Open Carry can be obnoxious. C’mon, admit it, having to carry an AR-15 on your back in the Texas sun can be a tad bit cumbersome. It incites the populace, gets you thrown out of Starbucks, and makes the cops ill at ease. So why do we do it? We do it because to have a government that completely ignores a simple one sentence amendment to the Constitution! The entire Open Carry movement is an effort to reinstate a simple right. Free people have a right to self defense. When you deny the tools needed for that the people will just get different tools. In Japan, when only Sumurai were allowed to have swords you got Ninja. The government will always try to control weapons because that’s what keeps them in power, that’s what makes them secure, but people will always find a way around government control of their lives.
Back in the day a rifle and shotgun in a pickup window was a common sight. Before Charles Whitman it was a common sight on campus. As a matter of fact, what do you think that it was that kept Whitman’s head down for those long minutes at the University of Texas in Austin? Weren’t the police! The sight of a rancher with a gun caused no controversy back then. Then, beginning with the law forbidding guns on campus we slipped slowly into the mindset that the very presence of a gun was something ominous and threatening, where previous to that a gun was just a tool, and emanated safety, not danger.
If Open Carry becomes a reality in Texas you will not see masses of people packing an assault rifle on their back down at HEB. What you will see is the occasional pistol on someone’s belt in full view, or more likely, the lower part of a holster protruding beneath a sport coat. Education is most important. Only an idiot leaves a revolver out on the table where a five year old can get it and play cowboy with his little sister. Children must be taught what a gun is, and what it can do! Children must also be taught to look both ways when crossing a street, or not to touch a hot stove. When I was growing up in Shreveport one of the rites of passage was to be able to take two dollars, catch a trolley, go downtown to the Strand Theater, watch a movie, get back on said trolley and find your way home. My dad always had a shotgun. I never knew where he kept it, but he took me hunting many times. It was big, kicked like a mule, and I never had any doubt that I did NOT want to shoot that thing! Almost nobody had a pistol. Pistols were for the cops, and men who weren’t man enough for a real gun, i.e. shotgun!
The problem with such events as an active shooter is not the gun, it’s the active shooter! Every single one of them has some diagnosed illness, and is on psychotropic drugs. These people wouldn’t be allowed a gun even in 1950’s Louisiana! You are going to get these people and they are going to get guns. The only cure for that is an armed populace. Texas will never be England. And England is suffering now because of out of control gun control. The Aussies are under that gavel, also. Heck, look at Canada. Did you know, in Canada, if a school teacher defends herself against a rapist with her ball point pen she will be charged with a weapon charge by reason of the conversion of a writing instrument to a weapon under Canadian law, which is forbidden. I actually watched a video two days ago with some Canadian lawyer explaining that with a straight face! Now, going back to my first paragraph, what’s obnoxious now?
News coverage of every single gun event in the nation fuels more such gun events. That’s where active shooters get their patterns from. The liberal news seizes upon anything gun. If Obama cut a deal with the Iranians to sell them nuclear weapons for pop bottles, that story would be buried below some rancher in Wyoming shooting a cat! Complete with some little girl holding the dead cat. And Mothers for Gun Sense would be standing out in front of the Alamo a burning up their bras and running out of bottled water. We need to enforce existing laws. It’s already illegal to commit murder. It’s illegal to rob. Nobody in their right mind would sell a gun to some guy who just caught a Metro from the Austin State Hospital! It’s also illegal to skip across an international border, but Obama fixed that, now didn’t he?
I, for one, am going to carry a gun. I am not going to get killed just so some girly-man in New York can get a warm fuzzy. That’s just stupid. I don’t wave it around, I don’t brandish, and if I’m in a store that’s being robbed I most likely will not get involved unless the fool involves me, but I am not going to get hurt because some HomeBoy ran out of crack. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s racist, deal with it! I wish it weren’t so. I wish everyone loved their neighbor and only wanted a good life. I wish rain were beer, but I know that as long as we have humans on the planet we are going to have situations. Nephi couldn't get along with his brothers even after he fed them! Every family has one. Nephi had a couple. Bottom line; Texas will never be disarmed. The more restrictive laws that are piled upon Texans the more gun walks you’re going to see. The more “gun free” zones that pop up the more active shooters will slither out from under the porch. When the tide turns, and an active shooter is routinely the second fatality, then you will see restraint prevail. These are just facts, people. Cold, hard facts!
It’s all a mindset. Recently I was in Austin for the opening day of congress. I have this little parking spot right near the fence where if I get there early enough I can park and walk straight up the hill to the Capitol. As I got out some of CJ’s people were rallying and walking past me. It was an Open Carry event. I am not lying to you when I say that I cannot tell you what weapons they were carrying. I took no notice. I knew that these men were socially conscious enough to bethere early to stand up with the Constitution, and that was good enough for me! I did notice that a few of them had coffee in their hands. That is where you need to get your bearings, people. I felt a lot safer around them than I did later inside the Capitol building where the DPS ruled because I never know how they will react to some teenage girl combing her hair with a metal comb. Jus Sayin!
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