Sunday, September 21, 2014


     As we live we accumulate garbage. The problem with some garbage is that you get used to it. The garage you never got around to cleaning, the car that always has burger wrappers on the floor, the porch that’s never quite clean. And then there are people.  People can be garbage too. People that you have put up with through the years, be they so-called “friends” or family, or just aquaintences who drift into your life, and you never really know how they got there, they are just there!

     There is a sub-culture in this world. Useless human beings who make you sit back in amazement at how they even get along. They take and take, produce nothing, but they always have a mouth, and they always want to tell you how you need to run your life. They squat on property, won’t pay any bills, indeed, not even capable of feeding themselves, but they always seem to know where that “rock” is. And they have absolutely no moral compass. They invent “right” and “wrong” to fit any given situation, with their eye firmly on whatever Hedonistic pleasure they subscribe to at the time. These people are human garbage.

     And you feel bad. You think you can somehow “save” them, that they will find direction. You come to believe that one day the light of reason will shine from their eyes and all the years of depravity will just disappear, and they will become sound, productive members of society. This will never happen! The more you feed them, the more they take, and they will ride you to the ground and laugh in fiendish glee when you crumble, and then they just walk away to destroy something else, with their eyes steadily focused on their drug of choice, which is their only goal in life.

     The beautiful thing about human garbage is that it tends to take itself to the curb if you apply the right pressure. These people are NOT going to work. They are NOT going to pay any bills, and they are NOT going to have one redeeming thought in their heads. No plan outside of the next five minutes, the next puff of dope, the next sexual encounter. Once you convince garbage that there are no more goodies, it will take itself to the curb.

     Then you will wait and watch to see divine justice. You will never see it. You see, garbage operates on a different scale than humans. Garbage will live in your five bedroom mansion, but will live under a bridge, also. Where you and I would strive to better ourselves, move up, eat steak instead of toast, garbage doesn’t need food, or shelter, or goals. If they get them that’s all very fine, but it is not needed for garbage because the main thing garbage does is stink, and rot. If the garbage can cause you to stink and rot then it has achieved its primary goal in life. To destroy. To bring down. To perpetuate evil in every possible way it can, and then move on to another situation that it can burn down, and get more “rocks!”

     When you find garbage in your house throw it out. Walk away. Forget about trying to save it. You never will. I want to tell you a theory I have. When God told Noah to build the ark, He allowed Noah’s family on board. He drowned the garbage. Creatures without souls. I think a few of them got away. As Noah was repopulating the Earth, there was a little garbage drifting around, and we see their descendents to this very day. You see them all the time. Smoking crack pipes, burning towns down in defense of other garbage, stealing rather than purchasing, lining up at the welfare office, rather than the employment office, people like that.

     What does the city do when it picks up your garbage from the curb? Back in the day, it was taken outside the city limits and burned, forEVER! What does God do with garbage. He sends them outside the human limits and He burns THEM. . . forEVER! Because that’s what you do with garbage. You don’t culture it. You don’t imitate it. You don’t hope a rose bush will spring from it, because it never will. Garbage on rots, and stinks.

     It is said that God is love, and He is, but He is also a big ol’ load of common sense! He blesses those who bless Him and he curses those to curse Him. True, he purifies us like steel, but that’s only because those of us who are not garbage need to grow, and evolve, and move onto the next level. This world IS only passing, and we’re only here for a bit. The trick is to leave this world better than you found it. If you believe in the hereafter then you go onto a reward. If you do not believe in it, then at least leave a good taste in the world’s mouth so that other people can enjoy their brief stay because of something to did, or said, or wrote, but please. . . take out the garbage. Do not put up with those white tombs that Jesus spoke of.

     These are hard words, but they are here for a reason. There are more good people than bad. We need good people. We do not need garbage. You will never change garbage. Garbage is garbage. If you are reading my words, that act in itself shows that you are not garbage. Even if you do not agree with me, you have the light of reason within you.     

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