Wednesday, July 29, 2015

INFANTICIDE The Final Solution

                                                              by Wilbur

1 : the killing of an infant
2 [Late Latin infanticida, from Latin infant-, infans + -i- + -cida -cide] : one who kills an infant

     Whenever you have mass murder there is always a perverse logic behind it. For those involved this logic relieves guilt and perpetuates the completion of the program where the genocide is employed to achieve whatever "goal" may be sought. For those observing from without there is no excuse or explanation that will white wash the ugly reality of the act(s). So it is with abortion. 

     The pro-choice segment uses all of the methods employed by the Nazis when pushing their own special brand of "No child left behind." First they identified a "problem." There are just too many unwanted babies born into this world. Let's look first at that mindset. Look at a picture of a baby, any baby. They smile, grab your finger, look you in the eyes, and they are totally helpless. How can they be unwanted? How can a human being struggling to learn the word, "Ma Ma" be so despised? Then you have a support mechanism that clicks in. It's not a baby, it's a choice, a fetus, a this, a that, a whatever. The Jews weren't human beings, they were a problem, a curse, something in need of a "final solution." 

     When you commit genocide you simply cannot do it out in public. There is no "Dancing With The Stars" for abortion. Like the Nazis you must keep the mechanics of this project out of the view of the public because if the people see what you are really doing your acts will be exposed for what they truly are. You  must keep the doors closed. You must stifle the screams. You must make the machine sterile. You must make it relentless. You must remove all human emotion from the act because the people who must cooperate with you must never fully understand the consequences of their actions. In the death camps certain Jews were convinced to assist in the herding of the masses to the gas chambers on the promise of "special treatment." When their part of the project was completed they found that their "special treatment" was a "decent burial!" 

     These Jews led their neighbors into a gas chamber. A young mother leads her child into a butcher shop. And her "special treatment" is the forfeiture of her innocence, her motherhood, and her very soul! But, the pro-choice lobby has no problem with this. If an unborn child has no soul why should they believe the mother has one either? God has made human being very complex. Doctors and research scientists, both theist and atheist are constantly amazed at the complexity of the human condition, and I don't care if you ascribe it to God or evolution you must admit that we have learned a lot, but we still have a long way to go. 

     There is one difference in the Nazi's "final solution," and the pro-choice agenda. In Hitler's briefings with Himmler it was understood that if the project were carried out correctly eventually the goal would be achieved and there would be no more Jews; no more reason for the death camps. Then, all they had to do was bulldoze the buildings down and plant trees for the "Master Race" to enjoy, free of the problems the Jews had brought by their very existence. Pro-choice supporters have an ever increasing supply of "problems" and their final solution will never be attained. 

     To carry out a successful genocide you should mix in a bit of scientific legitimacy just in case the population should actually see what you are up to. The Nazis had Josef Mengele. The pro-choice people have stem cell research. They also mix in a "concern" for the life of the mother. Ask yourself, what was the mortality of mothers giving birth in the 1800's, and what was the mortality of infants in the first two years of life then? Now, stack that on top of the millions and millions of abortions we have now. I am not going to cite actual numbers because I know the pro-choice group will skew or discredit them but just ask yourself; has medical science not advanced enough in one hundred and fifty years to the point where a woman can safely birth a child? You KNOW the answer. 

     Now, ask yourself just why is pro-choice so hell bent (and I used that word deliberately) to push this agenda so vigorously? Just Google the ratio of the "termination" of poor black babies to rich white ones and you will very quickly see what to goal of pro-choice truly is. They can't just march black people into gas chambers so they roll the mothers into "clinics" to "terminate" pregnancies. To me this is a perversion of the highest magnitude.Growing up in Louisiana durning the 1950's black women did all the cooking in our schools, hired out as nannies, and kept homes clean and functional. This was because they were the best! To this very day I do not believe white women can cook. To see black mothers lining up to go into an abortion clinic is something I simply cannot get my mind around. It does not compute! Pro-choice is but one aspect of a much larger agenda. You take a people, take away their hope, put them on a system that takes away all incentive, all ambition, tell them society is their enemy, and them murder their children so hopefully this "problem" will be smaller for the next generation. 

     Now, as a result of this article I will get a LOT of input, I'll assure you. I will hear everything from "a woman has a right," to calling me a religious nut. I just don't like to kill children, whatever size or flavor they may be. When you take a knife and draw blood you kill! Now I don't mind some killing. I've got several CPS workers whose obituaries I would read with a great deal of satisfaction. But those are grown people who receive the consequences of their actions. What actions has a child who hasn't even opened his eyes yet done to deserve execution. Oh, silly me, I'm just a simple Ol boy from's not a baby, it's a CHOICE!

Monday, July 27, 2015

The Principle

"Then the glory of the Lord departed from off the threshold of the house, and stood over the cherubims. And the cherubims lifted up their wings, and mounted up from the earth in my sight"

    Parties are born, they grow old, and die, but the  principle behind the Party can never die, and lends its light to a party only so long as the party obeys the principle. The rebirth of an eternal truth is blazing. It seems to have a life of its own. The founding of the United States was like that.  What the American Revolution was about wasn't so much the advent of new ideas as the profound preservation of old ideas, understood by statesmen, and thinkers from far back in history. The understanding that people are born with a right to live simply by virtue of having been born, and that each should live their lives happily without destroying the happiness of those around them. These things came from something other than ourselves, something pre-existent, call it God, or the universe, or whatever, I call it the principle. These were the ideas that drove the revolution and cumulated into the Bill of Rights, where they were recognized, not formed. It was the principle. 

    The universe is built on opposites. Night turns into day. Mountains crumble into the sea. For all matter there is an equal and opposite anti-matter. For every principle given by that creation there is a force designed to tear it down, or dilute it, and that's good, because that's what reinforces, and makes it stronger! Light will always dispel the darkness. A party, such as the Republican Party is only a vehicle through which the principle can be expounded. It cannot create it, it cannot destroy it, it can only obey it, and when it ceases to do that, then the principle will destroy the party, and that's exactly what is happening to the Republican Party right now!

    The right to marry and have children, the principle. The idea of like marrying like, NOT the principle. The right to conceive a child, the principle. The theory that the child has no right to life before physical birth, NOT! To try to confound the simple purity of the principle is the definition of evil. The principle gathers and sustains, any effort to explain away, or ignore is in stark contrast. With the principle there is no right and wrong there just IS! The more you try to rationalize the more the principle condemns you. 

    The Republican Party was born to free slaves, and in its old age is enslaving everyone. It has abandoned the principle. Now the principle will abandon the party. The reaction of the entire leadership of the Republican Party to Donald Trump is a sign that this is so.  For too long we conservatives have struggled to work within the confines of the party, knowing that it had moved left of center, but afraid to speak out because we recognized the power of it and without even the illusion of what the party used to stand for the alternative was unthinkable. The only thing left that the party can use as a threat is if Trump is allowed to continue it will destroy the party and the Democrats will run full tilt to finish the demolition of the constitution. The party has completely abandoned the principle and now seeks survival, nothing more.  Donald Trump was sent to destroy the Republican Party. 

