Monday, June 15, 2015

Ain't Jemima

    You know, I watch liberals every day, and I get a lot of entertainment out of them, but every now and then they excel in the preposterous. I give you Rachel Dolezal, Negro extraordinaire! I made a decision Saturday to take the weekend off, but my fingers were just a twitching until this morning. You can't make this stuff up, and to make it funnier, it was in Washington State! You think California is crazy? Washington State is the best kept secret in the country. At least two thirds of the population are homosexual potheads. All that aside I would have thought they'd gotten COLOR right. This is the epitome of political correctness. They're so white they're BLACK! 

    So I'm watching this woman being queried by a reporter, who is plainly asking her what COLOR she is, and she's stumble-bumbling through the interview saying things like, "I don't understand what you're saying!" What he's saying, baby, is "Yo hair don’ fit yo haid!" She was a chapter president for the NAACP no less, and they MISSED that? I reviewed pictures over the years with her complexion going through several levels of negrocity. Again, the hair! (Was Shirley Temple black?) I'm surprised she didn't Botox her lips. Hey, now I'm just a simple ol' boy from Austin, but I did a litmus test and outed her right off the bat. I checked out several YouTube videos and baby did NOT have BACK! 

    Please forgive me, Liberals, but you simply can't discuss this story and NOT get racial.  She's a fairly cute kid, all but the hair. A little boxy, but heck, that's no deal killer. What I don't get is what difference did it make? Oh, yes . . . You gotta be black, or derivative thereof to be in NAACP! Now "those" people (did I really just say that?) can have black holidays, black clubs, black PANTHERS, and black presidents, but the rest of us can't even have a white angel food cake. This nonsense has held sway so long that it was thought it was so tied up so tight that it would never come unraveled. Then, somebody spilled the chitlins, er, beans, and de walls come a tumblin down! 

    Now, before you libtards go into a feeding frenzy remember I'm white trash. I'm the Cracker in the woodpile. Good, sound people of ALL colors are laughing their selves silly over this right now. It's not as funny as Bruce Gender, but it's right up there in the top five! This fool gets caught with her pants down (wonder if she . . . .no, not gonna go there) and the liberals all begin to spin. The NAACP is really caught between the rock and the hard place because they now have to face their OWN racism. Did she do the job or NOT? Would her race really affect her job performance? More importantly, would she have risen to prominence if she were white? Swat them bees! For the time being they're stuck with Ain't Jemima. Wonder where Al Sharpton is on this issue?
Simple Ol' Boy From Austin

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