Thursday, September 25, 2014

Warm Fuzzies and Hot Words

     With France looking for the killers of one of their own the ISIS Crisis is traveling right down the same well worn path that all other basket case religions have found themselves on down through the centuries. It seems that the world has finally come to its milk concerning this group of rag head philosophers, and what they really represent. I did an article a couple days ago where I explained what extremists really are, but last night I was doing a little light reading in my Qu’ran, and came upon this: In Sura II v 11 it states, “When it is said to them, ‘Make not mischief on the earth,’ They say, ‘Why. We only want to make peace.”

     One of the continuing arguments pro and con concerning Islam is the designation of it as the “Religion of Peace.” Proponents of the faith maintain that the very word, “Islam” means “submission,” and opponents count heads and claim that the  adherents are all raging fanatics bent on destroying Western culture and implementing Sharia Law world wide.  As I have said before, all religions have their nut jobs tooling around in the shadows. I used the Westboro Baptist Church for an example, but there are many more. From snake kissers in Arkansas to sex cults out in good ol’ Cali, when you push the religion button they all come OUT of the shadows and CNN is waiting with baited breath to give them their fifteen minutes of fame. 

I think Mohammed nailed it pretty good with the above quote. Hey, dudes and dudettes, even a stopped watch is right twice a day! I probably need to translate it a bit for the folks here in Killeen: “If you be like chillin’, why you  so bent, me homie?” Little logistics for ISIS; you are not going to conquer the world by lobbing off a couple heads. I mean, that impresses the goats back in the old village,  but after the entire world drops a few tons on bombs on you I think you’ll begin to see the light. Uh, flashing LOUD lights. And DUDES, even the Saudis are dropping bombs on you. And FRANCE? C’mon! You ticked off FRANCE? About the most aggressive thing France has done in the last hundred years is perfect the condom!

It comes as  no surprise to me that fanatics can cherry pick words out of some book to justify their actions. I get a laugh when I debate with fundamentalist Christians, and they pick and choose phrases from the Bible, and I make a sound case for polygamy straight out of the letters of Saint Paul! It’s right there in 1 Timothy, 3:2. Read it and weep! You have to look at the reason the words were written in the first place. Mohammed was working with a people who routinely killed a first born child IF said child were a girl. Oh, and they were a bunch of drunks, too. Paul came from at the Middle East. Anybody ever hear of a harem? Hmmmmmm? Paul was a Pharisee. He walked all the way to Rome, with all its open baths and gay sex. The prophets ate locusts, while people danced naked in the streets. Now, you take all that, and try to write a “holy” book and NOT get your head chopped off. Didn’t work out for Paul. Didn’t work out for Mohammed, and depending on which side of the isle you sit in church it either did or didn’t work out for Jesus, either! Swat them bees, swat them bees!

Even Joseph Smith and his little contribution to society, in the end got all twisted up and shot. I’ve read them all, and I see one common thread. You simply cannot get a large group of people to accept your words unless the majority of those people find something fundamentally good in those words. If it don’t deliver a warm fuzzy it won’t go ‘round in circles. And religion will organize, that the nature of the gig. But, there’s always a very small group, usually led by one guy, who takes SOME of those words and rationalizes his greed, depravity, or psychosis. Then, off comes the heads, off comes the little girls’ dresses. Happens EVERY time! Society in general will finally seize on these idiots and put an end to the whole sorry mess, but out there, back in those shadows I told you about is someone pouring over the words of the Qu’ran, the Bible, or Book of Mormon, conjuring up a recipe for our next great adventure in the basic depravity of man. Peace, Shalom, Be Cool, and all the other blessings I can send you.

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