We brought the movement(s) out from behind the keyboard, and into the light, and that's what's important. From the invocation at the beginning to Chip Darby's amazing comparison of the Bible and the Qu'ran, the information streaming from the steps was informative, provocative and yes, entertaining. When the Muslims had their little fifteen minutes of fame a couple weeks ago more of THEIR people showed up, but when they left that was IT! Think of it this way; Your average Japanese tourist sees a bunch of Muslims ranting and raving, and doing that tongue waging thing, and they think, "Ugh! More terrorists!" They see Doc Greene, C J Grisham, and Texas flags being waved and THAT'S what they came to Austin for. . . COWBOYS! What do you think they're going to take back to Tokyo with them, Allah Akbar or Yippee Ki Yi Yay?
The networking was fantastic. People interacted, putting faces to names, information was exchanged, goals clarified, and plans laid. The ideas put forth, and recorded by the news media will continue to spread out in the upcoming weeks. To the Muslims numbers were important, but when the bell sounded their event died right there. No one converted to Islam on the Capitol steps that day. When Freedom Friday was finished Freedom Texas was launched. Always remember, there were less than two hundred at the Alamo. There weren't really that many Texican troops at San Jacinto but Santa Anna had a bad hair day. Also, I'd like to point out that the fight for Texas Liberty beginning at Freedom Friday was almost precisely the same day the men entered the Alamo.
The very fact that we WERE there was what counts! We DID stand up. We DID speak out, and believe it or not, we WERE heard! For myself, Freedom Friday invigorated me. It focused my thoughts. I'm not good in person. I'll be frank, I come off as low keyed, and non confrontational. Well, except for that one idiot I met from Rhode Island who reminded me of all the things I detest about Nortés. I cleaned him up pretty good. But, by and large in a public venue I am a listener, and you don't have to give me much seed to get a mighty oak. I'm not pulling back, not by a damn sight! The only thing I'll do different is SIT the next time I speak so the Texas wind can't use my London Fog as a sail. Just think of it like this; Freedom Friday was a launch of an idea, and the ideas put forth that day are a spiral to the stars!
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