Sunday, August 13, 2017

If You Don't Stop It We WILL

If you don’t stop it we will! The American family is under attack. The CPS, Planned Parenthood, ANTIFA, Islam, and a host of others have gathered together to to destroy the American family. The very core of what made America great in the first place is being brought down by a devil’s legion of Anti Christs who wish to destroy our borders, rape and kill our daughters and granddaughters, confuse our little boys and end the greatest country that has ever been on the face of the earth, and if you don’t believe that then I’ve got a bridge for you, and it’s on sale!

The CPS, in the person of one Judy Van Fleet recently attacked my family. Why? Because my granddaughter had a spike in her blood sugar, and it took two trips to the hospital to get it right. She actually told us that when we met again not to expect to return home with our children! People! Do you know what that does to a family? We are not a bunch of crackheads. We are an LDS family with three homes in two states who THOUGHT we could vacation in Texas and return to Utah for the school year. We THOUGHT the children could see the Alamo, go to Corpus Christi, eat on the River Walk and ride horses without having to gather up and flee to safety like a bunch of German Jews in 1939! And Van Fleet thought we were going to calmly surrender our babies just like those people in Germany calmly filed into the gas chambers!

I crappith thee NOT! Reviewing the ins and outs of CPS procedure I was again reminded that the CPS doesn’t have to “prove” anything. Only have “reason to believe” before some wannabe judge raffles your ten year old granddaughter off to some pedophile! And you’re amazed that I’m mad? Enough is enough. Government! If you don’t stop it, we will! Our family has sacrificed all to race our children, and have been blessed by Heavenly Father. And yes, I’m aggressive. CPS loves that word. They use it all the time. The fact that a grandfather takes it personally when some lesbian takes possession of his little girl. Well folks, there are some things worth dying for. If you don’t stop it we will.

Planned parenthood! Don’t get me started. Planned Parenthood? Try Final Solution. An organization set up to eliminate what they consider to be human weeds. A term straight from their founder. Kill the unborn and sell their bodies. People! You are allowing this! What’s the difference between that and carrying your child into the gas chamber in your naked arms? At least those mothers loved their children and died with them. And it’s all our fault. What difference is there between a German who ignored the death camp on the edge of town and the person who calmly drives by the abortion clinic on the way to Starbucks? We allow this to happen. What is the difference between the neighbor who looks the other way as a person like Van Fleet pulls a baby from a mother’s arms and the German who shudders the widow as a Jewish grandfather is tossed from an upstairs window in his wheelchair by the SS? Justify it, PLEASE!

And Islam! The religion of peace! When angel’s fly out of my butt! Do want to know why that bride to be got shot? She died because a Muslim cop was offended by her bath robe. From his car, with no threat to his person, that animal shot a lady, center mass because Allah was pissed off. Center mass. He had to aim! He SAW her. And the Muslim mayor, who fired the WHITE police chief on the first day in office warned against “Islamaphobia!” Rattle snake a phobia! This is the same mentality that shoots a grandmother in the top of her head for walking to the store unescorted. Israel should toss every one of them off the top of the Wailing Wall and return the Temple Mount to its rightful owners.

ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, and the ENTIRE transgender movement. Black Lives Matter started in response to a thug getting shot for bull rushing a cop. His arms were’t up, they were out to grab the officer. And officer he’d already assaulted and was charging in to finish the job. Good shot. As good as the one that killed the bride to be. ANTIFA was the direct product to Barrack Insane Obama. A group that took everything that is good, holy, and American, and set it on its ear. The Main Stream Media is wringing crying towels over the person who was killed yesterday in Virginia. They are not shedding one tear for all the unborn who went out with the abortion clinic’s garbage yesterday. God burned up Sodom. I’m amazed we aren’t toast yet. While I don’t agree with white racism I totally understand where it comes from. Even a good dog has a right to bite.

The very idea that a five year old little boy should be told he can be a girl if he wants to is an abomination before God! When I was five I watched Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier and I wanted to grow up to be just like him! The little girl who came over in the red coat played with dolls and her tea set. When you try to influence a child to confuse their gender YOU need an operation. It’s called castration!

In the words from an old movie we, the American people need to get up, walk to our window, throw it open and yell, “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore!” The malignant left is alarmed at President Trump, well that means they are alarmed at YOU dear reader because if they don’t stop it, I can guarantee you WE WILL!

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