Monday, July 18, 2016

New Wrinkle In The Blanket

Today there is a new wrinkle in the blanket. Please check out this news item.  Take a look at this guy. Now maybe it's just the old racist coming out in me, but I'm from Shreveport and I was amazed that such a man could come out of south Louisiana, if indeed he did. My image of Black Lives Matter was, shall we say, a little “different?” What we have here is an articulate, deep thinking man that you would argue politics with over cocktails down at the country club. He had a huge web presence, and discussed everything from philosophy to, well, the violent overthrow of society. Oh, and he was one hell of a shot, too, not to mention he was willing to die for his beliefs. Yep! There is a new wrinkle in the blanket.

So, what does this imply? As long as there were welfare mamas, and crackheads standing in the freeway, stopping traffic, Black Lives Matter was an annoyance to commuters on the way to work to pay for the food stamps. This man is an evolutionary leap, but there's more. People like this do not run alone. This is the tip of the iceberg, and beneath the surface is a huge, well organized political force that makes the New Black Panthers look like the Boy Scouts. These brothers got it going on!

We, of the Cracker persuasion,  need to self examine a bit. What would drive such a man to such extremes? Hey, let's be honest here; this guy just died for what he stood for. We Texas Nationalists are hard pressed to get people to our rallies with free beer! Swat them bees! And if you don't think this is a real threat please recall that we were driven out of Vietnam by a bunch of runny-nosed kids in pajamas shooting  .22 rifles and burying sharp sticks! Jus sayin’! If we do not seriously address this, these people will collapse the economy, shut the water off, and marry your sister. (Racist enough for you?)

Actually, I'm not THAT racist. On the surface, before he fired the shots, I would have thought this man was what we would expect as the opposition. A man headed for prominence. A senator perhaps. But, something poisoned his mind. If you examine police shootings according to FBI statistics you will quickly see that the black/white ratio is fairly stable when compared to the crime rate of each segment of society. When Lyndon Johnson created his entitled “Great Society” he planted the seeds for the inner city situation we’ve all come to know and love. Within that section are the usual crack heads, and illiterate street walkers, but the law of averages says that there simply must be a Gavin Long, who is well fed, literate, and just as angry as John Q. Homeboy down at the parole office.

There is no quick fix for this. First, and foremost we must stop Black Lives Matter. Recognize it for what it is, stop being politically correct, and rid the ground of its shadow. Black lives do not matter to Black Lives Matter. Money, power, and political action matter to Black Lives Matter. To do this all Americans need to support our police. Law enforcement needs to know that we stand behind them. You simply cannot have a society ruled by thugs. If you want that, move to Mexico. Excellent gun control down there, amigo!

Then, we have to disassemble the “Great Society” that spawned this. Young black people need to finish high school, get jobs and have children AFTER they are married. Those three elements have been cited by study after study as the formula for success. We need to make it difficult to go on the dole. Hey, it's HARD to get up in the morning, brush your teeth,  and go down to your slaving job to get your pay, but we have to show this society that the results are far better than the welfare office. And, things happen! If a family is down, and needs temporary help to regain footing, do not punish or destroy the family for accepting that help. And get the churches involved. You ARE your brother’s keeper! In other words don't starve the children because daddy’s in the house trying to find another job! When I was growing up in Louisiana the black family was a nucleus! A rock of stability. The civil rights movement did correct some old things such as Jim Crow, but we GOT the water fountains and bus schedules worked out, ok? Then along come the Planned Final Solution, I mean Planned Parenthood of Ann Sanger to “Thin out the weeds,” combined with a welfare system designed to revive  slavery and what did you  get? Gavin Long, and he wasn't a long time coming.

Now, white folk, you have a choice. You can rise up, with responsible black leaders who DID finish high school, and DO assemble toys on Christmas Eve, or that blanket I spoke about earlier? Just throw that over your head. I'm sure that'll make this all go away!

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