Thursday, May 18, 2017

From a Dumb Old Biker

From the Mind of a Dumb Ole Biker in Alvin, Texas. Chappy Gypsy
Written my a fellow brother in arms Steve Baglemann USMC, Brother and Friend and he doesn't mix any words here.
Let's get a few things straight.

First, there is only one party, the establishment. There are no longer Democrats or Republicans as they both disappeared a long time ago. They are both two heads of the same damned snake trying to get everyone to believe they are fighting for you, when in fact all they are doing is getting fat and sassy with money and power.

Second and a fact, over the last four election cycles the left have lost a total of near 1,000 seats in government including the presidency. This clearly indicates the frustration for a majority of the nation's citizens that things weren't running correctly as the people saw fit. There is no disputing this. Fact, period.

Third, Trump was elected President of the United States, not because of the political left's desire for Hillary, but because the electorate selected Trump to win. The electorate is a more balanced way for every citizen's voice to be heard, not just those in the major cities. This is what our fore-fathers wanted and this is what we got; a president was elected by the people for the people. I won't debate anyone on this. If you don't agree, push for an Amendment to change the constitutional way we elect a president and good luck with that.

Fourth, the Constitution is a document, a contract between the people and its elected officials. It limits power to the Federal Government and protects the rights of the citizens. The Constitution is not, nor was intended to be a living, breathing document whereby we make changes as we go along or read into any more than what is in plain black and white. The tool for changing the laws and rights within the Constitution are called Constitutional Amendments. If the masses gain enough support for a change, a Amendment can be made. Otherwise, the law and protections are outlined as written. Stop wordsmithing and attempting to put a square peg in a round hole, or maybe you missed that day in preschool.

Fifth, until and unless there is verifiable written or physical proof of something, it is only hearsay and is more less a fairy tale. Anonymous said so doesn't make it fact. Several people saying the same story from an unverified source doesn't make it a fact either. Get your panties in a bunch all you want, however there are no faults unless something is proven to be a fact with evidence. Investigate away and if something comes up to prove without a doubt, then we can have an adult conversation, otherwise stay in the nursery.

With all that said, you can keep your Washington Post, your NY Times, your rag after rag, as well as your alphabet news agencies, they're all bought and paid for by the same clowns in the establishment. Executives at the highest levels of these agencies are directly related, or married to those same politicians who pretend to work in our government. And guess who supplies money to both the politicians and the media to keep their little games going? Corporations like FB, Walmart, Amazon, Apple, big pharma, big oil and power, etc. Lobbyists, plain and simple. How do you think everyone that serves in our government goes from only earning a couple hundred thousand a year to millionaires and billionaires while in office? Did you know that every last one of those serving fall into those two categories? Wouldn't you like to work as little during a year and fly all over the country making that kind of cash!

Now I suspect the majority of those who voted for Trump did so to take back our government and move away from these criminals. What they've done is not capitalistic, it's back-room robbery and deception. Capitalism has been largely hijacked by these folks. All the taxes collected and we still have inner-cities never getting out of poverty? All the money going to Chicago in some form and the local neighborhoods are still so poor, uneducated, still killing each other? Why??? Because those are votes for one party right there! Yes, they are easier to manipulate because their education was so poor. Tell them you're working for them and throw them a bone or some free stuff once in awhile, especially around election time and you have yourself a captive audience of voters. The same with illegal immigrants and asylum seekers, give em stuff and you've bought votes for life. This is happening in every major city across the nation. You have those that have and you have those that have not.

Back in the 1860's slavery was abolished and those enslaved were free. I'm not going to get into black slavery although it was the predominant, when in fact there were other types of slavery as well in other nationalities in this country as well during our history. The point is, slavery was abolished and the left's ability to have and maintain slaves was eliminated, or was it?

Slavery over time was converted to enslavement. Think about those two words and the meanings of each.

Today, people aren't slaves in the sense we know from a time in our history, they are enslaved. Enslaved in inner-cities, enslaved to be taxed more than actual take-home. The majority of people in this country are barely getting by and live paycheck to paycheck. It's the establishment who causes this, the inner-cities are from the left, the back dealing corporatists are on the right, taxation games from both. There are so many more examples, but this gets the point across.

Trump was elected to take the trash out, drain the swamp, eliminate the good ol boys network, remove the dealers, whatever you want to call it, that's his directive by the people. Remember the electoral college put him in power, not the major cities. The general masses have spoken and if questioned again in 2018, they will speak louder as necessary.