    After the Party is gone the principle will remain. The Party didn't create the principle, it only recognized it. As liberalism filtered in the principle left the party. It didn't fade, it didn’t become politically correct,  it left! Donald Trump displayed it to the Party, but by this time the Republican leadership had become so depraved it could not tolerate the light. Now, Trump is not Jesus, but the dynamics of what you see is almost exactly what happened in Jerusalem when Jesus confronted the Pharisees who had been in bed with the Romans so long they'd forgotten why they were even there. The politics were much more important than the laws Moses had handed down to them, the laws they were sworn to uphold. Forty years later the Romans tired of these spineless fools and dispensed with them, and their entire nation. The principle had left them. You can see parallels all over this. McCain, Chiapas. Obama, Caesar. Pilate, Rick Perry. There is nothing new under the sun. The principle does not forgive, and it does not forget. 

    Will the United States survive? It doesn't matter. Will the Republican Party survive? It didn't! It's been dead a long time. Jesus could raise the dead, but He can't raise the Republican Party, and neither can Donald Trump. The United States is just a land mass with a particular government. When that government falls, and it surely will, another will replace it, the land mass will remain the same, and a few men and women will come together and rediscover the Principle, the rights of the people, and it'll all begin again. Jesus told us to know the signs. Donald Trump is a sign. Some people hold his wealth against him, but could it be that he was placed in a position of wealth for precisely this reason, to display the principle? I can't predict the future, I'm nowhere near a prophet, just a simple old boy from Austin pointing out the obvious. When the scales fall from you eyes you'll see it too.

"Then the glory of the Lord departed from off the threshold of the house, and stood over the cherubims. And the cherubims lifted up their wings, and mounted up from the earth in my sight"

    Parties are born, they grow old, and die, but the  principle behind the Party can never die, and lends its light to a party only so long as the party obeys the principle. The rebirth of an eternal truth is blazing. It seems to have a life of its own. The founding of the United States was like that.  What the American Revolution was about wasn't so much the advent of new ideas as the profound preservation of old ideas, understood by statesmen, and thinkers from far back in history. The understanding that people are born with a right to live simply by virtue of having been born, and that each should live their lives happily without destroying the happiness of those around them. These things came from something other than ourselves, something pre-existent, call it God, or the universe, or whatever, I call it the principle. These were the ideas that drove the revolution and cumulated into the Bill of Rights, where they were recognized, not formed. It was the principle. 

    The universe is built on opposites. Night turns into day. Mountains crumble into the sea. For all matter there is an equal and opposite anti-matter. For every principle given by that creation there is a force designed to tear it down, or dilute it, and that's good, because that's what reinforces, and makes it stronger! Light will always dispel the darkness. A party, such as the Republican Party is only a vehicle through which the principle can be expounded. It cannot create it, it cannot destroy it, it can only obey it, and when it ceases to do that, then the principle will destroy the party, and that's exactly what is happening to the Republican Party right now!

    The right to marry and have children, the principle. The idea of like marrying like, NOT the principle. The right to conceive a child, the principle. The theory that the child has no right to life before physical birth, NOT! To try to confound the simple purity of the principle is the definition of evil. The principle gathers and sustains, any effort to explain away, or ignore is in stark contrast. With the principle there is no right and wrong there just IS! The more you try to rationalize the more the principle condemns you. 

    The Republican Party was born to free slaves, and in its old age is enslaving everyone. It has abandoned the principle. Now the principle will abandon the party. The reaction of the entire leadership of the Republican Party to Donald Trump is a sign that this is so.  For too long we conservatives have struggled to work within the confines of the party, knowing that it had moved left of center, but afraid to speak out because we recognized the power of it and without even the illusion of what the party used to stand for the alternative was unthinkable. The only thing left that the party can use as a threat is if Trump is allowed to continue it will destroy the party and the Democrats will run full tilt to finish the demolition of the constitution. The party has completely abandoned the principle and now seeks survival, nothing more.  Donald Trump was sent to destroy the Republican Party. 

    After the Party is gone the principle will remain. The Party didn't create the principle, it only recognized it. As liberalism filtered in the principle left the party. It didn't fade, it didn’t become politically correct,  it left! Donald Trump displayed it to the Party, but by this time the Republican leadership had become so depraved it could not tolerate the light. Now, Trump is not Jesus, but the dynamics of what you see is almost exactly what happened in Jerusalem when Jesus confronted the Pharisees who had been in bed with the Romans so long they'd forgotten why they were even there. The politics were much more important than the laws Moses had handed down to them, the laws they were sworn to uphold. Forty years later the Romans tired of these spineless fools and dispensed with them, and their entire nation. The principle had left them. You can see parallels all over this. McCain, Chiapas. Obama, Caesar. Pilate, Rick Perry. There is nothing new under the sun. The principle does not forgive, and it does not forget. 

    Will the United States survive? It doesn't matter. Will the Republican Party survive? It didn't! It's been dead a long time. Jesus could raise the dead, but He can't raise the Republican Party, and neither can Donald Trump. The United States is just a land mass with a particular government. When that government falls, and it surely will, another will replace it, the land mass will remain the same, and a few men and women will come together and rediscover the Principle, the rights of the people, and it'll all begin again. Jesus told us to know the signs. Donald Trump is a sign. Some people hold his wealth against him, but could it be that he was placed in a position of wealth for precisely this reason, to display the principle? I can't predict the future, I'm nowhere near a prophet, just a simple old boy from Austin pointing out the obvious. When the scales fall from your eyes you'll see it too.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Math Class!

     Ok, MATH class! What do you have when a bunch of people say they like a guy, and he bubbles to the top of the charts, but a "party" says they don't approve, and don't want him in a political race because he's not following the party line? Ok, that would be a plutocracy. What do you call the other people running for the same office, who say that this man does not represent the party, and side up with the opposing party to condemn him? Well, those would be RINOs, folks! What you have right now is a bunch of presidential wannabes all lined up like the Rock-ettes, dancing in the Emperor's new clothes. 

     The hypocrisy is so blatant in the Republican Party it makes Obama look like Andy Griffith.  All Donald Trump said is that we don't need people jumping the border five times and shooting pretty girls on the dock of San Francisco. Seems pretty straight up to me. Now, I'm just a simple old boy from Austin, but how any politician can object to that is well beyond my understanding. The PEOPLE say, "Hell yeah," and the party says, "Hell no!" THIS is what is wrong with you're government, people! 

     I expect the Democrats to be stupid, but there was always a part of me that believed the Republican Party was, well, REPUBLICAN! On the side of expanding commerce, the Bill of Rights, God, mom, and home made apple pie. Man! Don't buy a used car from,these guys! Want to know what I think? I think that somewhere in the Capitol building there's a crack house. Has to be! That's the only thing that would explain what comes out of there, but I imagined that  in the upper chambers sound men and women had their hand on the throttle, and their eye on the goal. Nope! That's a whorehouse. They will lay down in front of the democrats for any price. 

