Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Saudi Arabian Coalition

So, Saudi Arabia decided to form a coalition to combat terrorism. Well alert the media! Camel Jockeys of the world unite! Which bombing, beheading, active shooting, or pedophile rape got their attention. About the only thing they said that was right was in quoting the Qu’ran in that making “mischief” around the world is not cool, but I think Mohammed adjusted that later. As you may, or may not know, when Allah reveals, He often makes mistakes which get fixed in the divine edit. Go figure!
I’ve seen so many ISIS executions that I have begun to critique the photography. And, there’s always that one Islamabastard screaming “Aloha Saladbar,” after he runs out of bullets. Did you catch that little English prick in the middle of about two hundred of these idiots going on and on about how powerful ISIS is, ending in screaming something in Arabic? I’d love to have a drone missile break up that little party, and blow that little motor mouth all over the wall.
Ok, recap; what happened to the Russians? I thought they were going to put the wood to ISIS before, like Thursday. Here’s what it really is. The Middle East is screwed, stewed, and tattooed. This so called “cradle of civilization,” is nothing more than a sewer, filled with unemployed bums, goat lovers, and pedophiles. They’ve only rented two books in the last three thousand years, and one was just a half-assed copy of the first. The “Holy” Qu’ran is so convoluted it makes the Book of Mormon look good.
But, anyway, the Saudis are going to address this situation according to the reports. Now, this should be interesting, because as you may recall, when Iraq jumped on Kuwait a few years ago these same mighty warriors ran for the hills, or rather, sand dunes. You will not see a huge wave if Muslim warriors rushing to battle. Muslim warriors slip into countries, rape little girls, and get on food stamps. Oh, and bitch about the constitution of whatever country they have infected.
Once again I must say that nothing good has come out of the Middle East in the last two thousand years. Even Jesus couldn’t stand these people. He went back to heaven. All the surviving apostles left for other parts. Paul died in Rome, as did Peter. Pizza in Rome beats goat in Jerusalem any day. Can you tell I’m down on those people? I’m real good at down, I mean real good at down. I’m disgusted with all the ISIS stuff, and the West prostrating itself to these tent monkeys at every turn. I have an idea for a coalition. How about all the civilized West drop nukes on the Middle East? Yeah, that’ll work out. Then, after they crawl out from under that rock they hid under, and get to reading that “Holy” Qu’ran again, all they have to do to trot over, look at that sea of glass, and get their mind right.
And please, please, forget about that “end of the world” thing. While people have been waiting for that the malcontents from that sand pit have been tearing the world up, trying to bring the rest of the world to the same standard that they brought the sand pit to.  I know that I’m beating a dead horse here, but the daily ISIS show is wearing a little thin, and that bozo in the White House has been thin. Everybody’s so messed up about Sharia Law, if you’ll note Obama’s been tearing up the constitution for years. Anybody notice that? Called liberal democratic thought.
Simple Ol' Boy From Austin

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