Thursday, January 30, 2014

Why Write a Book about Texas Politics?

Why Write a Book About Austin Politics?
            When I began blogging I didn’t take it all that seriously.  To me it was a poor man’s outlet where you really couldn’t find a publisher so you just did it yourself and hoped that anyone would read what you had to say.  As you may or may not know, also, a writer is a writer is a writer, or in other words, a writer will write even when he (or she) really has nothing to say.  I suffer profoundly from that virus.  Also, I have the martini, OMG virus, i.e. write something at 3 AM and upon review over breakfast you find yourself wondering what in the world you ever said such things! 
            Now mix in the fact that I am stuck in Texas near Austin.  This used to be very uncool. New York was jumping, L. A. was jumping, nothing was jumping in Austin except crickets! Oh, sure we had Willie Nelson, Stevie Ray, and a host of others FROM Austin, but if you will note they LEFT Austin as soon as they could and would tend to hang out in places like, well, L. A. and New York!  The very idea that anyone would STAY in Austin and try to move the world from there was, well, frankly, nuts!
            Then a couple of things came along that changed things.  One was Barak Obama.  In several masterful strokes he reduced the American dream from manifest destiny to a very bad LSD trip. And with his deluded minions following behind him like so many lemmings Austin, or for that matter, Texas in general began to look a whole lot better.  Then enter personalities like Alex Jones, or Glen Beck, and I don’t care what you think of them, they don’t have to dig very far to make a man who uses the NSA to spy on fifteen year old girls’ phone calls look like a complete paranoid buffoon!
            Very unwillingly, I got drawn into an ongoing battle with the Child Protective Services (CPS) when my daughter in law got at odds with them and I’ll bore you with those details later, but it wasn’t her fight that fueled my anger, it was the fight of so many others. Our mistake was that we did not take the CPS seriously.  After meeting them we simply could not imagine a group of people so poorly trained ever  completing any task.  What we didn’t count on was the poorly trained lawyers, judges, and cops.  You can’t speak up to any of these people.  And don’t try to reason, that word does NOT enter into their vocabulary.  I began to learn that there is a fraternity of fools out there who scratch each other’s backs, rake in the cash, and destroy lives and no one seems to have a handle on it.
            I had always labored under the delusion that we here in Texas were somehow superior to other people around the country, and that we were blessed with common sense.  The CPS caseworkers were almost all lying ignorant pedophiles so I thought there was a quick win. What I didn’t see was the Judges were a bunch of lying ignorant pedophiles, too, in bed with the CPS, and the cops in an unholy trinity of manipulation and money laundering that would make Al Capone blush! Enter the Republic of Texas movement.  As I saw that the train wreck  called America pull out of the station I began to realize that when, that’s WHEN, not IF, the USA crumbles, the last hope of at least North America, if not the world was these same people I’d been running from all of my life. 
            Texans are a unique breed.  You don’t have to be born in Texas, but if you get here as soon as you can that will do. We are getting a flow of “Nortes” now who are overwhelmingly liberal, and that’s fine, but what we don’t need is people drifting down here from their failed American cities trying to tell us how it’s done!  The Texas idea works! We don’t need income tax, alimony, unions, or basically anything that impedes the normal person from living a good life. 
            And that’s what  this book is about.  This book is going to be a manifesto of Texas thought, and it’s not going to be what you expect.  I’m conservative, but I’m not stupid. While I may not agree with Gay marriage or legal pot you always have to go back to rule number one, leave people alone if they aren’t hurting anyone! I also don’t see eye to eye with someone wearing a turban but if there isn’t a bomb under that turban it’s none of my business. 
            So, I’m going to explore this and see where it takes me.  My brother always say’s I’m “out there,” and maybe I am, but if I can convince everyone else to be out there with me, then Texas is no longer uncool, but real cool, and the only problem we will have is where to put all the people who are fed up with Amerika!  Shall we dance?
The Tail Can’t Wag The Dog
And Washington Can’t Wag Texas!