   And along comes Trump and tells them what they don't want to hear. And Rick Perry, don't get me started, waving his sterling record on the border. After twelve years we were lucky he didn't deed the Alamo back to Mexico City. Obama is currently back in Kenya visiting family so you KNOW where he stands on the border . . . the SOUTH side! 

     If Donald Trump has the overwhelming support of the people, and the party squashes his run it will expose the fundamental flaw in the American political system and if you don't see that have I got a bridge for YOU! If the party turns, and supports him it will be the first time in YEARS a non-politician, non-lawyer, successful business man will walk into the White House. Bruce Gender will NOT be at the inaugural ball. 


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Terminator

  Not long ago I did a piece called, "Death by Cop 101." I was addressing the Michael Brown case, and I drew upon the gunfight at the OK Corral. Believe it or not I actually studied that gunfight, from clips from the movie, Tombstone, all the way up to reviewing the actual coroner’s report concerning the incident. I was impressed by the professionalism of Wyatt Earp. While bullets were flying, he had the presence of mind to actually shove Ike Clanton out of the way because Clanton had opened his coat showing he was not armed, which was incredible because he was the very reason for the confrontation in the first place. Previous to this he'd been fined twenty-seven dollars for carrying a pistol within Tombstone in violation of a city ordinance. That's right boys and girls, there were actually laws concerning the display of weapons even in the wild, wild west!

    In this article I tried to explain the rules of engagement when you find yourself confronted by the Terminator while on the way to McDonald's to pick up a happy meal. Well, Sandra Bland met this guy!  Just in case you're living under a big yellow rock and missed it you might as well meet this turd head:

    Right up until she was asked to extinguish her cigarette, Sandra was irritated, but civil. For the untrained, Texas cops always tell you to put out the cigarette. I was told to put out a cigar once and questioned extensively about spit on the running board of my truck, whereupon I had to go through great lengths explaining about cigars and spitting. It's a cop thing, I guess. Anyway, after that request, and Sandra's subsequent questioning about why she had to put out her smoke in her own car, the officer goes from zero to sixty in about a second, threatening to "light her up," and pulling her out of the car. As she protests and recites all those things you've no doubt heard on YouTube about your "rights" he kicks her butt, breaks her arm, and when informed that she had a medical condition, he puts his knee in her back and says, "Good!" Why did this have to happen in Texas? The Yankees already think we're a bunch of nuts. 

    Sandy made key errors. I couldn't make out the license plate on her car, but seeing as she was from Chicago they were most likely Illinois plates. Combine that with her complexion, and that smart mouth and there you go! Now, I'm gonna rag on this cop, Ok, but Sandy helped. Sandra had a mindset. She was an activist. She was very aware of white privilege and in social injustice perpetrated on blacks thereof. She made videos about it, I've watched them all. There's a Texas term called "borrowing trouble." That's where you have an expectation of a situation and when it seems to become a self-fulfilling prophesy you go off like a bazooka. Sandra was a firecracker. And don't get me wrong, I LIKE a woman with a smart mouth, but NOT when confronting a DPS officers whose compadres arrest citizens for carrying a banana in a gun holster. 

    The situation degraded, and a simple traffic stop became a beat down and eventual arrest. Sandra broke protocol, lost her temper, and paid the price. To put it simply, why should there be a procedure for dealing with cops in the first place? Why do citizens have to study classes to learn how NOT to get shot while receiving a warning ticket for an improper lane change? Look at the mindset. Ike Clanton, Sandra Bland. Wyatt didn't shoot Ike, and he HATED him. The militarization of police have given us the need for "procedure." When you are pulled over by a cop you can forget about that Bill of Rights. Arguing law with a beat cop will get you, well, BEAT! That's why they're called "beat" cops. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's wrong, yeah, it's racist, and no, there ain't no Santa Claus! Get over it! 

    So, they take her down to the calaboose, and put her in a cell COMPLETE with a trash can liner. Trash can? In a jail cell? What the hell did she have to throw away? When I was in county I was lucky to get a BLANKET!  She languishes for three days. On the third day she refuses her breakfast. Red Flag right there. If you're in county there is good news and bad news. The good news is the food is horrible. The bad news is there isn't enough to go around. NOBODY refuses breakfast, unless they have a mental problem. Sandra Bland, political activist from Chicago, a thousand miles from home, working at a college, sat in her cell for three days watching her life disintegrate, all hope generated by her new job, which was why she was in Texas in the FIRST place, evaporating before her very eyes, after reading her Bible, did what a lot of people do when they perceive they are at the end of their rope. She found another rope to get at the end of!  As a Texas Nationalist i WANT people to come to Texas and start a new life. I WANT them to find a good job. Why was she alone in her cell? Don't TELL me there weren't other people in jail. She was alone with her thoughts with no smokes, no coffee, and no conversation for three days as she fell into a pit from which she saw no way out. 

    The beat down is another thing. Pretty girl in a Maxie dress. Cop wasn't man enough to handcuff her withOUT breaking her arm? She wasn't "compliant?" "I'm gonna light you up, put out your cigarette, GOOD!" Gee, wonder why Sandy was having a bad hair day? I'm a conservative, but I can't WAIT for the right wing spin on THIS one! Here's my spin. Cop wasn't Wyatt! Matter of fact, he'd have to stand on his mother's shoulders to kiss Wyatt's butt! Do the math. A simple warning ticket would have taken about ten minutes. The cop CHOSE to extend this fifty-two minutes. I've ridden with cops. Tickets. Garbage in, garbage out, and they DO have quotas! Barney could have written three or four more tickets in the time he took to jack with one woman who had a cigarette. And if that's not racist I'm not a white boy from Austin! 

    We Texans will pay for Sandra. This will make Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown look like a walk in the park. Obama may get a third term out of this and we don't HAVE to secede, they'll THROW us out! Not all cops are bad, but when we Texans come up with one it's a hum dinger!! And they're out there folks. God I'm glad we have open carry down here now because, as the Terminator said, "I'll be back!"

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Pit and the Pendulum

     Ok, What's Wrong With America 101. While scanning the news this afternoon I came upon these trending stories at the bottom of the page. On one side was Josh Duggar and his wife announcing the birth of their fourth child. Directly across you'll notice a story about Bruce Gender. Farther up the page, not visible, is some idiot with the Nation of Islam advocating doing away with the American flag, and a little commentary by some egg head in the state department explaining how Iran will honor all it's agreements. Not one office intern from the White House even drove BY the funerals of the five dead marines in Chattanooga! 

     Meanwhile, back at the ranch, practice firefights are raging across Texas as the military trains for WHAT? Hey military! You wanna practice urban war so bad, get your butts down to Laredo and El Chapo will school you! Know what's scary? I watched one of those firefights today. On second thought DON'T jump on El Chapo, he has enough guns. 

     The lead in to the Josh Duggar story made very clear that he was a Christian! Well, ok, kid made a mistake, had a problem, family addressed it and he's building a family. Look what doctor Brucee went to to fix its problem! We gleen TV shows so the grandkids don't get exposed to questionable material and then the nightly news throws THAT up on the screen! "Gee, grandpaw, what's THAT?" 

