Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Seeds of Revolution

Much kerfuffle is how I would describe the aftermath of the 2016 election for president. The amount of pointless, and frankly nuncupatory activity, would have boggled the American mind twenty years ago; but, let’s face it, that was a different world. The most pointless agonizing done publicly for no reason I can see, is the endless questions of why and how the Democrats lost. I am almost embarrassed to have to answer this question, but as no one has advanced anything approaching a proper answer I will be the one to say it publicly. Information is the key. Right now our streets are filled with ill informed, or completely uninformed people being led like sheep by people of wealth wishing to extend their agenda. Soros is an example. The man made his bones destroying economies and governments.

Before I belabor the painfully obvious I would like to first remind the reader once more that we live in a much changed world. The Chicago Cubs won the world series, the Dallas Cowboys are looking solid for the first time since Jones fired Jimmie Johnson, and Donald Trump is our president. I would like to say again, Donald Trump is the president of the United States. He was duly elected by our system that is designed to lend fairness across the board. The sore losers wish to change a system they'd have been perfectly happy with had they won. If you had predicted it ten years ago, or even five, you would have run the risk of losing all credibility. Even President elect Trump stated after the election that he didn't believe he would last past October of 2015. Heck, most people thought the fact that the two nominees, literally the two most polarized (hated) people in America, was a mind blowing conundrum. What, we couldn't get Dennis Hastert to run against Anthony Weiner?

Okay, to the obvious: First, let's try to oversimplify a bit. The emblematic problem with the Clinton campaign can be seen quite clearly in Debbie Wasserman Schultz's personal involvement in the Clinton campaign. Dear reader, it’s a problem when the national committee chairman of either party is deeply involved in a candidate’s campaign before the beginning of the primary season. Since the beginning Ms. Schultz was out front and center proclaiming the immutable fact that, not only could Senator Sanders not win, but that Hillary was the only candidate that the party would accept. Since both parties are private corporations (a fact that remains little known to most voters), this is tantamount to coke changing their recipe over the strident protests of the coca cola drinking public; the decision produced a “bad taste” in the mouths of coke drinkers for a very long time, but in the end it was irrevocable, so even folks without the means of unraveling the meaning of the DNC’s decision to nominate Hillary a year early could plainly see that Ms. Clinton had no idea of following the democratic process once she got elected.

Not convinced? Well, lets take a closer look at Senator Clinton’s record: She destroyed ACORN in an almost offhand way using a ridiculous video that was debunked on the very day she led the charge to defund what can only be described as the last bastion of Saul Alinsky’s example to minority populations of how to build community representation in a republican democracy. The good Senator took a hatchet to single payer healthcare, and practically blocked the initiative single handedly. The Clintons (with Hillary very prominently involved) just about escorted WTO into the country and pulled off an economic coup of then unseen proportions; a real boatload of money.

Thanks to efforts led by both Clintons the rules for international trade have been hijacked by corporate interests. Heck, thanks to an initiative begun by Senator Clinton, the Canadian company building the keystone pipeline is suing the American public for 15 billion dollars for voting not to let the pipeline go through as the company proposed it. There are LOTS of examples of this kind of this sort of steam rolling of the public by the Clintons, the case of the assault rifle ban being perhaps the most well known and hated by many of the little people. The Clintons are republicans in democrat clothing if you think that democrats are supposed to be for the worker and republicans for the bosses.

If you're not getting it yet, then you just don't understand the underlying character of America (and, yes I definitely include those most immigrants who come to these shores seeking citizenship). Even the smallest and meanest of us know that the constitution is the cornerstone of everything important to us. Without the constitution we are like any other country whose populace is vulnerable to the whim of each new ruler. Look at Russia, long live King Vladimir! But, the Clintons act without regard for the constitution, and have mulled aloud the notion that it needs an overhaul. Right! Just like those fussy old unions needed to be gotten rid of to clear away all that nasty old corruption. Yep, both Clintons have strongly supported union busting too. The fact is, Bill Clinton as President, and Hillary Clinton as Senator have consistently kept corporate skin out of the game, while making sure that the American people got road rash. Yep, they got the gold mine, we got the shaft.

The truth is, however misguided you may think Donald Trump is, the little people came out and supported him in the battleground states. The true nature of Americans is to be as free as possible. I won’t say it’s in our DNA, the people who flock to this country are seeking freedom every bit as much as they seek prosperity. The people, even those who oppose Trump so bitterly that they say through gritted teeth that they supported Hillary, know that Hillary is an imperialist. Freedom goes against the grain of the Clintons (as it applies to the rabble) as much as cheap champagne. So its pretty clear to me anyway that the sickness begun by Bill Clinton throughout his eight years, built on a taste developed by middle class American voters for tax raises on everyone except corporate billionaires, has blossomed into a condition severe enough to jolt the American middle class awake. The seeds of revolution have been sown, and in four years there will either be a hopelessly divided America, ripe for destruction, or a hope; a hope birthed by responsible political leadership developed at ground zero, representing the ambitions of the middle class once again. Want to learn more about how to restore FDR’s America? Don't touch that dial, I’ll be right back.

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