            Time was when you could write, or say just about anything you wanted to without worrying about being sued, or going to jail, or being attacked. The free flow of information was foundational to the republic and if you had a great idea you’d be great for the republic.  On the opposite side of the coin, if you were a little nuts then nobody cared.  They just ignored you.
            Time was when every little Texas town had a homosexual or two in it. They pretty much stayed off to themselves and the lady’s garden society loved them. The same little old ladies would look on with approval when you spanked an unruly child in public. There was a time when you knew your police officer by his first name, and felt as if he were there to protect you. That’s why he carried a gun. You could carry a gun in your truck if you wanted to, and the police officer would not lose his mind if he pulled you over and you got out of your truck, retrieving your driver’s license as you walked back to his car.
            Time was when the president spoke you respected what he had to say because he WAS the president.  You may not agree with him but when down came to down you were on the same team with the president.  Back in the day the teachers were respected, and when I brought home a note from the teacher my parents automatically sided with her because she was the TEACHER!  She was not some stranger.
            There was a time in this country when the liveliest arguments were over religion because everyone believed in God! And because you believed in God you didn’t believe in divorce, adultery, drugs, or anything that decent people didn’t talk about around the women folk. When you found that someone was divorced it was as if there were a stain on them that could never be removed and at parties and gatherings people talked around these people because everyone knew there was “something” inherently wrong with them.
            The constitution was held almost to the same standard as the Bible. The bill of rights could have easily been the Ten Commandments, and putting the Ten Commandments on the courthouse lawn was the most natural thing in the world because everyone knew that God had inspired both of them. 
            Time was when money was money.  You knew that there was a piece of silver or gold to back up all those paper dollars in your pocket because the government said it was there. A dime was silver.  So was a quarter. These were the days when you had to meet a girl’s father before taking her out and she’d better be home on time because you would have to face her father again, and God forbid you should harm her in any way because the protection of women was very important to everyone.
            There was a time in this country when there was no need for an agency to protect children.  The people did that.  The family, the churches, and yes, the police were there to protect, serve and defend. What happened? Where did it go so wrong?  Well, people, it went wrong when the tail began to wag the dog. It came about when public servants forgot what “We The People” really meant. It went wrong when the outrageous became the mainstream. It went wrong when the will of the people was put somewhere far below the opinion of a single judge with a single agenda.  Somewhere, some time, a group of people decided that we weren’t smart enough to speak our mind, count our money, work, raise our kids or even protect our own property.  Language was twisted to mean what the rulers said it meant and the police became enforcers, not protectors.  Time and time again I have seen judges, police, CPS, DPS, and all the other PS’s just ignore the law even while it was presented to their face! CJ Grisham, Terry Holcomb, Scott Liberty, and tons of others arrested while quoting the law!  Arrested while holding a copy of the constitution in their hand! Add to that, in CJ’s case, actual dash cam take showing the arresting officer is clearly out of line.  It makes no difference. The judges and lawyers just let the tail wag the dog one more time, rephrase the charge, and another citizen bites the dust.
            A republic is of the people, by the people, and for the people.  A republic feeds from the ground up. The Texas Constitution clearly states that if the government becomes oppressive the people have a right to change that government. That is not revolution. That is not anarchy. That is simple math.   That’s because there are more people than there are senators, congressmen, or judges. A judge is expected to apply the law, not legislate from the bench. A police officer is expected to protect the public, not shoot the public, and agencies that are chartered to protect families should do just that!  Protect the foundation of American society, not disassemble it in the quest of some homosexual, utopian dream they had back in college when they were still green! What is most important is your immediate surroundings.  Next the state, and finally the nation, but the nation was never meant to dictate the everyday lives of the people.  States are different.  Lifestyles are different.  What we consider to be normal in Texas would seem absolutely crazy in New York, and if you’ve ever been to California you will know that weird feeling that something is wrong with either you, or them!