     And, oh yeah, someone will call me a racist. If I were to tell the grandson, "Well, that would be a queer son," I couldn't begin to count the CPS at the door! Americans are waking up. Donald Trump is just a sign of that awakening. He may not even win, but the rush of people to his speeches shows the mood the country is in right now. Remember that pendulum I told you about? It never stops dead in the center, it always continues to the left or right. It is suspended above a political pit, and it has a razor sharp edge. The pit and the pendulum sacrifices ideas. Liberalism is tied to the altar of political correctness right now and the pendulum just broke skin! 

     There will be wailing and the gnashing of teeth as conservatives take revenge on the people who trashed everything good, and pure, and American! I can't tell you how far it will go. Not all the complaints are founded. FOX News will dissect sound bites and make Obama sound like an Imam while he orders pizza. The left will have coverage of huge Klan rallies at every VFW that ever sold a beer, and they will tear down a statue of Robert E. Lee, replacing it with one of Liberace! 

     There is about a twenty five mile wide strip of land in California, extending from about LA down to San Diego. EVERYBODY in that area is crazy! Same in Florida, and I'm sad to say we got it down here in Texas, too. Houston's  Mayor, Pervert Porker.  The rest of the country is fine! The Inland Empire in SoCal is Texas with better weather. When the citizens found out bus loads of wetbacks were headed for Murrieta they turned out by the droves and STOPPED it. We Texans just built high end condos for them out in Dilly! 

     Stop wringing your hands! There are more of US than there are of THEM. As more and more voters show up to listen to Trump other candidates will smell the coffee. Suddenly decency will be in. Now, make no mistake about it, those politicians don't give a flip about you, but they care about getting elected. If they pick up on the idea that dumping Bruce Gender off Catalina would translate into votes he'd just better hope those breast implants float! 


Monday, July 20, 2015

He's a Hero

     I read a book some years ago called Deep Survival, you might want to check it  out, that analyzes the fact that seemingly alert, well trained people do the stupidest things for no reason at all that ends up getting them killed.  Well, that mental quirk can apply to other aspects of life, also, such as presidential campaigns. When Donald Trump trumped the Mexicans it caused a firestorm of controversy. Of course, because he is a Republican, the liberals all got on the bandwagon and screamed, "RACIST!" (They do that a lot) but, by and large Trump found common ground across a wide field of Americans and quickly eclipsed all the wannabes throwing their hats into the ring. 

     The Donald crisscrossed the country, playing to sold out crowds and even El Chapo got into the act by breaking out of jail (again) and saying all those "Mexican" things on Twitter. I got writer's cramp just retweeting every word that flowed from his lips and seriously considered changing my accent. Then, the Donald got up yesterday and said, "Self, what's the absolute stupidest thing I can do today? I know! I'll go on national television, and call a congressionally stamped war hero a butthole!" DEEP SURVIVAL!  

     Now, I don't know John McCain. He might be a butthole, but he's got a hell of a good gig going. He called Trump's supporters "crazies" but with the Trump train charging down the rails how much could one statement out of an old man affect Donald's rising star? Now let's look at the background of the statement. Vets are treated worse than those wetbacks the libtards are wringing crying towels over right now. The term "homeless vet" is a standard phrase in the English language and if you go to a thesaurus it coincides with "bum."  And Vietnam Vet? Oh, don't get me started! Spray 'em with Agent Orange, give 'em cancer, fill 'em up with MORE poison, AFTER a three month wait for an appointment, and then lock 'em in a basement to die. That's what they did to Joe! And, and oh yes, ROB the widow because Joe's heart failure wasn't on the approved list of politically correct causes of death drawn up by the likes of the Right Honorable John McCain, can I get an "Amen" PLEASE? 

     I'm not going to dump on McCain's war record, but I am going to ask him why he hasn't championed the cause of his brothers in arms. I'll bet HE doesn't wait six months in a VA lobby for a flu shot. In fact, due to his service and tenure why isn't Arizona's VA health system a shining beacon for the entire nation? I'll tell you why. Because John McCain is a RINO! For the unenlightened a RINO is a Democrat in Republican clothing. When the governor of Arizona met Obama on the Tarmac and got in his face where was John McCain? When sheriff Joe Arpaio was looking into that little birth certificate issue, where was John McCain? When Fast and Furious was distributing more guns than ISIS where was John McCain. I'll tell you where he wasn't. He wasn't sitting in the lobby of a VA hospital waiting for his blood pressure medicine. Like I said, good gig!

     I personally would not have worded that statement exactly the way Mr. Trump worded it, but he did it, and we have to move on. We don't have to worry about the initial statement, we have to be concerned about the spin. All the other one percenters in the race, I call them that because that's where most of them sit in the polls, will glom onto that statement and try to squeeze something out of it. And Hillary! She's so concerned about war heroes. Too bad her concerns don't extend to Ambassadors, huh? 

     If the Donald plays this right he could pick up a large chunk of Vet votes. If he can shout above the spin, and let the vets know what he was driving at, it could turn into points at the polls. Obama hasn't chimed in yet, but he's busy finishing up Ramadan. You will see a feeding frenzy over this. The Donald may lose. Then the "more seasoned" politicians will come in and you'll get a highly polished, professionally trained, very politically correct president. You'll be able to rest in the fact that the country has survived the one man who told it like it is as you drive down to the unemployment office. Oh, don't forget to drop a little change in the cup that guy with the sign at the red light is holding. He's a war hero, you know. 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

19 Kids and Counting

    Now and then I come upon a subject that even I find hard to approach. Two words; Duggar Family! Like everyone else I scanned across the news items about the molestation that allegedly occurred years ago. Y'all like that word, "allegedly?" I'm getting sophisticated and I use words like that. Like I've been "allegedly" married six times. Anyway, back in the day it seems the older brother, Josh, went and touched SOMEbody's poody  poo. In fact, I understand he touched FIVE poody poos on selected occasions. 

    I NEVER watched 19 Kids and Counting for a number of reasons. First off, it's a reality show. People, reality shows are NOT reality, ok? They are scripted, choreographed television productions with millions of dollars poured in to give the illusion of reality, and if you believe they are spontaneous real situations have I got a duck call for YOU! Also, THIS reality show was dumb. Yeah, I just said that. Common sense tells me when all the women crowd around a TV set to watch anything men should NOT get involved. I know little to nothing about the through lines of the show, but I suspect it revolved around a house full of kids somewhere in Arkansas, and frankly I had to Google that before penning this article. 

    Anyway, this Josh fellow touched his sisters and three other girls around about the time he was fourteen or so. Let's see, Arkansas, fourteen year old boy, house full of girls . . . Wow! Never saw THAT coming. So I suppose it all came out over the supper table and the dad, "Jim Bob" and wifee dragged the little prick down to the Baptist church to be rebaptized. Must've worked because he apparently restrained his sex life to a dirty magazine and a paper towel after that, eventually getting married (I guess)'to some chick who was as whacked out as he was, and they commenced working on THEIR 19 and counting.

