Monday, July 11, 2016

The Dogs of War

Again the dogs or war are howling at the door. As I said previous, the 60’s were laced with rumors of an impending “race war.” As Watts burned, and the Democratic National Convention disintegrated into a street brawl, we were all entertained by the general decent into a grand exposition of how to set back human development a few decades in one year. Now, we are, yet again, in the midst of the battle between the “haves” and the “have nots.” And, it's always the same. You take people who seemingly have no hope, add in a few food stamps with a liberal dose of democrats, and you get “Poo Poo Stew!” Bon appetite!

I began a study this past weekend of recent events concerning police actions, and the facts about shootings. One part of that study was a series of videos, listed below, and I suggest you watch them.  Doc Greene made observations  about what he believes is the prime motivation for our current predicament.  You can review all of them below, and I strongly recommend you do. I drew several conclusions from this study.

First, and foremost we must define "war." The very word, "war" implies a difference of opinion which has progressed beyond the negotiation table to a more “direct” solution. War is actually a huge audit of resources in which the person, or persons with the most walks away with the spoils. The reason it's called spoils of war is the simple fact that no one really wins a war, only survives. The last man standing must always keep a wary eye on those on the opposing team who might be sitting, but are not quite dead yet.

Most of us view the field of battle from a classical sense i.e. armies line up and commence blowing each other's brains out until there is only one brain left, thereby designating the “winner,” which simply  means that person was incredibly lucky, or had a very small head. This idea belies the current situation. In this war the person, or group that can disrupt the most gets the most views on YouTube, the most attention from the main stream media, and the most contributions from guilt infected  liberals hiding behind the walls of their gated communities, however there is another most significant factor. The disruption of the society.

Like it, or leave it, any civilized society simply must have protection from those set upon disassembling said society for their own political agenda. This is the attack we are currently experiencing today. In any organization there is a majority that will generally do what is required to support the group effort, and go by the rules. Then, there are those who break away and march to their own drummer. With the police there is a “thin blue line” that officers will stay behind and protect their own. Organizations such as Black Lives Matter capitalize on the detractors rather than the over all group when they attack police. As the fervor grows the adherents to the philosophy of the BLM group very quickly forget that the police are there to protect them from themselves. The more radical elements in the movement are emboldened to launch even more violent and public attacks, which only feed the fire of violence, causing the liberals to scamper for cover, and the police in turn to become even more defensive, which . . .well, you can readily see where this is going.

In my opinion, we did indeed enter a state of war this past weekend. America, as we know it, has not the ability, nor the will to engage this elusive shadow army as it destroys everything in sight, however, I must submit that while the war started in Texas, it will most certainly end there! For years I have referred to Texas as a “defacto republic.” Now let me define that. While much has been written about secession, the simple fact remains that Texas has never actually joined the USA. It has always considered itself to be somewhat different, somehow removed from the general land mass we know of as America. In peaceful times this is an amusing oddity, but in times of peril it becomes a very real factor in that grand audit we call “war.” While the Americans wring their hands before Washington, Texas is arming, and preparing to defend itself, and do not be fooled, this is happening as I write this. For all the federal “authorities” running profiles, and talking into their sleeves, there are up to two million Texans, black, white, brown, and yellow who are checking their magazines, and  securing their families.

As America struggles to regain its legs you may very well see Texas secede. The logic is simple. If the US, for all its pomp and circumstance cannot defeat a street gang why should we expect any help when they come here and attack OUR police for what someone did in Louisiana. Not our circus, not our clowns! Dogs of war? What do you do with a big angry dog? You hit them with a big angry stick, and it runs yelping BACK to New York! I call for all Texans, regardless of your color, religion, sexuality, or beliefs to come together. If we do not, these Nortes will destroy us. They have burned their own nation down, and now they want what we have. We can decide where to pray, who gets the kids, and what restroom to use after we put the dogs of war in the dog pound!


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