            And that’s not to say that the people out in California are wrong.  They are right for THEM! But in this existence there is a fundamental difference in Texas and every place else. We were formed as a republic.  There is a mindset there.  It’s not like any other state, not even California.  We joined the US as a former republic.  More than that, we were a republic right up until the moment we became a state.  There was never a territory of Texas. Of course there were interests in Texas that lived and hoped for Texas to become part of the union, but almost from the beginning of the union there were some that felt as if we had perhaps made a mistake, and that feeling led to Texas throwing in with the Confederacy that wasn’t in Texas interests at all. When that mess was over we had to take the same horse whipping the rest of the south took but we weren’t southern, we weren’t western, we were TEXAS! Texas never fully cooperated with the Confederacy, indeed, at the moment of the formation of the southern coalition a lot of Texans just wanted to return to republic and let the Americans thrash it out. 
            That’s what the Texas Nationalist Movement is all about. It is the revival of the fierce nationalism that was possessed by Sam Houston, Lamar, and a host of others. When the Texas Nationalist Movement began it looked a little nutty.  There had been a Republic of Texas movement that failed, so naturally, when the Nationalist Movement was born it looked just as kooky, but it is not! I don’t think anyone took the idea seriously, and the reason for that was because we were grouped not only with the old “Republic of Texas” thing but historically with all the other southern states who were still trying to crawl out from beneath Lincoln’s rock that we’d all been pushed under in 1865. But Texas has always been just a little obnoxious. We never HAVE liked the idea of statehood. Statehood was for places like Ohio. States like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois are like someone who has to be in a union just to hold a job.  They have to be a part of a larger group because they don’t have anything shaking and just being part of a group helps them move along.  Only problem is there’s always one big guy who finds work, makes it work, and ends up supporting all the other guys in the union.  The big guy is Texas, people!  We didn’t have branch banks.  We didn’t have alimony.  We didn’t have concealed carry permits, but we didn’t need them.  We just DID it, and carried long guns in our trucks. 
            America laughs at the movement in Texas to just leave.  The underlying threat is that the military might of the US will crush us, but may I point out that they haven’t  actually won  a war since world war II. You win a war when the other guys hope you leave and never come back.  When they’re still shooting at you then you have not won that war.  Did you catch how many bombs went off in Iraq just last week?  When I was in high school I couldn’t even find Iraq on a map!  Texas is bigger than Iraq, folks.  And all this talk about how great the leader of Russia is?  OMG!! One bomb went off and he’s running in circles like a dog with a clothespin on his tail! 
            But the fact is Texas doesn’t have to fight a war.  That’s not the aim of the movement. All we have to do is stop placating the Americans and bowing to every insane request. It’s called “nullification.” There is always this threat that if we pull out the US will just leap on us like a savage rabbit, but consider this.  We aren’t taking one thing from them! If you had a pile of gold that was yours, does it make someone powerful because you’re stupid enough to give them your gold just for the asking?  Just say, “No!”  Obamacare, it’s the law of the land! Abortion, it’s the law of the land.  Free citizenship to whomever slips across the border. . . the law of the land?  Whose land?  Certainly not ours. It is crazy to let a small group of people in a city far far away make Texas choices.   For a long time the highway funding was the big leverage the Feds used on states. “If you don’t do it our way we’ll take the funding away!” Ok. Do it! You can’t take what we simply do not GIVE you! Keep your food stamps and we will just build our own roads.  And we’ll do it with our own pavement that we pump up right here in Texas. Texas has enough resources to support itself. Sit on your pile of gold! America to Texas is like an unemployed brother in law who never seems to pull anything together, but he’s got hair in his ears and he sure can pray! Take any other state and they can’t say that.  Look at say, Nebraska.  Nebraska can’t pull away.  If they do what do they have?  Hope you like bread! Wisconsin, well it’s got cheese, and don’t forget those famous potatoes in Idaho. But see what I mean?  All these places are one hit wonders.
