Friday, July 17, 2015

The Kingdom of God

People will subscribe to just about anything that feeds their fears and ego. Let's look at this. Take notes, there will be a quiz when you die. Mohammed went to a cave, and an angel appeared to him. We all know the story. Slapped him around a bit and then placed the "Holy" Qu'ran in his head, whereupon he rode around the desert for a number of years releasing this invaluable information to the masses, where eventually it was all codified into a book and the best seller list was born! 

    Do you believe that? C'mon, put the goat's milk down, do you REALLY believe that? First off, if the angel really placed the Qu'ran into his mind, why didn't Mohammed just spout it all out , and not as various life events demanded the Suras along the way? And why all the borrowed bits and pieces from the Torah, New Testament, and just plain ol' GOSSIP. If there had been copyright laws back then we wouldn't be worried about Islam now. Every time some guy comes up with a "holy" book the adherents always claim it to be "the most perfect book ever!" That, and, "How could this man of such humble origins, with little or no education produce such a detailed work?" 

    I'm a writer. I've written books. When you write you edit. As you edit patterns appear. As you clear out the inconsistencies the patterns become clearer. If the patterns are clear enough you sell books. It doesn't matter is the patterns are true, or even make sense, so long as you can connect the dots, and close the circle. Mohammed didn't have an iPad, but he sure had an iMOUTH! If a pattern got wrecked, no problem, 'ol Allah would clear that up in the sequel. Tell everybody three teenage hotties were goddesses, and the whole congregation says, "WTF?"well, the DEVIL made him say it! Good gig, made some money, got laid, let's move on. 

    Fourteen year old boy ventures into the woods, "looking for God." And he FOUND him! Another angel appears, and before it's all done the Father, the Son, and the Hoooooooly Ghost make an appearance COMPLETE with golden tablets, yet ANOTHER “most perfect” book, and more pretty girls than the locker room of the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. Of course, he was too ignorant to compose a grocery list. Made some money. . .  If you try to tell a Mormon that there is even a remote possibility that Joseph Smith concocted this stuff up they will lose their MIND and start trying to connect dots that you will never see, but THEY do! 

    Adam and Eve were frolicking among the heather, buck naked of course, and soon found something a bit more interesting to do than fishing to fill their time. From this we get Cain and Abel. Now, with all respect to gay rights, if you're starting a human race, and you have two sons . . . well, you get my drift. There could have been unmentioned sisters, but the Garden of Eden was not in Arkansas so we won't go there. Anyway, as luck would have it Cain knocks Abel in the head and gets sent to the land of Nod where he "knew" his wife. Hope he had a banana for her because according to the script he’d just left the only two humans back in the garden. 

    Jesus was good as explaining. I want you to note, he did NOT say the Good Samaritan was a real guy. Neither were the ten virgins, or the hard master, or anyone else He spoke about because Jesus knew he was constructing examples. While the Jews were expecting God Almighty to put Israel in charge of the world Jesus patiently tried to explain to them that this "Kingdom" was "within" them. Well, stupid is, as stupid does and if Jesus ever DOES come back they'll just nail Him up again! Now, I did NOT imply Jesus was stupid so no burning crosses on my lawn, ok? What is profound is Jesus never had a dog in this hunt. He appeared, put forth His ideas, and left. He didn't write, make money, conquer nations, or find golden tablets. 

    Religion is man's feeble attempt to explain the unexplainable. The ultimate game of Dots. All religions try to make the complete circle and get bonus points. The reasoning behind religion is morality. Everyone wants to have food, a house, a bed, and a pretty wife they can sleep with and still get up in the morning without Attila burning up the Olive grove. Attila wants to burn that Olive grove without worrying about one of his men running off with his fourteen year old girlfriend while he's away. This is called "morality" and it is subjective. One man's meat is another man's booty. The stolen watermelon is the sweetest. Each tribe's "morality" is different from every other tribe's. 

    The dominant morality is always expounded by the winners. The Indians slaughtered the settlers, but the American dream "civilized" the Indians. God and the Bible said slavery was cool, but Lincoln didn't see it that way, and he WON! Roof killed nine in a church and waved a Confederate flag, Janet Reno killed eighty eight in a church and waved an AMERICAN flag. OMG, swat them bees! Now we have four dead Marines because "God" told the guy to do it and greater minds than mine are pondering if Islam has anything to do with it. And the Westboro Baptist Church will show up and chant hate slogans at the grieving relatives as they say, "Goodbye" to their loved ones. I'm a simple ol' boy from Austin, not a STUPID ol' boy from Austin! 

    The “Cackle Babble”  heads in the box are trying to decide if that attack was an ISIS branded terrorist attack, as opposed to the domestic variety. Sort of like beer, I guess. And it's a very big deal! I suppose those guys would be a little less dead if Mohammed whomEVER was from Albuquerque as opposed to say, Mecca. ISIS jumped up of course and took credit. ISIS is like that guy in a bar, when a fight breaks out, who hides under the pool table, and when it's all over he comes crawling out saying, "I did that!" And, there again is your "morality." Muslims are somewhere dancing in the streets, waving "Qu'rans, while the families of the dead are crying in the funeral home clinging to their Bibles as the Westboro Baptist Church paints signs, and makes flight arrangements. 

    So, what is "the truth?" The Kingdom of God, if there is such a thing, is within you! If it guides you to a peaceful grave then it's all good, but if you feel like guiding someone ELSE to THEIR grave you got issues! I hate to be the first one to tell you this but we're all different and the understanding of what each of us burn in our crazy mind is incomprehensible to the man sitting right next to you. What do I really believe? I'm not saying. I could not articulate, but it has something to do with a beer, a weed eater, and a live chicken. Wanna know how much influence you have? Try ordering someone ELSE'S dog around! 

Simple Ol' Boy From Austin

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