    Now that I've beat up this white trash I'd like to point out that they are not good examples of southern white trashery. Jim Bob (couldn't he have found a better name?) was a real estate broker, a state representative and I know NOTHING about his significant other, but I just imagine she was made from the same plastic that every other woman around the country is who hooks up with a guy like that. Also, you don't negotiate yourself into a contract with a major production company in Hollywood at a tractor pull! They were just like Bill and Hillary. Well, maybe not that trashy. 

    The show centered around serving dinner, walking down the street, and talking about their faith, and I'm quite sure when Josh fell all over his sister that night he was rummaging through her room trying to find his misplaced Bible. You must ask yourself, if the incident was so far back, and the kid was a juvenile, what's the problem?  Well, there are several, actually. Please remember we are in a politically correct, liberal society. First, regardless of the incestuous nature of the liaison, it WAS between a boy and a girl. VERY politically incorrect. Josh should have slipped into sissy's room to borrow a blouse for an upcoming date. Next, there were so MANY kids and not one decent abortion in the house. I'm frankly surprised that CPS and Planned Parenthood didn't file a class action law suit. Can you just imagine? A woman with no other talent in the world other than making babies. What happened to her potential? And finally, they were Christian! Shut the FRONT door! This event would have been so much easier to solve, had they been Muslim. Just drag those two little fluzzies out in the Arkansas woods and bash their brains out with a brick. Teach THEM to sleep in their beds with panties and a t-shirt!  

    The Duggars FIXED the problem. Billy Joe Jim Bob took his son to the preacher. He didn't condone the action, and he most certainly didn't act like Sons of Guns Will Hayden, who introduced his twelve year old daughter to his own version of a "smoking gun," he took the kid, got him some help, and frankly, the boy came through it. Liberals hate that, especially when Jesus gets all involved and they have to look at that "first stone" stuff. But these same well rounded people will tell their kids that Bruce Gender is a "hero." No one went to jail. Little girls still love their brother. CPS, APS, DPS, and ASPCA didn't get involved, denying some REAL pedophile access to those two little ladies, family remained intact, and it didn't cost you a cent! Talk about a win-win. I'm an old Texas reptile-bait, and even I like it! I'd probably watch the show now 'cept for one little problem. TLC pulled it!

    That's right! When a little too much reality came into their "reality" show, TLC did what all communist, gay, Muslim loving, main stream, politically correct lie factories do, they turned tail and ran! They had a chance to address an issue of importance, with some apparently real people, and they dropped the ball worse than Tony Dorset on a Sunday afternoon. And the story is good! The solution is real, and it worked, it just didn't fit into the Obamanation. 

    The Duggars had a message for us all, but we’ll never see it because it is  Christian, heterosexual, American family. As a family they addressed an issue, which, I might add, did not fester for years, the kid was ashamed, but not MADE ashamed for being a human being, and the family healed. People like the Duggars are special, and they're not a dying breed, I mean, my GOD! They have 19 kids at a time. Sorry for Party Rocking!

Friday, July 17, 2015

The Kingdom of God

People will subscribe to just about anything that feeds their fears and ego. Let's look at this. Take notes, there will be a quiz when you die. Mohammed went to a cave, and an angel appeared to him. We all know the story. Slapped him around a bit and then placed the "Holy" Qu'ran in his head, whereupon he rode around the desert for a number of years releasing this invaluable information to the masses, where eventually it was all codified into a book and the best seller list was born! 

    Do you believe that? C'mon, put the goat's milk down, do you REALLY believe that? First off, if the angel really placed the Qu'ran into his mind, why didn't Mohammed just spout it all out , and not as various life events demanded the Suras along the way? And why all the borrowed bits and pieces from the Torah, New Testament, and just plain ol' GOSSIP. If there had been copyright laws back then we wouldn't be worried about Islam now. Every time some guy comes up with a "holy" book the adherents always claim it to be "the most perfect book ever!" That, and, "How could this man of such humble origins, with little or no education produce such a detailed work?" 

    I'm a writer. I've written books. When you write you edit. As you edit patterns appear. As you clear out the inconsistencies the patterns become clearer. If the patterns are clear enough you sell books. It doesn't matter is the patterns are true, or even make sense, so long as you can connect the dots, and close the circle. Mohammed didn't have an iPad, but he sure had an iMOUTH! If a pattern got wrecked, no problem, 'ol Allah would clear that up in the sequel. Tell everybody three teenage hotties were goddesses, and the whole congregation says, "WTF?"well, the DEVIL made him say it! Good gig, made some money, got laid, let's move on. 

    Fourteen year old boy ventures into the woods, "looking for God." And he FOUND him! Another angel appears, and before it's all done the Father, the Son, and the Hoooooooly Ghost make an appearance COMPLETE with golden tablets, yet ANOTHER “most perfect” book, and more pretty girls than the locker room of the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. Of course, he was too ignorant to compose a grocery list. Made some money. . .  If you try to tell a Mormon that there is even a remote possibility that Joseph Smith concocted this stuff up they will lose their MIND and start trying to connect dots that you will never see, but THEY do! 

    Adam and Eve were frolicking among the heather, buck naked of course, and soon found something a bit more interesting to do than fishing to fill their time. From this we get Cain and Abel. Now, with all respect to gay rights, if you're starting a human race, and you have two sons . . . well, you get my drift. There could have been unmentioned sisters, but the Garden of Eden was not in Arkansas so we won't go there. Anyway, as luck would have it Cain knocks Abel in the head and gets sent to the land of Nod where he "knew" his wife. Hope he had a banana for her because according to the script he’d just left the only two humans back in the garden. 

    Jesus was good as explaining. I want you to note, he did NOT say the Good Samaritan was a real guy. Neither were the ten virgins, or the hard master, or anyone else He spoke about because Jesus knew he was constructing examples. While the Jews were expecting God Almighty to put Israel in charge of the world Jesus patiently tried to explain to them that this "Kingdom" was "within" them. Well, stupid is, as stupid does and if Jesus ever DOES come back they'll just nail Him up again! Now, I did NOT imply Jesus was stupid so no burning crosses on my lawn, ok? What is profound is Jesus never had a dog in this hunt. He appeared, put forth His ideas, and left. He didn't write, make money, conquer nations, or find golden tablets. 

    Religion is man's feeble attempt to explain the unexplainable. The ultimate game of Dots. All religions try to make the complete circle and get bonus points. The reasoning behind religion is morality. Everyone wants to have food, a house, a bed, and a pretty wife they can sleep with and still get up in the morning without Attila burning up the Olive grove. Attila wants to burn that Olive grove without worrying about one of his men running off with his fourteen year old girlfriend while he's away. This is called "morality" and it is subjective. One man's meat is another man's booty. The stolen watermelon is the sweetest. Each tribe's "morality" is different from every other tribe's. 