            The economy of Texas is one of the largest and most rapidly growing in the US. There are fifty companies in the Fortune 500.  In 2012 Texas had $264 billion in exports, more than California and New York combined! Suck on THAT pipeline Nortes! But don’t just compare Texas with states.  Texas ranks with nations.  And when naysayers rant about our poverty level, and how we rank number twenty-five on the income table, they never factor in the low cost of living in Texas. If I only sell 50,000 copies of this book the publishers in New York will not be impressed but friends and neighbors, I can practically live the rest of my LIFE on that amount of income!  Do that in Santa Barbara.
            When we petitioned to pull out of the union Eric Holder puked out a preprinted response, not knowing anything about our culture, or history, or audacity. I have never liked an Attorney General, but I particularly don’t like Holder. Anyway Texas has a plan B.  It goes like this: just do it!  Stop dealing with the Americans and run Texas the way we see fit. It’s called nullification.  Mind over matter. We don’t mind ‘cause you don’t matter. We don’t need their counterfeit dollars.  We don’t need their pavement.  They NEED US!  Without us they will starve and go broke.  It’s that simple. We need to treat the American interests with the same disrespect that DPS Region Seven treats law-abiding citizens during a rally in Austin. If you want to see the difference in Texas and the US just look at Austin, and then look at Detroit. There’s your “American Dream!”
            I hear all the time that if we declare for republic the US will cut us off, not help, make war, and on and on and on, but heads up!  It that fair?  Is that the act of a civilized nation? We have the goods, services, jobs, and all that goes with it to go independent, and if the Americans won’t deal with us FINE!  We’ll just sell to the Mexicans, Canadians, Cubans, and anyone else that needs what we dish out. What could be better than to develop Mexican oil interests and give them a chance? And what do we need to survive? Well, you have to eat.  Ever eat a Big Mac?  Where do you think it comes from?  Ever use a Dell Computer? How’s that cotton shirt doing? How would you like to fill up your gas tank for fifteen dollars? How would you like to never fill out a 1040 form ever  again?
            Texas has always been a republic.  Texas has always been a little left of center because of its diversity. From the Mexican families in the valley all the way up to people who are damn near in Kansas!  It can never be centralized, but some core beliefs remain constant.  Right to life. Right to protect that life. Right to make a living.  Right to bring that living home without having someone kick in your door and take all you own.  Think of it this way.  If tomorrow the president of the US were to wake up and say, “To hell with Texas, just let ‘em go!”  Do you know what would happen?  Texas would, in short order, become one of the most powerful, and prosperous nations in the world because we represent everything that the USA does NOT! People KNOW Obama is a liar. They KNOW Holder is a liar.  And Hillary, OMG, don’t get me started. Rick Perry isn’t much, but he can’t hold a candle against the pros up there in DC. And I don’t really believe he’d sell a gun to the cartel. 
            The Republic of Texas existed from 1836 until 1845, but even as little as sixteen years after joining the US the majority of the population realized the error and wanted to pull back. The second president of Texas, Lamar, wanted its borders to extend from Louisiana all the way to the Pacific Ocean, so you see, this little idea of Texas was a tad bit larger than what most people think.  California was self governing as was, believe it or not, Vermont, but Texas was the only one recognized as a separate republic and state prior to its negotiated entrance into the US. 
            The Texas Nationalist Movement goes more for political negotiation rather than force when talking about separation from the US, and this is good.  We don’t need a devastating war to start a nation. Better we just ease out, making it harder and harder to even call us a part of the Obamanation. Another method that is badly needed is to get rid of people who misrepresent themselves and Texas.  You can’t have independence when you send a bunch of RINOs (Republican In Name Only) up to Washington, or Austin for that matter, who only want to be part of what THEY perceive to be THEIR American dream and completely forget about where they came from. At least Hillary ran off to New York and represented the communists.
            Texas independence is NOT a joke; we are NOT going away.  Little by little we will eat away at the chains that have bond us to the failing US, and they’re rusty chains, folks, and one day you will see that the path to republic will have already been ran, and there will be a new nation in the world, where our only problem will be immigration because everyone will want to be here! 

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