As we watch the rules of the game evolve, the march to the
White House continues, and the Post Turtles abound. More about that later. I’m amazed that Obama doesn’t seem to realize
how lame of a duck he is. And all this talk, and innuendo about his possible
third term. NOT! Just stick a fork in Obama, he’s done. He’s looking for a
legacy. Well, global warming, which was caused by all the hot air coming out of
his administration. My word to the loyal opposition: Ok, you got your black guy, now it’s time to
move on.
Donald Trump is taking the nation by storm, in spite of the
main stream media polls telling us that everyone hates him. Cruz? Well, what
can I say? Ted Cruz came blazing out of the Tea Party not long back, even got
on the cover of Texas Monthly holding the Bill of Rights. He gathers a few
victories, but frankly folks, I’m a Texan, and I fully understand taking a
butt-whipping and spinning it up into a win for the public, i.e. the Alamo. In
any twelve step program there is a first step where you have to at least admit
things are screwed up. Ted ain’t gonna win. Then, there’s that other guy, the
ringer, who hangs on, and hangs on, and hangs on, like an ex-wife you owe a
boat load of child support while she’s living with some guy named, “Animal.”
You remember Animal, don’t you. The guy she ran off with. Well, that’s this
Mitt Romney rattled his chains, and the fat lady ain’t sang
on that one yet. Side note; I spent the better part of the weekend watching two
things. One was re-runs of “To Catch a Predator,” and the other was long,
boring videos on how the Mormons are going to take over the world, and their
prophet is the “Beast.” The Predator series, because I just love to drink Jim
Beam and watch stupid, and the Mormon thing because I just love to drink Jim
Beam and watch stupid. Remember “Deep Survival?” Well, that’s Mitt Romney. Uh,
he ain’t gonna win either. Next.
Sanders. I love to watch him speak. Same deal, drink Beam
and watch stupid. He comes off just like those guys in that kitchen with a
six-pack, and a package of condoms trying to say that they were on the way to
the library when they accidently lost their clothes in some thirteen-year-old
girl’s mom’s garage. This guy is a stone hippy. He could play a part in a
Cheech and Chong movie. You know, where Cheech is in a straight jacket on the
floor of some nut house, and Sanders offering him, “The Key?”
Then there’s Hillary, Presidente Designado. Liar, Liar,
pants on fire, and considering the size of those pants that would be a bigger
fire than the one at the embassy in Benghazi. The email scandal, what’s that?
Hillary was so stupid that what she did was akin to a cheating husband saving
his love notes to his girlfriend on his wife’s iCloud account. Cheating
husband, Hillary, I digress.
All of the above, save one are “Post Turtles.” What’s a Post
Turtle, you ask. Well, I’ll tell you. So you driving along some country road
and come upon this gate with two posts on either side. On top of one of them is
a turtle. Now, work with me on this. The turtle didn’t get up there by himself,
he doesn’t belong up there, he doesn’t know what to do while he’s up there, he’s
elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just wonder what dummy put him
up there in the first place. POST TURTLE! Trump is not a post turtle. So, we
watch and see if the will of the people will prevail, or will some new reality
series distract us, and we end up with a post turtle. Ya’ll be cool!
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