    The dominant morality is always expounded by the winners. The Indians slaughtered the settlers, but the American dream "civilized" the Indians. God and the Bible said slavery was cool, but Lincoln didn't see it that way, and he WON! Roof killed nine in a church and waved a Confederate flag, Janet Reno killed eighty eight in a church and waved an AMERICAN flag. OMG, swat them bees! Now we have four dead Marines because "God" told the guy to do it and greater minds than mine are pondering if Islam has anything to do with it. And the Westboro Baptist Church will show up and chant hate slogans at the grieving relatives as they say, "Goodbye" to their loved ones. I'm a simple ol' boy from Austin, not a STUPID ol' boy from Austin! 

    The “Cackle Babble”  heads in the box are trying to decide if that attack was an ISIS branded terrorist attack, as opposed to the domestic variety. Sort of like beer, I guess. And it's a very big deal! I suppose those guys would be a little less dead if Mohammed whomEVER was from Albuquerque as opposed to say, Mecca. ISIS jumped up of course and took credit. ISIS is like that guy in a bar, when a fight breaks out, who hides under the pool table, and when it's all over he comes crawling out saying, "I did that!" And, there again is your "morality." Muslims are somewhere dancing in the streets, waving "Qu'rans, while the families of the dead are crying in the funeral home clinging to their Bibles as the Westboro Baptist Church paints signs, and makes flight arrangements. 

    So, what is "the truth?" The Kingdom of God, if there is such a thing, is within you! If it guides you to a peaceful grave then it's all good, but if you feel like guiding someone ELSE to THEIR grave you got issues! I hate to be the first one to tell you this but we're all different and the understanding of what each of us burn in our crazy mind is incomprehensible to the man sitting right next to you. What do I really believe? I'm not saying. I could not articulate, but it has something to do with a beer, a weed eater, and a live chicken. Wanna know how much influence you have? Try ordering someone ELSE'S dog around! 

Simple Ol' Boy From Austin

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Doors

It is said when one door closes another opens. Sometimes you don’t hear the creak, you just look up one day, and notice the door is open. Then you realize that all on the former side of the door is really gone forever, and you didn’t have time to say, “Goodbye.” The door closes and is locked forever.  I lost a meat smoker a while ago and as I sat, and stared at the spot where it used to be I began to remember all the people who had sat around it in years past who are gone. It was as if the smoker had gone to join them.  The closed door is like that smoker.
                No matter how hard you fight it, things change, and if you don’t, then it’s time for you to be gone. You grow, or you die. It’s as simple as that, and it’s not a sad thing. Love hurts. Separation is harder to accept than death. Death is final. You accept it. As you stare down at the mannequin that was once your loved one you experience something we like to call, “closure,” but it’s only the acceptance of finality. With separation there is an illusion. You hold onto the smoke, but the smoker is gone. As years pass, and layer upon layer of new experiences are put upon memories you don’t smell the smoke as often, and little things begin to fade, as the soul fights to heal, and let go. You go back to familiar places, and at first you can almost reach out and touch, but then, one day, you wonder, “Touch what?” You are grasping for the smoke. Sometimes you know what love is, but there are other times when you don’t realize it had even been involved until the loved one is gone, then, suddenly, much later you find that you were thinking about them every day, then every other day, then once a week, month, and then not at all. That’s when you look behind you and understand the door is really closed, and the smoke is gone.  
                There are those who stand and wait for the door to open again, and never see the other door ahead, the new door that leads into a room they’d never before imagined. If you embrace this room you will live. If you stand and wait for the closed door to reopen, you will die. Oh, not all at once, just a little at a time. You begin to lose your humanity as you cling to fading memories that no one understands except you. And you are the only one who feels the pain. That pain will consume you. There are some things you should not overcome, should not live past, but there is so much more that you can live for. With each day, as the smoke fades, the air becomes clearer, and it’s not a bad thing to take a deep breath and go through the open door.
                The smell of the smoke will never completely be gone, but it can be overcome or at least neutralized by the expectation of new things. Then, one day you’ll hear the door shut, and a new one will not open, and you’ll realize that you are the smoke for someone else, and there are no new doors for you, only people on the other side making the decision to walk away, or wait for the old door to reopen. If you left wisdom, hopefully they will find the words you gave them, and they will turn and walk away.
                The night was late. There were few people there. The piano bar was about to close and only the loneliest were left, staring at the last call. The young lady sat down at the piano. Gently she began to play a simple tune. Nothing special, just a simple four/four time with a melody perhaps borrowed. Then, ever so softly she began to sing. As the words permeated the air the patrons sat up. She was a young girl, but the mileage in the lyrics was profound. Heretofore she was just the cute little girl who ate nachos at the bar, but her words would leave a taste in their mouths the gin would not hide.  The memories filled her eyes and she sang:
Things that folks are made of
Like faith, and hope, and sometimes love
Things that make us act the way we do
I’ve got a theory in my head
It’ll be there until I’m dead
And, I’d like to pass my theory onto you
Life’s a circle we all know
There ain’t no new way to go
If you stay home you’ll probably be just fine
Broken dreams and empty chairs
We all face the fire down there
I hope yours burns cooler than mine.
I go there now and then, but the man said the music doesn’t play there anymore. That door closed a long time ago.
Simple Ol' Boy From Austin

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Garden

     With all the border talk, I'd like to suggest some things that are going to rub a lot of my fellow patriots the wrong way, but hear me out. Let's admit something. Mexico isn't going away. Also, we don't need refugees (like that word?) coming over the fence trying to escape a terrible situation. Admit it, Mexico is the pits! There's no reason for it. This place isn't that far away, folks. It's right next door! Now, I'm gonna get racial here. Columbus sailed from Spain. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know the Vikings came here, the Mormons came here, the aliens came here, but Columbus was the first one who came here with a return ticket. Then the English got in on the act, and by the time Sir Walter Raleigh offered Elizabeth a cigarette it was ON! 

     Europeans dominated the exploration of the north American continent. It weren't Chinese sailing up the Mississippi, it was SPANIARDS! From Toronto to Mexico City the land was dotted with Europeans. We get all bent out of shape about Hispanic and white, but we're all European. While the English struggled toward the Ohio river the Spaniards blazed across the west, gobbling up everything from Texas to California. What was to become Mexico was not an ignorant, backward country. Ever wonder why Andrew Jackson didn't rip across the Sabine River to assist Sam Houston? It wasn't because he was a diplomat, versed in international law, it was because it wasn't written in stone who'd come out on top of that deal.   Santa Anna was drinking coffee from fine china as he watched the smoke rise from the Alamo. 

     So what happened? What happened to Mexico is what is happening to America right now! The Republic of Mexico had a fine government, with a fair to midland constitution, right up until Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna put it through a paper shredder, and decided to do things HIS way, and friends and neighbors, it ain't been right since! Over the following century a beautiful country with the same resources as the US, people of similar decent, and more gold than King Tut was reduced to a bunch of starving gardeners, and that's exactly where your precious, politically correct president is leading you Into right NOW! 

