In my book, Sharon, there is a discourse between the preacher, John, and his music minister, Robert. He and Robert are eating burgers in a park, and Robert talks about how the hamburger actually came to be in Athens, Texas. Then he expounded about how the sandwich evolved down to what we have today, which is the mass produced, tasteless entity we eat without a second thought. From there he talked about Saint Paul’s version of the gospel, and how when the churches got involved that Christianity filtered down from a new and inovative idea to, “Just plain ol’ McDonalds!”
Political parties are like that. When the country started “party” was not a central issue. Oh, sure, there were groups of people who thought alike, but there was no idea of an established line where you had to think like this, or like that. People just looked at the issues and voted along the lines of what they really thought. Now we have, “Just plain ol’ McDonalds!” Theres no real difference in taste between a Whataburger and Burger King, and there’s no real difference between the Republican and Democratic Parties!
That’s why we have RINOs. The fact is anyone can SAY they are a Republican, but sadly most of our so called Republicans aren’t Republican at all. They are Democrats in Republican clothing. Back when I was in high school Mr. Cole, my civics teacher told us that Democrats were for the unions and Republicans were for the management. Working people or business people. It was no deeper than that. And he didn’t care which one you were so long as you knew WHAT you were. Some of us took Business Math, and some of us went to shop class.We all knew we needed both sides if the system was going to work.
Somehow capitalists became the bogey man. The idea that someone could take a dollar, turn it into two dollars, give a bit to the workers who helped that happen, and take the rest and make more dollars was demonized. Remember that article I wrote last week? Well, song remains the same. When you say something is bad long enough it will become bad, or at least look bad. Bill Gates is not a clever kid who came up with an idea that I’m using right now to write this and you are using to read it, he is a monster who kills little babies and want’s to dominate the world!
The problem is that the Republicans, the old guard that leveled the playing field has lost its savor. What was is Jesus said? Oh, yes, if the salt loses its savor what good is it. Is it still salt, or just “Plain ol’ McDonalds?” People like to see the wheels grind, and they don’t like squeaks. As long as the political machine keeps on grinding most people will just keep on voting the same old way. The putocrats know this. Gregg Abbott knows that a large part of his draw is the simple fact that people have lives to live and will vote for him no matter what. He’s more Democrat that Wendy Davis and she’s too stupid to see it. He talks back to her with her own voice and she ends up arguing with herself. She’s going to lose people! People on crack in downtown Killeen know that. Children raised by wolves know that. The WOLVES know that!
What about third party options? Now watch me put in one of my famous lines guaranteed to pre-empt the Dam Good Times from printing this article, but I’m still going to say it. Fart in a hurricane! I believe in Kathie Glass, but she has hitched her wagon to a black hole, the Libertarian Party. The Libertarian Party convention was a fiasco. Without getting the entire gay alliance on my front lawn I would like to say that the in fighting about sex lives was just about as stupid as it gets. Who cares about that crap? We have babies with TB, a border that looks like the battle of the Alamo, a president who is doing everything possible to disassemble the constitution, and an Attorney General who would make Al Capone blush with shame and what did we get at the Libertarian Convention? A bunch of guys wanting to tip toe through the tulips! Texans don’t play that CRAP! This ain’t California! It will NEVER be California. Texas is Texas.
We are not going to turn this ship of state around by putting up a bed sheet for a sail and hope for following seas people. We will change this mess when we all wake up and simply put people in office who are what they say they are. Just like Mr. Cole said. It doesn’t matter what you are but at least be honest about it. Gregg Abbott is a run of the mill politician who is status quo, and Wendy Davis is a fool! Sad to say, Kathie Glass IS the best choice, but she has an uphill climb. So why is she even trying? Because every little bit helps. Maybe, just MAYBE, a few congressmen and senators will hear the call, and slowly, but surely the ship will turn, not all a once, but turn! If the Titanic had changed course just one degree it might have missed that ice berg. Let’s miss the ice berg!