Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Knockout. In a boxing or MMA match that’s usually the definitive moment. Iowa delivered some surprises Monday. One was Sanders coming on as strong as he did, but the main event was the Cruz/Trump event. I was mesmerized by the crowds at the Trump rallies, and frankly began to wonder why Ted Cruz was running at all. Trump was so confident he told Fox to shove it, doing his own show instead, and left Iowa early. Blame it all on his roots, Ted showed up in boots, and ruined Trump’s black tie affair!
Ok, let’s get to the crotch of this. That’s not a typo, it’s where Ted Cruz kicked Donald Trump Monday! The logic seemed to follow the theory that if you can make a billion dollars then you can run a country. Shucks folks, El Chapo can make a billion dollars.  C’mon! As much as we don’t like it, politics is a vocation. Playing the crowd, and working the polls are two different things, and I’m not talking about opinion polls of people who may, or may not vote, I’m talking about people who actually get up and go and vote! Two different critters.
I love it when Trump talks about bombing the Arabs off the map, building the “Trump Wall” on the border, and booting all the Muslims out of the country, but do you really want that guy with his finger on the trigger? Ted Cruz is a master debater, and more than that, he’s apolitician! I know that’s a bad word, but hey, we need proctologists, too, ok? He judged, worked, and played the numbers. The right numbers, not the media event.
Of course people will show up in a stadium to see Donald Trump. They’d show up to see Osama bin Laden, that’s just how people are. Everybody wants to get next to a “happening” guy. But, they don’t vote for him. While Trump was playing the crowd, Cruz was playing the numbers, and let’s be up front, Ted Cruz is a Senator! He’s done this before. An underdog who surprised almost everyone, and he surprised everyone but himself on Monday!
So, what’s a Donald to do? Well, he’s not going just dry up and blow away, the man’s a winner. One loss in a game he’s never played before is not going to give Donald Trump PTSD. He’ll hit the other primaries, and let’s look at this as it really is. Trump has drawn interest, if not votes, to issues that we’ve all got to address. We really do have to tighten up the immigration. Islam really is infected with the craziest pricks we’ve seen in a thousand years, and someone really should drop a few nukes on some camels to get the attention of the Middle East. Donald Trump has now made his mark. Ben Franklin never won the presidency either.
And now for the lighter side. In America we have to have a two party system. I mean someone has to run against someone to make it all at least look democratic. Therefore we have the Democrats. Hilliary and Bernie. That race was so corrupt they ended up in some kitchen somewhere flipping a quarter to see who won. They got the quarter from Bill so Hilliary won six out of six, go figure. Hillary won by the skin of her teeth, but no matter, everybody was watching Ted Cruz anyway. The funny thing is that she thinks she’s a powerhouse. This idiot is two horse lengths ahead of the posse and she’s galloping along like she has good sense.

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