Tuesday, November 17, 2015

See You In The Trenches

Governor Abbott gave a nice little tip of the hat to Texans yesterday, I even had to wipe a tear from my eye, when he declared no Syrian refugees would be allowed in Texas. For all of you who are still buying into this, let me tell you, this is self-abuse, and if you keep doing it long enough you’ll go blind. Under the Refugee Act of 1980 the President has the explicit authorization to accept foreign refugees into the United States.  We find ourselves right back at square one with the state trying to govern itself except with Uncle Simon doesn’t “say.” Also how do you track Mohammed, who lands in New York, contacts a temp agency, gets a job in Austin, and starts work at a Quickie Mart on Monday?
If you look at any Interstate Hiway, on any given day, you are going to see semi-trucks running all over the place. Some are labeled, going to Walmart, HEB, or delivering furniture, but there are some that are not so clear, and the never stop at the Flying J truck stop. Wanna know why? Because they’re transporting soldiers for ISIS all over the land of the free, home of the duped, that’s why! Got a little truck stop over in Temple, Texas. Always seems empty, once in a blue, blue moon you’ll see a truck there, but not often. Kinda dingy little place. The kind of place where you wouldn’t want to eat one of their burritos anyway. Well, that’s where Mohammed and the boys drop by for a little chicken fried goat, while on their way to Houston to practice the Jihad that is surely coming to a neighborhood nearYOU!
The aspect of the transport of up to 20,000 Islamabastards to Texas within eight hours is a very real possibility. For the most part, they’re already here. The business model that supports them is exempt from our banking laws, and huge, complex systems help grease immigration so they aren’t held up in line while picking up their suicide belts. They just sit in place, cleaning their AK-47s, eating goat, and waiting for the local Imam to give them their marching orders. Obama tells us ISIS is “contained.” Yeah, in condos all over the country. I wouldn’t follow that man into a whorehouse!
What stands between these guys and Suzie Sweetcheeks shopping at the Mall? Why, the Federal Government, right? Wrong! That’s who’s gassing up the trucks, fool! Oh, the Department of Homeland Security isn’t cleaning their windshield, but they make it so easy for the new guests to move around that they should start a tourist company. No, it’s the Militias that stand guard. You know, those guys all dressed up in Camo, ordering coffee with a rifle slung over their shoulder while the Mothers Against Everything But Unprotected Sex With A Donkey calls the cops.
Texas is littered with Militia. They practice, meet, talk on Facebook, hold rallies, and are serious about Texas, and the security of the state. Only problem is the Feds do everything in their power to thwart these groups every way they can. KC Massey was down in the Valley with so many Mexicans rushing by you’d have thought he was at the Alamo and got arrested for having a gun, even though, under Texas law he’d complied, was in good graces, and was protecting the border at his own expense at Camp Lone Star. Here come the Feds, arrested him, and the Mexicans raised a mighty shout. Well, heads up, Paco! We all have a new enemy, and remember, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Syrians sawing your heads off will make you miss ol’ KC!
There are several problems with the Militias. First of all, even though they are organized within their own units, they are not connected with other units in any kind of workable fashion. A militia in Houston knows little about one up in Salado. There is no supreme commander. Everyone is marching to the beat of a different drummer. This is pretty much what lost the Civil War, folks. Robert E. Lee was the General, but a lot of his orders were, shall we say, “reviewed,” before implementation. To the point that during Gettysburg, it became entirely possible to do an end run, and actually roll Lincoln out of bed, but nobody could quite agree because they were too busy getting slaughtered following Pickett up some hill with General Longstreet screaming, “STOP, STOP, STOP,” the whole time. The Texas Militia has to become The Texas Militia. When the Jihadists attack, and they surely will, you can bet they will be organized. Look at Paris. We have to have a chain of command that can mount a defense when all hell breaks loose. All the various militias need to send a delegation to a meeting and set this up. One guy has to be the “buck stopper.”
Next, we need to become a tad more low key. ISIS can Google us! They use snippers. They already know where all of our units are, how many, how trained, and where we buy that coffee each morning. We don’t know squat about them except they are usually brown, and don’t eat no ham. That’s IT! So this exposes a twofold issue. We need to “go to ground,” and we, at the same time, need to infiltrate them! We don’t need to be sitting outside one of their training camps, bitching, we need to have a guy in there. When Haji trots over to the football game with his suicide belt we need to beat him to the venue, and take care of business.
Then there is training. The Militias are good at training, but psychological training is important too. These are real killers. They want to burn down everything we have. They have this image of stealth and fanaticism designed to strike fear into the hearts of the “Infidels.” They are not supermen. They are the enemy. They are all the enemy. Now, I know there are those who cringe at taking a wide brush and painting all Muslims red, but during WWII, Americans of German decent did not parade in the street giving Nazi salutes. Remember those famous FEMA camps? You remember, don’t you? Those places that the government was gonna put us with little tattoos on our right hand. Well, put moderate Muslims there until we sort this mess out. We have to get the mindset that this is not going away, and our government is clueless. America is lost, but we can still save Texas, and hopefully, when it’s all done, we can help our American friends and neighbors rebuild.
It is coming, people. ISIS is telling us it’s coming. They’re even telling us when, and where. We need to pull our heads out of Mr. Butt, wash our hair, and lock and load. When it goes down, you will see a major shift in loyalties. You may see National Guard team up with the Militia. You may see the Cartels fighting right along beside you, because Arabs are not AMERICANS in any shape, form, or fashion. The Canadians, Americans and Latinos have a history. We agree on very little and we fight like wet cats, but by God we can’t just stand there and let some camel jockey come and take it all away. We will win. We .will lose some good people, but we will forge a new nation that exemplifies the virtues expounded by the founding fathers of the Dis-United States, and when it’s all over, Suzie Sweetcheeks canwalk to the Mall, and get her nails done. God Bless you all. See you in the trenches.

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