Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Shut Up About Shut Down

                                          Shut Up About Shut Down
                                                      by Wilbur Witt

     Do you really think the government shut down last night? Because if you do then you're slower than a girl I knew back in Killeen High School who was tricked into looking for Snipes in her bra and panties. If the government really shut down then:

     Why is the IRS still open this morning?
     Why can't someone roll a joint on their back porch?
     Why aren't members of Congress filing for unemployment?
     Why didn't Obama get a three day notice to vacate?
     The list is endless, but see my point?  The government did NOT shut down, and if you don't believe that just try to get on a flight from Austin to San Diego with a bottle of wine!  What they did was pull a bunch of sugar cookies and made it sound bad!  Oh God! Everybody had to leave the Grand Canyon! How in the HELL do you lock down the freaking GRAND CANYON? 

     This is an old Democratic trick. If you don't give me the deed to your ranch gonna tie you to the railroad track!  NO MO FOOD STAMPS? What are we gonna do? Well, folks, it's as simple as this. If you put as much effort into WORKING as you do in sitting on a welfare line we wouldn't need so many food stamps. I know a fat girl on SSI and food stamps because she can't work because she's a prostitute, bi-polar, and a crack head. Think about that. Is that crazy or what? I could solve that weight problem with one stroke and I don't give a damn about her bi-polar. Miss a few meals and that mind will get RIGHT! I'm retired. For real! After fifty years of scratching out a living the government grudgingly gave me my Social Security. Never mind I PAID for this, this fat girl gets a bigger check than I do and never worked a day in her life, but she has mental problems because she's a crack head! 

     If we cut nonsense like thus out, and just spent what we earned the budget would balance, the angels would sing and the sun would shine a little brighter. And quit talking about shut down. Those lazy, pork belly, idiots in Washington aren't shutting anything down, they just want you to THINK they are. One thing that is nice. With what they did stop we're spending a hell of a lot less this morning than we were yesterday morning, now aren't we? Now they're screaming that if this continues the economy will falter. Hey! I got a hot idea. Shut the IRS down, let people keep all the money they earn and they'll go out and SPEND it! See how that works out. All the income tax pays is the interest on loans from a private bank our government pays to print money that's literally not worth the paper it's printed on! 

     And just look at the wars. We are spending trillions to project "freedom" onto people that wouldn't know what democracy was if it ran up and bit them in the leg! Rotate THAT money back home and see how many IEDs the Muslims can make! I'll bet after a year of no American involvement a ham sandwich would taste mighty good. There are so many ways the money would work. So many ways incentive could return. But boys and girls we're going to have to clean up. There's going to have to be a few useless, hungry "have nots" in the streets. That's why they're called "have nots!" Jesus said we would always have poor. Now days it's just too easy NOT to work. If that fat girl came home tonight with nothing to eat, and then nothing for breakfast, or lunch, long about the third day she'd figure it out, or not, and that would be ok, too. It's called survival of the fittest. 

     Bottom line; nothing shut down last night except common sense. 

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