Monday, January 9, 2017

From Luby's to the Ashes of Mount Carmel

I've been from Luby’s to the ashes of Mount Carmel. As I watch the childish LiveFeeds on Facebook I reflect. People who have never been there, never paid the price, yet have an opinion, say they know everything, yet have not been there, or seen. They form groups, or causes, yet know nothing about the Bundy Ranch, or LaVoy Finicum, or CJ Grisham, 

During the last week I have endeavored to calm the nerves of good people who have been put into an alarmist state by these “prophets of doom” spilling their half baked ideas all across the internet, and I am beginning to see some fruit come from my efforts. What has amazed me is the amount of education I've had to dispense in order to fill this prescription. 

Back when I was in school it was mandatory that we took a civics class. In fact, Texas History was mandatory, too. We had to learn WHAT a democrat was, WHAT a republican was, WHY the Alamo happened, and just what position Texas held in the United States. It was incredibly boring, but we knew who our representatives were, when the elections were, and more specifically, just HOW those elections actually worked. 

I learned about the electoral college in the fourth grade! That's right. Our teacher explained in detail about how all the classrooms would have an election, and one, two, or three students would be chosen from each class to take the results of that vote to the office, and put a slip of paper in a shoe box. From that the student council president would be chosen. Then, it was explained about how one student from each class, no matter how large or small, would be chosen to serve on the council. I understood all of this in the fourth grade! 

There were the usual heated discussions about “fair” and “unfair” and the teacher taught us the distinct difference between democracy, and republic. We resolved the issues at eight years old that people like Jill Stein are still struggling with today, and THAT, my fellow Americans, is what is why you saw demonstrators in the streets who hadn't even bothered to vote! 

Then along come the Facebook community commentators, who, while knowing very little about the process of government, have tons to say about false flags, red flags, and just about anything that seems to be on the rag. Back in the day we watched pro wrestling, but babies in diapers knew it was fake. We knew that Oral Roberts really couldn't replace a missing leg, and read the National Enquirer for entertainment, NOT news! Now, these “alternative news” sources grace our iPads, with the exact same nonsense, and everyone runs to their doctor to up their blood pressure medicine. These “commentators” are no more a news source than Gorgeous George was a wrestler! 

The people sucked in by all this are not stupid. They have been thrown into a fit over these stories and are genuinely upset. I said recently that the easy fix for this is just wait. The electoral college was hacked. No it wasn't. George Soros owns the voting machines, and all votes are going to go for Hillary. No they didn't. The electors are going to go renegade and thirty of them are going to jump the isle. No they didn't. The results will be contested, and the joint session of congress will be thrown into debate, giving the victory to the democrats. Didn't happen. Now, I'm just a simple old boy from Austin, but do y'all see a pattern here? 

When Doc Greene jerked me off that porch, back in 2012, I didn't know squat about Texas politics. Like my friend, Juan, says, “I ain't even gonna lie to chew!” Oh, I understood the processes, learned THAT in the fourth grade, but issues, positioning, standings, and the political hybrid, “RINO” were things I had to learn, and learn I did. At first I took the Will Rodgers approach, replacing political knowledge with humor, and clever writing, but slowly I began to develop, and the humor was supplanted with actual political Savvy that would prove out, given time. That's how I predicted that Donald Trump would be president during the first debates. I looked at the crowds. Oh, I learned to COUNT in the fourth grade, too.

I've told you about that pendulum that swings from left to right. Well, I was right on that one, too. Now, all of this wailing, and gnashing of teeth you hear from the left; did you think they'd take their medicine with a smile? We didn't give them Castor Oil, we gave them an enema. They are in sack cloth, with the ashes of Mount Carmel being poured over their heads, and unlike the city from the Bible these people will not repent! They will whine, and scream, and generate fake news for any political novice on Facebook with a Livefeed to take, and run with. But, for every smooth talking head, sprinting for the goal post, there’s always a line backer like me to knock the wind out of them. The cheerleader who gets one too many beers and passes out gets REALLY upset when she wakes up in the back of a pickup wearing someone else's shirt, and brothers and sisters, Donald Trump is going to put that shirt on the liberal left on January 20, 2017!

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