Thursday, December 15, 2016

Cyber Bullies

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Cyber Bullying 
There are people who think cyber bullying is a fun pastime. They also think, foolishly, that they have some sort of anonymity behind the keyboard. In a world where forensics can pin a murder based on a dog hair in a tire tread this is the ultimate folly. When someone rises to prominence they garner supporters, but, sadly, they attract an element that feeds on misery. The more misery they spread, the more it soothes their own inner turmoil. 

Facebook has become a breeding ground for such people. Men, or boys rather, who don't have the courage to initiate conversation with a young lady at a party become emboldened to transmit the most vile things to the impressionable young minds that turn to the Internet as part of their daily lives. What they don't understand is that the victims of the attack react to the viciousness with the same fear as they would to a physical attack, indeed, a quick slap is far less harmful than a threat, real or implied, that festers on the mind of a teen struggling through those difficult years. 

Not understanding the legal system, with heads full of confused thoughts, the young victim tries to pull back, but the fear gnaws at their innermost being until it leads to something horrific, leaving the family devastated. In this light cyber bullying is tantamount to attempted murder, and should be dealt with accordingly. 

Those of you that have experienced this sort of thing should take note that if these bullies had any real power they wouldn't be doing it over a computer. I'm not saying you shouldn't be upset, what I'm saying is that there are far more dangerous things in the world than some worm who sits alone in a smoky room and threatens a teenage girl because he can't get a date. While you should always be aware of danger don't find yourself empowering these people. I've been in political movements for years, and in spite of all the threats about “Watch Lists” and government agencies investigating me I, in my sixty-five years, have never seen a real, live FBI agent. Yet, there is one woman out there that bullies me on a regular basis, and the FBI threat is her main attack. 

These attacks here are only going to get worse until the people behind them learn the cost. If you want a breed of wild animal to leave your crops alone you kill one and leave the body in view of the survivors. While I'm not advocating violence the algorithm remains the same. When these animals are trying to make parole their “body” is in effect in the field for all their compatriots to see. Like Mark Twain said, I have never killed a man, but I have read numerous obituaries with a great deal of enthusiasm!

Bill the Butcher

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