     We can't welcome illegals with open arms, but we can help so they don't WANT to be illegals. What rational human being, if he is well fed, has protection of law, and a job wants to leave his home and family and take off somewhere far away where he has no money, no contacts, and can't even speak the language? Do the math! I know, I know, we can't take them to raise. We took Iraq to raise, now DIDN'T we? We poured trillions into a place full of people who wouldn't spit on our graves if they even bothered to bury us in the first place! Those weren't Mexican Catholics standing on the steps of the Capitol in Austin shouting, "Allah Akbar," those were dyed in wool MUSLIMS who want to kill every grandchild you ever had so Islam can come and STEAL everything we EUROPEANS have built! They want to take the Lampasas Prom Queen, put her in a Burqa, drag her to the football stadium, and beat her brains out with a rock, make no mistake about it! 

     I don't know how to solve this. I just know we have to. While we can't pull the fence down along the border we must make it so that fence isn't necessary. The Mexicans are suspicious of us with good reason. Paco can't casually drive across the border to shop at Walmart in Laredo, but Hilda in Canada can! America is a Christian nation. Well, so is Mexico! VERY Christian! I was married there! As Professor Balazar pronounced me and Brenda man and wife every single person in that little village who came in  from the fields to attend the fiesta  crossed themselves and hugged both of us. That's right, I really did that. Told you to bring a dump truck, didn't I? 

     As long as you have a third world country butted up against a super power you will ALWAYS have a border problem. The Nortés don't understand Tex-Mex culture, but we HAVE to, we LIVE here, and war with Mexico is NOT an option. Mexico is struggling to increase oil production to 500,000 barrels a day bringing in 52.5 BILLION dollars. You didnt know that, did you? While those hook nose Arabs tool around in Lear Jets Fernando cant buy a new truck! Why is Mexico so poor? It's poor because venture capitalism has been squashed by the controlling interests on BOTH sides of the border. Why aren't Texas interests down there helping the Mexican people  get that gasoline north of the border. Because we're too busy worrying about some dope pusher who rode a HARLEY out of their "most secure" prison. There is no REASON Mexico cannot take its place beside the US, and Canada and stand with us against the Islamic tide bent on taking it all down. There's no reason Maria Sanchez cannot hop a bus, and  go shopping at Macy's withOUT having to jump a fence and prostitute herself! 

     Years ago I wrote a book called, "Sharon." In it was a very profound line. It had to do with introspection. The book was about a young preacher trying to apply meaning to his life. He met a girl who led him down a path to self examination. The line was simple. She told him, "The garden was always there. You would have seen it, had you'd only looked. There's a garden on the other side of that fence. We need to show our neighbors how to water it. 

Monday, July 13, 2015


     With political correctness, gender confusion, race mix-match and other factors, definitions and social acceptance have become important so we're a gonna have a class on social structure and linguistics, and since I'm a Texan liberals please take a break. What I'm about to say will not interest you. Take your grandson shopping for a dress at Macy's.  

     When I first heard the term, "Illegal Aliens" I immediately thought of Roswell. Hey, I'm not kidding. I conjured up mental images of big-headed creatures with spindly arms and legs, and LOTS of tin foil in the desert. Later, when someone said, "Undocumented workers" I naturally thought that was like a construction worker taking cash so he could avoid income tax. Slowly the truth became plain. These were new, more user friendly terms for a critter Texas has had for years. WETBACKS! 

     Boy, that hurts your ears, don't it libtards? Swat them bees, swat them bees! Until Donald Trump addressed the issue I did not know wetbacks were a political force in America. Silly me. In a country where a man can get on the cover of a magazine as a super model what do you expect? Wetbacks are out in force. Time was, if liberals wanted to show how fair and inclusive they were they'd invite a black guy to a party . . . one, just one, of course, so they could all sit around and discuss watermelons, and brag about how in inclusive they really were. Well, the new guy on the woodpile is a wetback! 

     And there are so many of them we have to have sanctuary cities. You know, like San Francisco. I thought that place was reserved for the gays, oh, my mistake, they lost that crown to Austin. I digress. Wetbackery is IN! I'm just waiting on Obama to take up the cause of the guy who killed that girl on the pier out in Frisco with something like, "If I had a son, he'd look like him." Obama is sympathetic to wetbacks because his back was just dried off in 2008! And wetbacks climbed immediately to the top of the tower of psycho-babble where even MENTIONING them is a social blunder. 

     Since Macy's has dumped Trump, you should expect to see new products soon. Plain brown pants and shirts, patent leather shoes, and of course, Vitalis is BACK! Then Miley Cyrus will pull out her two front teeth, dye her hair jet black and trade twerking for salsa. Black folk, you just better take a number, your day has come and gone. Pull down the statue of General Lee and replace it with Pancho Villa! Buy all the Chevrolet stock you can find, and teach your kids SPANISH! Wetback is the new black!

     Everything wetback is somehow MORE. Remember the Godfather? Now c'mon, admit it, those guys were really cool, weren't they? "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse." Now get this; "I ain't even gonna lie to choo!" The term, "Mafia" almost became cuddly, but MEXICAN Mafia? Now THAT even makes the fat boys step back. America has embraced wetbackism. Now I don't know the translation, but Americans of Mexican decent are looking at all these gringos jumping on this and thinking, "WTF?" They KNOW wetbackery! 

     Hey, I'm not kidding. Think I am? Remember. when we had to come up with that immortal phrase, "The 'N' Word?" Then, all the sudden you couldn't go one day without hearing, "Nigga" come out of someone's mouth. Shucks, white chick up in Washington State even turned into a nigga. I'll bet if she examines her family roots she'll find a wetback in there somewhere. Of course she'll have to find a low cut dress, and straighten that hair out a bit. 

     Styles and modes come and go, and liberal culture stands at the ready to fall into quick step behind every fad that comes rolling out. This has opened a whole new list of options for me, personally. I've never been married to a Mexican girl, which is astounding because they are some of the most beautiful women in the world. You wouldn't know it because Univision won't run the Miss Universe contest, but they're pretty hot. Anyway, I'm gonna find me a little señorita and get remarried. Gotta buy a bigger house, though, cause she'll have "family!"

Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Right of the PEOPLE

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.  There are rights, and there are regulations of those rights for the protection and common good. You have the "right" to travel, and technically have the "right" to stroll across an eight lane freeway during rush hour, however there are regulations governing that "right”‘ for your protection, and that of the motorists in the freeway. All the rights in the Bill of Rights are fundamental, and easily understood, but are continually measured against a changing society with different understandings and needs. The world view of 1776 is vastly different from 2015, yet the fundamental intent of the Bill of Rights remain the same. Do you think that men, intelligent enough to craft the Constitution, would not see that events, innovation, and society itself, would not change the understanding of the words, yet knew that the intent, the spirit, was always there? 

