Saturday, May 6, 2017

Back to the Wild West?

Back to the Wild West? Every time we inch forward toward taking back our right to defend ourselves, and restoring  the 2nd amendment the touchy-feely left dredges up that time worn phase that we’ll be reverting back to the Wild West. Let me enlighten you folks to something. No one in Tombstone ever went in to the little red school house, and shot all the kids.
America was born of revolution. The very idea of taking on the British Empire was pretty revolutionary, but that couldn't hold a candle to Texas. The colonies more or less secured what they had lived in, and developed since the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, I guess if the Germans had landed first it would have been the Mercedes Rock, but Texans carved off a piece of Mexico, stripped the president thereof down to his Long Johns, and called it their own. That's called “balls” boys and girls. Write that down. There'll be a test later. If the Americans had done likewise they'd have sailed to England, slapped King George, and took Ireland. Just saying.
Texas was taken by the gun. It was secured by the gun, and till this day it is maintained by the gun. The Mexicans were more than a little bit irritated at the loss of the region, and the Indians were plumb red faced over the introduction of the pale face interlopers who shot all the buffalo, fenced up the land, and sent them off to build casinos. That having been said, just how wild WAS the Wild West?
Well, to start, you could get hung for just about anything. A good hanging would always generate a good crowd, complete with picnic baskets, pee-warm beer, and oh yeah, bring the kids! Good folks went to church, and bad folks went to the saloon, AFTER they  checked in their guns with the sheriff because most towns had an ordinance that recognized guns and whiskey don't mix. That's right. Imagine that. There was a form of gun control in the Wild West.
When the more “modern” thinkers say the founding fathers didn't account for the advanced weapons of our present day they overlook the fact that in every era there are advances, and cutting edge weapons. The caveman with the bigger stick, the percussion cap replacing a piece of flint, or with the advent of the Winchester, that “Damn yankee rifle you could load on Sunday, and shoot all week.” Weapons change, people don't!
Remember that question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Because there is a certain percentage of the population that if not restrained, will do whatever tickles their fancy. In an armed society the possibility of bad things happening to BAD people keeps their pants up, their mouths closed, and if they still get out of line you can always hang em. Predators will always prey on the weak, and if you think they don't then why doesn't the lion chase down the largest, fastest gazelle? Why didn't the Sandy Hook gunman shoot up the police station?
Police have a thankless job. When you see some woman screaming in an officer’s face, calling him a pig, she doesn't know that possibly that morning he removed a dead baby from a car after what should have been a fender bender, but wasn't because some irresponsible wench just like her forgot to strap the car seat in, and the baby hit the windshield. Cops are human, just like the rest of us, and they run,  cry, and die just like us, when they get shot, cut, or clubbed. They NEED us to be able to defend ourselves, and sometimes to defend THEM!
Back to the Wild West? We never LEFT the Wild West, but let me give you a challenge. Take yourself a sixteen year old girl, give her twenty dollars, and let her walk through downtown Austin looking for a sandwich. Now, send her through Detroit looking for a pizza. Oh, don't make her anyone you care about. And the Nortés call US the Wild West! To sum it all up gun control, when imposing unreasonable restrictions upon law abiding citizens is dangerous, irresponsible, and down right stupid! The tail cannot wag the dog. Society cannot be put at risk as the liberal left tries to placate the lunatic fringe. There are more good people than bad, and if you want to see that just remember there were more people WATCHING the hanging, than being HUNG! We seriously need to go Back to he Wild West!

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