Like it or not, Donald Trump is the President of the United States. Enemies from all walks of political, media and corporate life want him taken down because he's going to wreck their game. Politicians will pontificate, media will stretch or make up stories that are unverifiable, backed by corporate monies to do whatever it takes to remove this man from office.

Until and unless hard verifiable or physical proof is found about any accusations from any party, don't fall into the temptation to believe the fairy tales. If you've read this far, maybe you agree with me. There are a lot of us out there and certainly more than the media will have you believe. We are by far the majority and we need to stick together and see this thru. We are a proud Republic and although we have been off-road a bit, we are getting a handle on things and getting our country back on track. Have faith and pray about it. Thanks for reading!

Written by,
Steve Balgemann

Saturday, May 13, 2017


Problimo. There's a word Donald Trump is going to understand completely in his next hundred days. I actually had to take an online class and read before writing this article. I do that on occasion, not often, so don't get worried. Yesterday the president took to Twitter and wrote, “James Comey better hope that there are no ‘tapes’ of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!” Now here's the question. The conservatives are thinking Mr. Trump may have been recorded by someone visiting the White House, but more liberal minds take such a statement to imply that Trump routinely records things, and just isn't quite sure if the conversations with Comey were included, especially since it was during a dinner.
You see, Nixon recorded in the Oval Office, but generally left the breakfast table alone. Otherwise we'd have had a tape of him saying, “Pat, would you pass the #%£¥#%£ ketchup?” See my point? Trump presents himself as a master negotiator, so it will be interesting to see him “negotiate” these waters. That was such a misstep it even made Whoopi Goldberg make sense, and that's as crazy as inviting Hitler to a Bar-Mitzvah!
Now, let talk about the textbook way you remove someone like James Comey from power. In the “Apprentice” Trump became well known for uttering, “You're FIRED!” Hey, I liked it. The televised image of some self assured, wise cracking kid getting the sack, and leaving a slimy trail as he drags his suitcase out of the hotel. Priceless! Well, that ain't the way it's done in Devil City. It's all about careers, saving face and perpetuating the illusion that the employees therein are something more than the rest of us, so you have a certain protocol. Now, if you or I show up fifteen minutes late we get our butts fired off. Security walks us to the door with all our possibles in a cardboard box. In Comey’s world you get a phone call requesting that you submit your resignation. You've all seen it. All the cabinet members, the directors and sometimes even the cooks submit their papers when a new president comes in.
Now, before you think I'm a Comey defender I want you to know that he's a jerk off. Yeah, that just about covers it. This guy led the FBI so well that a fifty year old school teach picked up one of his students, comely lass that she was, but she was fifteen, traversed the nation, and got caught in California by a hippy while Comey comed the White House kitchen for Russian dressing! I feel so served and protected. This rocket scientist said that in six hundred and fifty thousand emails, even though he'd found some some classified stuff, that no charges would be filed, filling in for the attorney general by the way, and then was stupid enough to reOPEN the whole mess only to come back a couple days later to tell everyone there was nothing to see, just move along. He chased down that rabbit hole because that Wiener guy was trading little girl porn with Hillary’s staff and during the conversation they kinda sent some of our security codes, or something like that. Yeah, THAT guy!
But Trump has a problimo in that the Democrats are gonna eat him up on this one. I remember when Nixon went down. First he recorded conversations, Dean puked that up before the Watergate committee, and then he fired Cox. Next thing we saw was him waving buh bye from the presidential helicopter. You can't make this up folks. The only way he can salvage this is full support of the ongoing Russian investigation and then showing the American people the tab they paid for this Tom Foolery. Now, I personally think it's a crock, but if, as I believe, Trump had nothing to do with it, he should go ahead and push it to the max just to show how honest he really is, because if he doesn't, he's gonna get that helicopter ride. Oh, and it will help if he tweets the same thing he's telling Spicer to say to reporters. Problimo!

