Monday, September 16, 2013

Man Arrested for Black Powder Pistol

                         Texas and the Approaching Apocalypse  
                                                       by Wilbur Witt

     Please review this video.

     Now, you ask yourself, why the big push to do something so seemingly stupid?  Well, I'm going to tell you why, or as Obama would put it Ima gonna tell you. Yesterday I reviewed videos and articles about surviving the coming collapse of the American government and infrastructure. It was all about food shortages, SWAT teams, DHS, and 1.5 billion hollow point bullets. Time was that I would laugh this stuff off, but that was before the current administration. Now I don't really think Obama is malicious enough to destroy America, but I think he's too stupid to save it, or rather what's left of it. 

     America is a failed enterprise and it's their own fault. The had industry, they had wealth, they had the best constitution in history and they screwed the pooch, as my son would say. They printed hot checks and called it money, they pissed on the Bible and the flag, they murdered children, they marched off chasing windmills all over the world and all this was perfectly fine with the Nortes so long as there was a Hockey game on Friday night!  They laughed at us when we screamed foul, and finally got themselves a lawyer for president who surrendered his license just before he was disbarred! 

     So now theyre wondering where their next sandwich is coming from. Well, friends and neighbors, if it's up to me and a lot of people like me, it WON'T be coming from Austin, Texas! Did you think the money machine was going to keep on churning forever? Did you think that your inflated wages in Detroit would be endless while you turned out cars the Japanese laughed at? Did you really believe you could sit on your ass and big daddy in the White House was going hand you your daily bread?  Well, as my old producer used to tell me, better pull your head out of Mr. Ass! 

     So how does this connect with someone carrying a black powder pistol onto the Capitol grounds in Austin? I'm a simple old boy from Austin and its as simple as this. As the national economy spirals out of control people will become hungry and agitated. As the government fails to deliver on false promises these people will finally get off their asses and start to try to survive. It is very important to the government that these people are fighting with sticks and stones while the SWAT teams are fully armed. Even the people in New York will fight to live. 

     Now for optimism. Texas is not in that bad of shape. We just out ran Iran in oil production.  Ever try to buy a brisket in California? A Texan just beat a man to death for trying to rape his five year old daughter and the grand jury just laughed. We have legislated a Sunset law bringing the CPS under wraps. George Zimmerman got a WARNING ticket for speeding and welcomed to Texas!  Need I go on?  We are not America! Texas is Texas and that is that!

     Controlling riots in LA is far removed from beating up a fully armed populace with enough to eat, water to drink, and utilities. And that's why the man walked up on the Capitol Friday with a black powder pistol! It was both symbolic and practical. You see, for the uninformed we, in Texas are allowed to carry such things. Always have, and always will, and if that cop was "alarmed" then he needs to haul his ass to New York or LA and get a job with the CPS!  The Obama administration is hell bent to have everyone believe that even drawing a picture of a gun is illegal. Texas was founded by people who used guns to fight tyranny. And we never stopped, folks!  You see, that's what's wrong with America. They have forgotten what it takes to keep everything on the up and up. In Texas we know the police can't protect you. The government can't feed you. The FED can't make you rich. The PEOPLE do that for themselves. I must have watched a dozen "survival" videos yesterday, all willing to take my credit card information to sell me some "kit" to help me "survive." We know that all we need to survive is to get rid of the luggage and have a good, strong Republic, and to do that we don't need cops dressing up like the Empire on Star Wars yelling at old ladies at the top of their lungs. 

     That man on Friday put the police on notice. The line is drawn. God Bless the Republic of Texas!

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