    The understanding of what a militia is has changed from what the founding fathers knew it to be to what the modern perception is. At the time of the first congress militias were everywhere. George Washington signed a law mandating that all (white) MEN between the ages of sixteen and sixty purchase their own gun, and stand at the ready to serve in the militia at any given time. This was the reasoning behind the initial phrase of the Second Amendment referencing militias. There are arguments trying to qualify the word "people" with the term "militia," somehow implying that the people aren't the people at all, but a term incorporated into militia, nullifying the very individuality of persons into an all-inclusive term. This argument is challenged by the use of the word, "people" all through the Bill of Rights where militia is nowhere to be found. The underlying truth of the constitution was all PEOPLE had a right to live, be free, and pursue their dreams, whatever that dream may be.  The government had no right to meddle in the personal affairs of the people so long as those affairs didn't endanger the public at large. Yeah, I know what I just implied, deal with it! All "people" could not be restricted in the bearing of arms, indeed were expected to bear such arms because the wisdom of the day was in the event of calamity these "people" would form a "well regulated" militia, and march off in defense of the state. Since women, blacks, and children didn't count as voting "people" this in effect addressed only the "people" who counted. The reason the very word "militia" was included in the Second Amendment was simple. Everybody knew you needed a gun for hunting and personal self-defense. You needed to BRING that gun when called to duty to defend the country. You couldn't put harsh restrictions on gun ownership because militia needed guns and the government had no intention of buying them. It was understood that the PEOPLE would bear that expense. Otherwise they would no longer be a militia, but a Masonic Lodge! The fundamental question of who OWNED the guns was understood. 

    The world evolved and the reliability upon militia and the concept of the people's army died in the ashes of the White House in 1812. It became apparent that in the event of a full scale war a bit more was needed than some farmers armed with grandpa's shotgun to repel a mercenary force sporting whatever a well-funded government could provide, but with the expansion of the governmental role of PROVIDING such weapons the basic question of private ownership of weapons was never brought to the table, and while  militias still existed, the burden fell upon standing armies with guns that individuals could ill afford. The type of weaponry was never an issue. There is a line of reasoning that states that the founding fathers were restricted to muskets, and had no earthly idea about the types of weapons we have today. This line of reasoning failed the very moment Flint was replaced with percussion caps. Then came the Winchester. That "Damn Yankee rifle you could load on Sunday and fire all week." The first "assault" rifle! With the role of the militia being diminished the right of the people took precedence and the defense of the state became the defense of person. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.  This is an important concept that would eventually bring the understanding of militia full circle.  Militia meaning a group of PEOPLE for common defense in whatever discernment this may entail. Even though a man was not expected to automatically serve in a militia he most certainly had the right to preserve his own life independent to that of the state, and he most certainly was entitled to be with likeminded fellows. . 

    There are theories and then there is common sense. In theory the citizenry should bear arms to resist a tyrannical government. The overreach of a Federalist government weighed heavily on the minds of the delegates to that Congress. Common sense tells us that AR-15's aren't worth a flip against a Drone. The best defense against a tyrannical government is a well-informed Congress. Three equally strong branches of government, each watching the other to keep the ship of state on an even keel. Still, we do have the right of self-preservation, and in that element society, and militia  has changed. Enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC! Remember that phrase there will be a quiz later. 

    Liberal thought tells us that while the Second Amendment addressed muskets that the innovation of newer, more deadly weapons has nullified all this and is out of the scope of the amendment and that it was never intended to address this issue. This is a misunderstanding. As I have said, previous, guns have changed, but so has society, and the underlying need for guns. I have spent some time looking through the Internet, and even in the so-called "Wild Wild West" I can find no occurrences of a cowboy charging into a saloon and shooting indiscriminately at the patrons drinking and playing cards. This is now a common event in modern America. The perpetrators almost always shoot between ten and twenty people they never met, are on drugs that didn't exist fifty years ago, and usually save the state a lot of money by making themselves the last victim. This is a modern phenomenon. Al Capone didn't do this. Billy the Kid didn't do this. This was unheard of. I know a man who survived the mass shooting at Luby's. He told me when the killer shot the first man he shouted, "Was it worth it?" My friend was an old time Texan, and frankly thought that was one wife the man being shot should have left alone. The man who killed Wild Bill Hickok shot no one else that day, nor did he intend to. This is a modern phenomenon. 

    Accelerated levels of violence are seen all over the world, not just in America. The English make a lot of hay railing about guns in America while they cower under their beds hoping the "Bobby" gets there before the killer gets IN! The public consciousness is very adaptive. When confronted by a new threat you will see that a new concept, or fix always comes about. Emperor bans swords, monks invent Kung Fu. Hitler invades France, the Resistance is born. Active shooters become the norm, the public starts carrying guns with or without permission. While the understanding of the verbiage of the Second has been debated the spirit has remained the same. The right of citizens to defend their very lives is a natural right, and instinct. What seemed to tie into militia quickly adapts to the preservation of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Even a good dog has a right to bite. 

    There are indisputable facts. One such fact is you will not stop gun violence by disarming the victims. That’s like curbing rape by blaming pretty girls. Gun laws governing the ownership of weapons fail. The Charleston shooter had a felony record AND a gun. Gee! I never saw THAT coming. That is the reason for another natural law; Force must be met with equal force. If active shooters continue to prowl the land the public must at least have the free choice of defense of itself. This fact in and of itself will begin to turn the tide of the mass shootings. Gun free zones are like a screen door in a submarine. Even the most deranged person must be made to take into account the possibility that his little rampage may end up with a body count of one, him! The thug stalking a lady going to her car after work must understand that her hand may be in her purse for a reason. Lawless men commit atrocities unheard of except for war on a daily basis. This is the new focus of the Second Amendment, not the overthrow of the government, but the preservation of society, and that preservation has caused the definition of "militia" to evolve. . 

    Regulations of guns have been on the books almost before the ink dried on the constitution, and no responsible gun owner should object. Background checks, education, and stiff penalties for those who chose to endanger society should not be cause for concern, but the legal possession of guns should never be in question.  Licensing should be done away with. To license is infringement. To be free to purchase a gun, but beg permission to carry it is an oxymoron. There are two very important words in the amendment that stand out. "Keep" and "bear!" You have the right to purchase a gun, but what good is a gun if you can't have it with you? Guns don't kill people, DOCTORS do! Practically every active shooter was hyped up on some pill that John Lennon would have given his eye teeth to have. Doctors should be held responsible for dispensing drugs that not only do not help, but hurt, and endanger society by doing so. Cowboys routinely checked their guns with the sheriff on the way to the saloon to get drunk,  Just saying. 

    There are a lot of people in this country.  Will some slip through the cracks? You betcha! Will there still be deaths from drunk drivers, crashed airplanes and tainted green beans? You'll see them all the time. Life comes with risks, but one of those risks should not hanging on hold with the police while some guy kills everything insight because he can't get a date. 

    Not everyone will want a gun, but the sons of anarchy need to understand that we are an armed "society" and they'll never know when, or where, unless, of course there is one of those little signs with a picture of a gun with a ban circle over it. Don't eat there! Eat somewhere else. A Biker Bar is safer than that. Well, everywhere but Waco. Note to self: Never invite a bunch of cops to a beer party. The concept of militia has changed, but then again, has remained the same. The militia of old fought governments, the modern militia fights enemies more “domestic,” and I guess, when you look at it like that, we are all part of that new militia. The right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed.
Simple Ol' Boy From Austin