Saturday, January 14, 2017

March For America

March For America was a grassroots effort that basically had no roots, but rather was directed from the top down, that direction stemming from the  ambitions of one man rather than the wishes of the members constituting the membership looking for new directions to restore America to greatness. Riding the tide of popular public opinion, that which catapulted Donald J. Trump, the members of the organization felt the groundswell of change, and believed that the efforts of the group were in concert with the growing mood of the nation. This was an illusion, perpetrated by the sole ownership of the political group by that man who wielded absolute power over the minds, and will of the members thereof.

While strong leaders are desired, absolute leaders are a detriment to the evolving philosophy of any movement where differing opinions, or answers are suppressed as the leadership strives to perpetuate its grip on the people who while feeling the euphoria of unified purpose cannot see that only blind ambition exists. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, and in short order March For America was absolutely corrupt. Ideas and input were suppressed, and members supposedly in positions of influence quickly realized that they were in fact only placeholders at the mercy of the real power which was at the very top resting in the hands of one man. What could have been a resurgence of American idealism was reduced to a series of failed marches, infighting, threats, and fear.

Are the members of this organization evil? No! The dream that led them into the movement came with good heart. That heart is still there, but drawn into a personality cult that has blinded them to the light that drew them in the first place. If they can be shown that light again the dream within their souls will rise, and the spirit that formed the movement will resurrect, with new vigor. How do we do this?

We reach out. We have been warned not to communicate with members for they are the sole property of the party. We have been told that there are dire consequences should we even utter the holy name of the high priest, or the organization, and the members have been instructed to resist communication with anyone who has been excommunicated. This, in and of itself shows the true spirit that is over March For America at the present time which is directly opposite of the foundation that was presented originally. If any member should question the edicts of the party they are immediately subject to the Inquisition, forever banned from even expression of the simplest thoughts.

But, we can resist. We are the Army of the Dead, and from our ashes the movement will live once again. The solution is education and information to the hearts and minds within the party. Not by force, or intrigue, but by willingness to serve, and desire to free those who are holding onto the dream while all the while giving up the very freedom that brought them there in the first place.  Any movement, or party is ultimately governed by the people who constitute the living body and mind of that party, and that people retain the right to govern themselves. And so it will be with March For America. It would be a sad thing if such a gathering were to dissipate into oblivion because of the blind ambition of one man. The power, and ability of this group of patriots does not lie within the mind of that one man but in the will of the people that compose the majority.

I was asked today how do we stop this? We don't! We grow it, but we give it to the people who came forth in the first place and make it clear that the movement was not the will, or idea of a man, but of God, and once the people regain that control March For America will truly begin to march, and the movement will indeed be what it was intended to be .

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