Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Knockout Game

          The Knockout Game
                   by Wilbur

    The Knockout game has received a lot of attention lately and there are many problems with this. One, the lack of teams. Nothing can be a game unless there are two opposing sides, else how do you keep score. There must be a way to decide a winner. 

    I propose two teams. The knockout team and the defense team, sorta like football. The knockout team goes for the knockout using the victim like a football, baseball, puck or what have you and the defense team tries to counteract the points by maneuvers to neutralize the initial point gain. 

    Works like this: seven man knockout team with two cheerleaders chooses a goal. Object being to knock the ball out of the park with one swing. Ten points! That's when the defense team comes into play. We'll call them the ShootOut Team for want of a better word. Point system comes into play. 

    One shot, clean kill, one point. A wound is only five points and of course a miss nets zero. Second to forth shot one point each but a bonus two points for five kills, but if any of the original five are wounds you don't get the bonus. Must be five for five. All seven will net nine points plus one super bonus of two giving eleven and winning the round. 

    Now this is the kicker. If you reach hits on all seven players but have two wounds giving a score of only six you can get game plus points for cheerleaders who merit two points each. If at any time it takes two or more shots to retire a player then one quarter point will be penalized for each additional shot. 

    I think this will make the game more sporting. Only problem is you have to have a ready supply if Knockout teams because the nature of the game tends to lead them into early retirement. 

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