me ask you something. Is this a country you want to live in? The answers are simple. The FBI claims he had a gun. Simple, trace the gun, see if it comes back as his. The FBI produced a gun See how many wounds are in the body and where! If he has a hole in his lower torso, could that be what he was reaching for? These things must be investigated, and not by the FBI! That would be like Goebbels investigating Hitler!
My concern is not for Oregon, but Texas. There is a movement right now to get the Texas Nationalists involved in this deal. We do not need to get into this for a number of reasons. I want you to notice how many “Patriots” came to armed defense of the people in the reserve, before and after Mr. Finicum’s death. We in Texas don’t play that. We charged down to San Jacinto and shot everything darker than us! Right before that, we took over the Alamo, fired on an army twenty-five times larger than we were, and in Waco, David Koresh littered the lawn of Mount Carmel with ATF agents, and he was a preacher! The resistance in Oregon was making a statement, we are forming a nation, and that’s a fact. We aren’t playing, and we’re not impressed by a bunch of Yankees in sunglasses talking into their sleeves. It is not that we don’t support other patriots, we do, but we, in Texas, know this may end up in a shooting war, and we have to stay focused.
The government is out of control, and they won’t leave quietly. It’s good to be the king, but the shooting of Mr. Finicum shows a very disturbing side of our Federal occupation. If you do not kiss the glove with enthusiasm they will kill you. I don’t think that Mr. Finicum fully understood this. I didn’t fully take it in until I saw the video. I know what I didn’t see. I didn’t see a gun in the snow. If the suspect was actually threatening the agents with a weapon it would have been there. Contrast would have been great. Blue steel against white. Wanna see something funny? Now that they have read this watch a gun suddenly appear. I would have put it in the initial release, but I’m just a Simple Ol’ Boy From Austin, so what do I know? Hey Feds. . . . GOTCHA!
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