Saturday, January 28, 2017

Flying Planes and Pigs

Flying planes and pigs. Write that down, there'll be a quiz later. The collapse of the World Trade Center has spawned the most conspiracy theories since the assignation of JFK. When you have such a catastrophic event there are three positions: Right, left, and somewhere in the middle. The right is total acceptance of the government line, i.e. an old man in a cave talked nineteen religious nuts into grabbing  planes and flying them unimpeded into the tallest buildings in the world. The left imagines that George Bush remotely controlled the planes while Dick Chaney computed stock options on Halliburton, and those that try to come up with a combination look for bombs planted within the buildings that gave the illusion of the planes bringing the buildings down all by themselves. 

The truth is always a combination of all three. No one position is absolutely correct. I've dodged peeling this onion for years, but I want to apply Simple Ol’ Boy logic here,  and see where it leads to. Let's look at what we know. Two jets absolutely DID hit the World  Trade Center on September 11, 2001. All the wild eyed theories that the images were superimposed at a later date, or the news networks were in some collusion with the government to enhance those images simply won't hold water. Get that idea out of your head. But, like Alex Jones points out, there IS a problem. Planes hit tall buildings all the time. One spectacular crash into an apartment building in Russia comes to mind. Only difference? That crash in Russia, and others, did NOT reduce said buildings to the pile of rubble we saw in New York on that day. With all the calculations put out by the “official” investigation about “pancake” effects of floors falling upon each other it's frankly hard to swallow that many pancakes. 

The plumes of smoke shooting out in advance below the collapsing floors lend credence to the possibility of some kind of explosive charge being employed to facilitate the destruction of the buildings, and that's plural boys and girls. Two perfect hits, and two buildings falling perfectly down into their own footprint. Even accepted controlled demolitions tilt this way or that. Three for three! Wish I could get those odds in Vegas. Just for good measure, building seven went down the exact same way, and they didn't even bother to provide the obligatory plane crash to spice it up.  GREEN BASTARD! When you analyze such an event you simply must differentiate between the possible, the impossible, and outhouse crazy. To subscribe to the government line is in the outhouse. 

So, the planes did impact the Center, but in all likelihood the ultimate fulfillment of this Islamic pipe dream occurred with a little help from our friends. Let's look at our friends, shall we? The majority of the hijackers that day were Saudis. Now, I'm not racially profiling, if it walks lake a duck, and prays like a duck, then it's a duck. These guys were a special kind of crazy. Religious vigor is one thing, incinerating one’s self in the hope of seventy-two hot dates in heaven is way down the other way, and throwing baseballs at the stands. The Saudis are NOT our friends. They wear sheets and kill pretty teenage girls for being pretty. They also kill homosexuals. DUDE! Make a choice!

When I wrote on the JFK thing, in conclusion I said do not ask IF Lee Harvey Oswald was in that window that day, but HOW did he get there, and WHO put him up there. Same thing here. Nineteen real guys knocked down three buildings and blew up a fourth. Now, boys and girls, these were not the brightest crayons in the box! They believe the Qu’ran for God’s sake! So, these cats commandeered four planes, turned around, three out of four achieved perfect hits, and not even ONE F-16 fired a single bullet. Flew into the Pentagon! Let's try a little test. Go rent a plane and fly over the White House. Heck, for that matter, put your baby daughter in a car and try to drive up the White House drive way. Take a little scenic flight over Fort Hood.  See how that works out for you. 

One of two possibilities roll out. Either George Bush WAS flying those planes, or he made sure that them that were had no problems at all. No problem boarding. No problem taking over the plane. Cell phone and air control traffic out the kazoo, but nobody noticed, and those that did were spinning around, sniffing glue like the air traffic controller in the movie, “Airplane!” If you believe that have I got a bridge for you, and it's on SALE! And what was the President of the United States doing long about this time? In a room with a bunch of kids, sucking lollipops and reading Mother Goose. I can give you free delivery on that bridge. 

It is virtually impossible for nineteen camel jockeys who can barely use toilette paper to engineer that attack without someone at LEAST providing a clear field of attack by  disabling, or pulling back the natural defenses provided by both civilian and military units in the continental United States. Is that racist enough for you. I got lots!  If the United States were to unleash its true military might on the entire Middle East their entire culture would last, oh say, fifteen minutes. Russia may take a half hour to eliminate them. But, the government would have us believe that the biggest attack EVER on US soil was pulled off by a bunch of salt water wetbacks under the guidance of some cat in a cave on a walking stick. There is your viable connection between those who controlled our government and those who controlled goats. 

Now, I'm not going to get all into holograms, where the bombs were placed, or mythical passports found in some  bar b q pit. I'm sticking with what I do know.  Buildings fell, THEY couldn't do it without help, and President Trump is about to open this box of chocolates and see what’s REALLY inside. Now, I'm just a Simple Ol’ Boy From Austin, and everyone is all scared of World War Three, but I’ll tell you how many nuclear bombs should be dropped if that should ever occur. ONE! Right smack dab on TOP of the Kaaba, and the world will be done with this whole sorry mess! 

Sent from my iPad

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