Sunday, May 7, 2017


ANTIFA is not something new, it's something that has come of age. In 2008, when Barack Obama took office a lot of these kids were say, around twelve years old. Now they're around twenty, and have absolutely no idea what America is about. In fact, they are the ultimate vocalization of the blasphemy that was the Obama administration. A political Frankenstein straight from the Brown Shirts of Nazi Germany, bent on erasing history so they can repeat it THEIR way!
These intolerant, angry, ill informed individuals are the kind of movement that can wreck havoc on the political scene purely by the insanity that drives their cause. ANTIFA doesn't focus. They hate everything traditionally American from our flag to mom’s apple pie, and they don't make a secret out of it. I watched several ANTIFA marches and from their attacks on cameras, their language, and open, frank declarations against private property, tolerance and white people I could only see a group using the very same tactics they claim to distain.
Patriot groups are rising up. The victory of Donald Trump has emboldened the silent majority, but it realizes that victory must be maintained, and groups like ANTIFA know no better that what Obama taught them. They think he's normal! There's no fixing these kids. They're lost. Their formative years were perverted by ideas, and theories designed to bring down America. In the end their handlers will provide them with “special treatment” as did the Nazis did with cooperating Jews. Special treatment . . . Decent burial!
We must hold the line. We must crush ANTIFA. We must raise a new generation to replace them. A generation schooled in history, good and bad, Martin Luther Kind AND General Robert E. Lee. They need to study the Civil war AND the Civil Rights Movement. Ronald Reagan AND Watergate, and they need to study the boondoggles of the Black Panthers AND the Ku Klux Klan, because THAT’S where ANTIFA is headed for! Their movement will have no more effect on history than the Green Flag rebellion in Texas well before the Texas revolution. I truly believe this time, the patriot response to this kind of perversion will be quick, and it will be terrible! God rest their souls!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Back to the Wild West?

Back to the Wild West? Every time we inch forward toward taking back our right to defend ourselves, and restoring  the 2nd amendment the touchy-feely left dredges up that time worn phase that we’ll be reverting back to the Wild West. Let me enlighten you folks to something. No one in Tombstone ever went in to the little red school house, and shot all the kids.
America was born of revolution. The very idea of taking on the British Empire was pretty revolutionary, but that couldn't hold a candle to Texas. The colonies more or less secured what they had lived in, and developed since the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, I guess if the Germans had landed first it would have been the Mercedes Rock, but Texans carved off a piece of Mexico, stripped the president thereof down to his Long Johns, and called it their own. That's called “balls” boys and girls. Write that down. There'll be a test later. If the Americans had done likewise they'd have sailed to England, slapped King George, and took Ireland. Just saying.
Texas was taken by the gun. It was secured by the gun, and till this day it is maintained by the gun. The Mexicans were more than a little bit irritated at the loss of the region, and the Indians were plumb red faced over the introduction of the pale face interlopers who shot all the buffalo, fenced up the land, and sent them off to build casinos. That having been said, just how wild WAS the Wild West?
Well, to start, you could get hung for just about anything. A good hanging would always generate a good crowd, complete with picnic baskets, pee-warm beer, and oh yeah, bring the kids! Good folks went to church, and bad folks went to the saloon, AFTER they  checked in their guns with the sheriff because most towns had an ordinance that recognized guns and whiskey don't mix. That's right. Imagine that. There was a form of gun control in the Wild West.
When the more “modern” thinkers say the founding fathers didn't account for the advanced weapons of our present day they overlook the fact that in every era there are advances, and cutting edge weapons. The caveman with the bigger stick, the percussion cap replacing a piece of flint, or with the advent of the Winchester, that “Damn yankee rifle you could load on Sunday, and shoot all week.” Weapons change, people don't!
Remember that question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Because there is a certain percentage of the population that if not restrained, will do whatever tickles their fancy. In an armed society the possibility of bad things happening to BAD people keeps their pants up, their mouths closed, and if they still get out of line you can always hang em. Predators will always prey on the weak, and if you think they don't then why doesn't the lion chase down the largest, fastest gazelle? Why didn't the Sandy Hook gunman shoot up the police station?
Police have a thankless job. When you see some woman screaming in an officer’s face, calling him a pig, she doesn't know that possibly that morning he removed a dead baby from a car after what should have been a fender bender, but wasn't because some irresponsible wench just like her forgot to strap the car seat in, and the baby hit the windshield. Cops are human, just like the rest of us, and they run,  cry, and die just like us, when they get shot, cut, or clubbed. They NEED us to be able to defend ourselves, and sometimes to defend THEM!
Back to the Wild West? We never LEFT the Wild West, but let me give you a challenge. Take yourself a sixteen year old girl, give her twenty dollars, and let her walk through downtown Austin looking for a sandwich. Now, send her through Detroit looking for a pizza. Oh, don't make her anyone you care about. And the Nortés call US the Wild West! To sum it all up gun control, when imposing unreasonable restrictions upon law abiding citizens is dangerous, irresponsible, and down right stupid! The tail cannot wag the dog. Society cannot be put at risk as the liberal left tries to placate the lunatic fringe. There are more good people than bad, and if you want to see that just remember there were more people WATCHING the hanging, than being HUNG! We seriously need to go Back to he Wild West!