Monday, November 16, 2015

Cartage Must Be Destroyed

Carthage must be destroyed. Let me explain that statement. It’s time to take the gloves off in regard to Islam. As the furor grows, the advent of WWIII becomes a very real concept. Remember that pendulum I told you about long ago? Well, it just changed direction, and soon will go all the way to the right. Nothing cures liberal thought like putting their butts on the table. The photo op yesterday of Putin and Obama hunched over a coffee table at the G-20 Summit in Antalya, Turkey may not have been a complete meeting of the minds, but it was most certainly a meeting of the drones. Reportedly, Putin is now rethinking his support of Syria’s president as a concession on the ISIS problem. This morning, state after state is refusing immigrants and refugees, and the Texas militia is on full alert. Consequently, Doc Greene made note on his morning show on  Raging Elephants Radio that a red flag now flies above a Mosque near his house. I believe Santa Anna flew a red flag, also, but that’s none of my business.
As the bodies are interred in France, French rage will intensify. Putin was already there. We were there, technically, only we weren’t really bombing anything. Well, over the weekend we tightened up our aim and took out one hundred and nineteen tanker trucks selling bootleg oil for ISIS. Civilian casualties don’t seem to matter much anymore as we clean the blood off the sidewalks of Paris. So we now have Russian, French, and American bombers in force in Syria and Iraq, the Brits traditionally lagging behind until after tea time. But the job is not done.
I said yesterday, and I reiterate today, Islam is not a religion, it is a system. If Mohammed was a prophet, then I am the Pope! And I’m a drunk guitar player from Austin.  We will not be finished until the only traces of it are taught in undergraduate studies just like ancient history, because that’s what it needs to be, ancient history. The Texan in me want’s to eradicate the entire population, but honestly, I can’t see condoning harming a child. What we need to do is harm all the adults and then make damn sure the children are re-educated in Western Culture. It would be a nice touch to make speaking Arabic a felony, and possession of a Qu’ran the same gravity as possession of controlled substances. Both are poison and detrimental to the soul.
Don’t think this is reasonable? As I write this article, Reuters TV is saying Muslims in Paris are fleeing for fear of retaliation. Well, DUH! Guess Allah wasn’t so great after all, huh? I’m not going to be jellyfish about it, I hate Muslims.  I didn’t used to, but Paris did it for me. I make a piss-poor Christian. If I get into heaven it’ll only be because St. Peter took the day off, but I’ll buy into Christianity in any of its 1500 favors before I’ll accept anything coming out of the “Holy” Qu’ran. It doesn’t matter if Jesus was a man or a myth, the concept of Christianity is the ultimate achievement of Western culture, and is far an above anything coming out of the Muslim states.
They are not that powerful. They only appeared to be because of the lack of resolve of the Christian people. Muslims always point to the Crusades, well, yeah, only we didn’t finish the job. The anger generated by recent events has a historic precedent. Carthage, Rome’s arch rival, was finally obliterated after several wars, one Roman Senator even ending every one of his speeches with the words, “Carthage must be destroyed!” What would incite such venom? Traditionally, the Romans took over, taxed the people and sold them wine, so why hate on Cartage so much. Child sacrifice! Their religious practices were so repugnant to the Romans that they completely destroyed the city, and plowed the ground with salt! They erased even the memory of the crimes which had so infuriated them, and modern excavations have proved the Romans out.  So it must be with Islam.
 This current crisis will be the launch pad for the New Republic of Texas. Remember you heard it here first. Paris is the complete failure of American influence on world politics. If you will note, while the Administration gives lip service to homeland security, Texas is arming, and getting ready to face this issue right now. ISIS just thinks it is violent. We just put our beers down, and picked our guns up. We want a fight because we know that’s the only way to end this. We may not get all the concessions we want, but I’ll assure you, when it’s all over Texas will again raise its head among the nations, and we got the oil, folks. We got the oil, the tech, the corn, the Rib Eye Steaks, and all the Mexicans!
For all the rhetoric, all of the politicizing, all of the downright lying, the end of Islam was ignited by broken wine glasses in Paris. In my extended family, one of my Nephews in law, was engaged right there where those camel jockeys set off those bombs. You can’t get much closer than that. So, for all the chanting, head chopping, woman beating, pedophiling, and disrespect for Bacon and Eggs, Mohammed, Porter is about to come over the hill. Let’s see how that works out for ya! Carthage must be destroyed!

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